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Policeman martyred, dozens injured in Islamabad clashes; Army called

Well Syria or Iraq , what ever

The claim is very simple - Criminals whose cases have been decided by Supreme court need to be behind bar. They need not to be given a VIP protocol and luxury to spend from Pakistan's treasury for their illegal ugly campaigns

It is a joke against intelligence of every educated Pakistani person to accept a person who has been declared criminal and his whole family is caught on TV lying about assets

It is also disgusting this man (Nawaz Sharif ) has hijacked the political party name of people who actually did work to get independence (Note that original party was disbanded). N League should be barred from using the Muslim League name it is absolutely criminal to allow this corrupt group to abuse the name of such name which had distinguished politicians in early 1900

We are talking about 100-150 corrupt politicians , Pakistan is strong enough nation to give rise to 1 Million people with good character to replace these folks

Sexual predators also shud be beheaded currently we have one looking at premiership
نواز خدا نہیں ہے، اگر ہٹا دیا جائے تو، زمین ہل جائے گی

اگر وہ پیغمبر محمد کو آخری نبی کے طور پر نہیں پہچانتے ہیں
پھر وہ پاکستان میں قوانین بنانے کے مستحق نہیں ہیں

جرائم سے بھرا ہوا پارلیمنٹ غیر قانونی ہے

مجرموں کو جیل میں رکھو
ہوٹل میں نہیں

جیل کے بجائے یہ سیاسی مجرم یورپ کیوں جاتے ہیں
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How many policemenn killed by these religious fanatics?
one police man accidentally got killed after getting hit in the head with a rock. that too after they stormed the area of protest and attacked them and burned their belongings.
dont forget the protest is happening in pakistan these guys could easily burn down the whole city in islamabad and couldve gotten real guns instead of sticks and stones but they didnt. that should tell you something...
these coward cops couldve easily have been in a worst situation but these protestors are not here for that.

but yeah since these guys are protesting for religious reasons just screw them right? because not like pakistan is a country made for muslims , so it doesnt matter if government sneakingly tries to change laws... jus saying

these protests should not have happened... lives of rich islamabadians have been disrupted by these evil mullahs.
pakistan shouldnt put up with these mullahs even though they are protesting (something that is their right) against a government which most likely changed the law on purpose to please westerners....
these mullahs are so messed up they shouldnt have the right to protest because they are indian agents not ordinary pakistanis from amoungst our families.
and also so what if majority of pakistan supports them?
they disrupted lives of the elite and stopped their kids from going to school even though millions or ordinary kids dont go to school every day in our fucked up country.
Well corrective actions are needed immediately

1- Parliament should dissolve for losing trust of People
2- New elections should be announced in 90 days
3- Criminals , given guilty verdicts by Supreme court should be sent to Jail , property confiscated
4- Public apology should be issued to people of Pakistan before Parliament is dissolved
5- Supreme court should Block any Law amendments made in last 60 days

People are sick of seeing :
NO MORE DRAMA of lying on hospital bed when Court declares you criminal
one police man accidentally got killed after getting hit in the head with a rock. that too after they stormed the area of protest and attacked them and burned their belongings.
dont forget the protest is happening in pakistan these guys could easily burn down the whole city in islamabad and couldve gotten real guns instead of sticks and stones but they didnt. that should tell you something...
these coward cops couldve easily have been in a worst situation but these protestors are not here for that.

but yeah since these guys are protesting for religious reasons just screw them right? because not like pakistan is a country made for muslims , so it doesnt matter if government sneakingly tries to change laws... jus saying

these protests should not have happened... lives of rich islamabadians have been disrupted by these evil mullahs.
pakistan shouldnt put up with these mullahs even though they are protesting (something that is their right) against a government which most likely changed the law on purpose to please westerners....
these mullahs are so messed up they shouldnt have the right to protest because they are indian agents not ordinary pakistanis from amoungst our families.
and also so what if majority of pakistan supports them?
they disrupted lives of the elite and stopped their kids from going to school even though millions or ordinary kids dont go to school every day in our fucked up country.

Stop posting BS.
The law minister is gone what else u want,parliament!

This mullah is using Islam as a tool for the general elections of 2018, and i hate when a person use religion as a tool.
And tell me how can he sit on a mimber and use words like" dallay, kutte, behen ki siri, ma ki siri ", he litterally insults everyone, and u call him imaam. Theese guys are supposed to teach us deen and quran!
On last week's mahaaz with WSK on dharna, on a question " by sitting here u are blocking the way to schools of many boys and girls, why? " and he answered " actually it is a good thing that girls don't go schools, they ( the girls) should remain in homes they don't need to be educated"

Now u can choose on wich side u want to be, but if u call this protest a " khatam e Nabuwat" defense, u r wrong

This is clearly a political, pre-planned move to gain votes in 2018 elections
Hooligans terrorists supporters have bring nothing but misery to Pakistanis. The life of daily wages worker has become so difficult due to these chaotic mullas.
There is no Mulla or wulla , Muslims are protesting we reject this bull shit parliament

  • Nawaz sharif is not my Lord
  • Ishaq dar is not my king
  • Nawaz's family is not above law to not go Jail
  • Ishaq dar's property is not so special it can't be confiscated and sold

Who is this Nawaz sharif who gets a VISA anytime he wants to travel anytime to any country he wants to have secret meetings overseas?

