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POLL. What is your favorite halal meat?

What is your favorite meat?

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I always want to try some Indian beef I heard it’s tasty. Hoping next time I visit back home they’ll be Indian beef available to buy. If not might have to go India to try some beef biryani. But where would it be safe from Modi’s hindutva extremists though? Can Indian Muslims and and Christians and beef eatings even eat beef anywhere in India? Heard lot about Hyderabadi biryani seeing on youtube, would like to try the beef version though..
I don't think there's anything special about Indian beef. In fact, most of the cows I have seen in India are pretty skinny, weak and look like no one cares about them (respecting and taking care are two different things).

Furthermore, why do you want to go to India to eat beef while you can enjoy it in UK or Bd.
BTW, when I was in USA, I had a lot of India family friends and whenever I invited them, I never served beef on the table...because it is not good to hurt and disrespect the guests. Though they fully knew that I eat and love beef, I never hide it but just didn't eat in their presence.
This sums it all, what is best for what dish. All meats are good for specific dish
The idea is to eat a wholesome food suitable to your lifestyle. If your lifestyle sedentary i.e. working in office / desk sitting in front of the computer the whole day and you don't walk enough, you should not be eating too much of calories that get stored as fat. But for engineers working the fields, labourers, sports people, etc..they can eat meat. My work is mostly sitting in the office, holding meetings & delivering keynotes, and some computer work which is not very physical so I have replaced elevators with stairs, car and public transport with walking and bicycling.
Personally, Kalahari - sheep or even impala; king of meat is kudu or eland especially the hump.

Kalahari or Botswana beef is beyond anything people may have eaten. Just phenomenal.
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