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Political funny sony Dempcracy of Indian song "PYAR KI PUNAGI"

Frankly, I don't find it funny.

It's like blaming the clouds because you bet that it would rain and then you lost the bet when it didn't.

It reminds me of the 'Ye Hum Nahin' denials when this recent spate of terrorism began in Pakistan somewhere around 2008.

Cross your heart and say when has democracy been given a chance in Pakistan? Pakistanis have never even seen the workings of a democracy in the first place.

Heck, after 65 years of independence, even India is not a fully functioning democracy, we are still evolving, how can Pakistan be even a tenth of it?

How can you blame democracy when it's the Army that runs the show in almost everything that matters.


Blaming democracy for the current state of Pakistan:

It's convenient.

It's easy.

It's fashionable.

It's the 'in thing'.

It's anything but justified.
its not democracy song is about its about Pakistani corrupt politican. And to say democracy is the only solution isnt correct either. its DEMO CRAZY
its not democracy song is about its about Pakistani corrupt politican. And to say democracy is the only solution isnt correct either. its DEMO CRAZY

My point is simple.

To discard democracy or to blame it, first of all you have to give it a chance.

How can you blame democracy without even giving it a chance?
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