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politicians call for profiling of Muslims


Feb 12, 2006
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politicians call for profiling of Muslims

By Our Correspondent
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug 22: Mark Flanagan, a congressional candidate in Florida, has become the fourth office-seeker of the Republican Party to call for profiling of Muslim airline passengers since the alleged airline bombing plot in Britain announced earlier this month.

“It is a fact that over the past 34 years, starting with the Munich Olympics, the majority of terrorist attacks have been carried out by Muslims,” said Mark Flanagan, a candidate in the 13th District of Florida, in a statement on Monday.

Flanagan’s political consultant, David Johnson, explained that under the proposal, passengers who appear to be Arab or Muslim would be pulled out of security lines for additional screening.

Although Flanagan claimed that he was the only congressional candidate calling for profiling of Muslim passengers, there were at least three other Republican politicians who called for profiling of Muslims last week.

Declaring that airport screeners shouldn’t be hampered by ‘political correctness’, house Homeland Security chairman Peter King also endorsed last week requiring people of ‘Middle Eastern and South Asian’ descent to undergo additional security checks because of their ethnicity and religion.

Discussing the recent revelation of an alleged plot in Britain to blow up US-bound airliners, the Seaford Republican said, “If the threat is coming from a particular group, I can understand why it would make sense to single them out for further questioning.”

His prejudice against the American Muslims is nothing new. In 2004 he said that 85 per cent of the mosques in the United States had extremist leadership.

Joining the fray, Paul Nelson, a Republican running in the third district of Wisconsin, also endorsed the idea last week on a local radio show.

The GOP gubernatorial candidate in New York, John Faso, also joined the chorus.

Faso said law-enforcement officials should be able to question a Muslim man without fear of being slapped by an ACLU lawsuit.

The GOP politicians’ endorsement of profiling came as Muslims and Arabs witnessed a rise in ethnic profiling, harassment and discrimination.

On three occasions in a nine-day stretch from August 8 to August 17, a total of five Arab-American men and a Pakistani woman were tagged as potential terrorists.

Two Dearborn men were arrested on August 8 in southeastern Ohio after being caught with a dozen prepaid cell phones and $11,000.

On August 11, three Texas men were arrested near a Wal-Mart outlet in Caro, Michigan, after buying 80 cell phones. Police said the men also had videos and photos of the Mackinac Bridge and 1,000 more cell phones in their van.

How are they to profile a person of the Islamic faith?

They can profile an Asian because of the looks and colour, but a person of the Islamic faith is very difficult to make out unless he is wearing Islamic type of clothes or has a typical Islamic beard.

In fact, Indian actor Raj Kumar looked more like a person of the Islamic faith than say Sharuk Khan!

And then the actual bomber turns out be a white who has converted to Islam like that shoe bomber!

God Bless them all!
So much for democarey and free to pritice your faith. Agreed that it was muslims that carried out attacks, but don't these people want to know why? Why it was muslims that carried out attacks??
It's ridiculous.

check this report on fox news, just observe the racism and ignorance of these neocons.

this terrorism threat, is just a string of devices they use to control the general public. fear is the most effective tool in controlling a people. how many airlines have been diverted for no apparant reason, simply on based on a purported threat. they need to cultivate this culture of fear, and it serves nobody except the imperialistic forces.
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How are they to profile a person of the Islamic faith?

They can profile an Asian because of the looks and colour, but a person of the Islamic faith is very difficult to make out unless he is wearing Islamic type of clothes or has a typical Islamic beard.

In fact, Indian actor Raj Kumar looked more like a person of the Islamic faith than say Sharuk Khan!

And then the actual bomber turns out be a white who has converted to Islam like that shoe bomber!

God Bless them all!
Additional screening?

Goto the US, and you'd be tagged based on your nationality at the immigration counter. They'd make you jump through hoops, give you different color files (level of alert I guess)... They make you go through several "checks" which contribute ZERO to homeland security.

I mean the immigration officers are highly unmotivated, and would just repeatedly ask you the same questions "what's the purpose of your visit, where are you going to stay, what do you do back home". Heck the US embassy asks more questions man! And they make us enter them into electronic forms, so the data shouldn't be hard to pull out!

The immigration officers aren't tech savvy at all. They are more like cops! They'd bang their monitors when their servers are running slow! Perhaps they should straighten up their own employees, pay them a little higher so they have some incentive to work. They are like always complaining "look at all these people I have to deal with boo hoo"... 6-10 hours at the immigration desk is no joke and it's no "additional screening", either. It's just incompetency.

In Dubai, Immigration officers are probably getting paid close to what engineers are being paid! They are connected to state of the art networks, which pull out information fast and clear the passengers within minutes!

Agreeably additional checks on Muslims has some justification... But it shouldn't be all at the cost of the passenger. Passengers are customers, who PAY the airport in the form of airport tax, who pay the airlines. So they should have machinery that can scan everything by themselves. If they have to strip search someone, at least do it in the privacy of a curtained booth, for women keep women officers to body search them.

All these people who give these suggestions about "additional screening" should travel just ONCE as a Muslim to see what they are doing.
Islam is not a race. I personally think the terrorists would love it. They could sent a East Asian looking, or a blond blue eyed Pashtun, Chechen or tajik. Or a black Nigerian.

It is an inane thing todo.
All these people who give these suggestions about "additional screening" should travel just ONCE as a Muslim to see what they are doing.


The way you have described the issue, forget about me travelling as a person of the Islamic faith, I would not travel as me, either! :)

Maybe it is easier to travel as a giraffe, even if one has to stick his neck out, so to say! :cheers:
i agree with Averröes its just a tool to scare off their own people and its a pitty the West just do that to tame their people for some intrests.
everytime u hear "suspected" does suspected means a person proved gulity of a crime or its just a suspician.
Pitty daily they kill scores over the same rule "suspected" this and that killed.
Media has become a WMD (Weapon of Mass Deception) in the hand of these neocons, evengelists and zions. They know that if they scare the public enough, they can hunt safely. They are doing exactly the same.
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