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Poor ideas and poorer engineers are killing Indian startups


May 9, 2017
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Despite all the efforts, the industry is built on a flawed foundation. More than 90% of startups in India fail within five years of founding, according to IBM. :lol::rofl:

The melee of newbies
Aping successful business models is doing the nascent startup industry little good in finding its own bearings.

More than 77% of venture capitalists interviewed by IBM cited the lack of pioneering innovation as a major reason for startups fizzling out. “Indian startups are prone to emulate already successful global ideas,” the report notes. The homegrown Olas and Flipkarts and Snapdeals are proof.

Finding and holding on to the right talent is another big hurdle. Technical institutes in the country churn out 1.5 million engineering graduates each year, but fewer than 5% of them are deemed employable. For years, India’s limited tech talent has also been subject to brain drain. Even though that trend is reversing, it will take years for the effects to show. Especially since startups have lost their grip on Silicon Valley veterans who returned to partake in the dynamic environment. Seven in ten of the venture capitalists in IBM’s survey believe that “talent acquisition is one of the biggest challenges faced by Indian startups, and limited availability of necessary skills impedes growth.”

Startups are also grappling with a funding crunch, according to 65% of the venture capitalists. In the quarter ending March 2017, the volume of initial angel and seed investments more than halved to 120 compared with 245 deals in the same period in 2016. And Series A funding, traditionally secured right after seed funding to expand user bases and develop the businesses, declined 65% in deal value from a year ago.

A lack of knowledgeable and experienced mentors and amateur founders added to the troubled mix.

Bringing back a conscience
Poor business ethics often put investors and founders on different pages, fracturing entire businesses.

Founders often get away with misrepresenting their financials, obscuring future plans and exuding their disregard for regulatory constraints, Economic Times reported. Eventually, the lines between business funds and personal wealth get blurred. (It’s no wonder that India’s richest men also head some of the biggest companies.)

“Thinking of that money as their own, as opposed to taking care of it because the capital is vested in a company or to build a certain technology, affects the organisation, and how people are treated,” Nipun Mehrotra, chief digital officer, IBM India and South Asia, told Economic Times.

Kartik Hosanagar, professor of marketing at the University of Pennsylvania, blames a combination of India’s “overall jugaadmentality” (a makeshift attitude) and “poor governance” for the flouting of laws and the inaccuracies in financial data. For instance, the lack of an active board can mean some of the issues like financial misreporting can go unnoticed.

“Largely, good investors stay out of the way and let founders do their thing. Excessive interference only hurts startup progress,” says Hosanagar. “But a complete absence of governance can be bad too. First-time entrepreneurs can benefit from some hand-holding.”

Source: qz
A person needs to "work" alot before becoming an engineer. Unfortunately in subcontinent, we make engineers with theory only, or a little bit of demos or small exercises.
Absolutely right...And we need to ditch these shortcuts and standardization is the only way forward. Syllabus based education is screwing us.

This is more evident when people doing diploma can actually solve more problems than a person who has done his masters from NIT or IIT.
I have to agree with this article, some of the recent Indian graduate engineers I have met (doing their Masters) have been absolutely atrocious across the board. Poor time management, horrendous technical skills, non existing people skills and the list goes on. These are guys from some of the best universities in the country.

That being said, the Pakistanis are no better and the Chinese only slightly so.
Nothing will improve as long as government will not take concrete steps to impose tough rules and regulations on the universities and colleges.
You call this a city (Bengaluru)?
Pakistan has small share of roof top colleges that sprung up all over India churning out so called techies in large numbers, to make way, enter the IT revolution in India and obviously to get job...I don't blame them.
I live in Bangalore and its true traffic sucks here and more so during office hours but driving through weekend nights can be pleasant and uplifting when traffic is not as crazy coupled with Bangalore's good weather.

It's not just the traffic, the quality of the infrastructure sucks big time.

Not trying to troll, but if you've ever been to China and compare the quality of the infrastructure. Indian infrastructure still have a long way to go.
It's not just the traffic, the quality of the infrastructure sucks big time.
true but it is improving. Bangalore is developed in patches, and IT parks are world class but road infra in the outskirts and expanded parts of the city needs to be worked upon.

One thing that has worked in favor of Bangalore in making it an IT city is its nice weather, nightlife, and friendly people.
More than 90% of startups in India fail within five years of founding, according to IBM. :lol::rofl:
Have SOME shame.

That means 10% of the startups succeed. We try. We fail. We pick ourselves up and try again. Big enterprises are not built in a fortnight.


Thats true...The quality of engineers in India has dropped very badly.
Quality of engineers has nothing to do with startups. Startups in India usually satisfy a demand. It can be engineers, pilots, painters, cooks etc. Technology startups are actually not many.

Nothing will improve as long as government will not take concrete steps to impose tough rules and regulations on the universities and colleges.
Enterprise building should be delinked from (technical) education.

Companies can be built by people with no formal education. College or even high school dropouts have made great companies.
Startups should be attempted after getting atleast a decade of work experience in the relevant field.(not talking about exceptions).
Problem is not only genuine startups but also fraudalent ones in which loans are taken from corrupt bank officials . Money is diverted and co declared bankrupt.
Engineering graduate quality is bad but how relevant is the theory to the actual industry.
Everyone learns on the job.
Engineers from good colleges are valued because they possess problem solving capacity and work ethic.
Eg of hotmail founder Sabeer bhatia , who sold hotmail for 300 m usd in the 90s to windows but every subsequent startup of his has failed.
So what does that prove.
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