Why is he above the Law ? Why are all his colleagues above the Law?

These politicians are OUR SERVANT!!!! Not the other way around!!!



Why don't these Criminals go to Jail and get treated in Central Jail's Hospital ?

When court demands them to give evidence they lie on a bed and take photoshots
2-3 days later they are up giving speeches in political campaigns
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This should be the wakeup call for the people that who deep the cancer of radicalism has spread in Pakistan.i have been shouting since last 3 years.that if you want to get rid of the terrorism get rid of these mullahs and educate the people yourself.no amount of operations can help us without it.but some are still in denial are still wondering where are the breeding grounds of terrorists god damn it people as these recent events proves whole Pakistan is fertile land for the terrorists.this mullaniyat and jhalat will be our down fall we need to shed this centuries old mindset if we want to survive in this century.
Once corrupt politicians are in Jail , public will be very happy

When you have a Parliament whose main leader is corrupt and disqualified by court ( Held Prime Minister Role, Foreign Minister, Sports Minister of Cricket)

When you have Parliament whose Minister of Finance is under investigation and no show in court (Held Finance Minister role)

When you have a party like Nawaz Party whose main objective is to wash Nawaz Sharif foot with water and every member of that party drinks the drink as a Tonic.

The Parliamentarians are all morally corrupt when they allowed the return of Nawaz Sharif to become head of political party by Hook or crook

Due to Moral decay of the Parliamentarians they lack the ability to Protect the interest of People of Pakistan , and their own desire is to wash Nawaz Sharif's foot with water and just drink that water in morning and night before they sleep

Not a Single member of House of Sharif has gone to Prison !!! Not a single one even after Supreme court verdict. He WILL NEVER BE A KING ...!!!

No one in Pakistan will bow down and Kiss the hand of King of Nawaz Party
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Everyone knew that the OP was not feasible!

NS is a REAL Donkey brain - Even Zardari would have taken the situation seriously and sacrificed a couple of his ministers to calm the situation down but this NS idiot has gone real mad!

Or wait - he wants this? Does this situation help him?

And those liberals who are word-shitting must know that the protest was PEACEFUL - Does this digest? No? You need DESI PHAKKI - If you have a personal hatred for Mullahs no medicine can be cure of hate.

And peaceful protest is fundamental right of all citizens. The protest was peaceful until force was used and you living on the earth for many years must have known a phrase "Every Action has a reaction" so yeah, govt made this bloodshed!

As far as demands? There are 2 scenarios!

1. The LAW was changed i repeat "LAW" was changed mistakenly.
2. It was changed intentionally.

In scenario 1. That show the ineligibility, inability or idiocy of the person in position that a LAW was changed mistakenly? The person in position of responsibility must resign for such inability. Its a bit too rediculous, Are those lawmakers or monkeys sitting in the parliament and have no idea what laws are changing in the country?

Scenario 2. shows deeper motives. Must be investigated and those who are involved must be dealt with according to the LAW of the land.

Ether way, the guy in the position of responsibility must resign and be investigated.
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This chaos was created to divert attention of Local Pakistani public while he Parliament (PML) passed other laws to allow a way for Nawaz Sharif to be able to hold Political Office of a Political Party in Pakistan

1. Supreme court had banned Nawaz Sharif from being able to hold office of a political party so they wanted to pass this law for appeasement of their King.

2. Properties for Nawaz Sharif / his family were being confiscated again some time was need to do workaround to get around those Supreme court orders so attention diversion was needed

3. Ishaq dar was a fugative from Court who did not showed up to court and court had issued statement he is a Fugative criminal so some time was needed to show him as a medically unfit person to give him 6-7 months of relief till next election

4. Mysteriously he also reached out to MQM to ask them to do a political drama with PSP which caused nothing but more diversion and chaos on national TVs who covered this drama which lasted few days. Nawaz has made backdoor alliance with MQM from time to time to gain some favors and the normally cause some scene or disturbances when Nawaz requests them (Its a you give some favor , and later I will remember your favor type approach)

5. Nawaz made some trips overseas but did not appear as if he was allowed refuge overseas by his traditional helpers

6.Recently he attempted to reach out to PPP :P for handshake in effort to perhaps make a deal in return for no prison time and closure of his cases by next government

The chaos is just created to keep people/military busy and forget about Nawaz sharif for few months. The idea is simple ... cause just enough chaos , that people forget about your case for few months and Nawaz Sharif can figure out some escape routes

Nawaz is the dugdoogi master and Military/People are the puppets

That is why till he is sent to Prison Nation will not get on right path along with his goons 100-150 goons
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Is it?? can you please post a proof because nobody can accept that and I wonder how can Nawaz commit such a blunder
It was most likely done a day or a week before legislation I doubt it was being discussed for a year

True but at the same time army can't stand idly by and watch the country descend into chaos.
The Fish bone for PML N is if they resort to such tactics, they tend to lose any remaining power or leverage.
Army also can't afford to destroy their reputation because here issue is Khatm e Nabuwat and Army if looks like standing on Government side would destroy their reputation
Army also can't afford to destroy their reputation because here issue is Khatm e Nabuwat and Army if looks like standing on Government side would destroy their reputation

Army has refused to deploy... and ehsan iqbal only him self to blame for the mess
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