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Policeman martyred, dozens injured in Islamabad clashes; Army called

A) if the law ministers resignation be treated as an apology. What legal cases he faces from the state?

None, just like the other ministets who resigned earlier and were brought back at a later time...he might not be so lucky as to make a comeback as there is not much time left till next election and pmln Shahbaz is trying to undo the damage done by pmln Nawaz...tried and tested game of good cop - bad cop and using tax payers money.

B) why is the law minister the only problem? The whole of parliament and senate passed it on. Why is no one asking for resignation or those in the government not rendering their resignation.

Because he happened to be the law minister, however, he did state in his resignation that he himself had nothing to do with the changes. No body reads the bill they are passing or opposing. They do what the party bosses want them to do. This does not absolve them from their responsibility to read it but thats the way most of the MNA's are; taking it easy on taxpayers money.

C) why is hypocrisy only a mullah monopoly just like terrorism? Don't we believe in economic terrorism?

All about general impression and whatever sells depending on whoever is buying. We see pmln playing on both sides of the self created divide and giving statements that suits whichever side they are dealing with.

Economic terrorism is just as lethal if not more. So the need arised and diversion created, the attention shifted and now the victim card is being sold to those who were eagerly willing to buy it.
Now politics will be done based on sectarian divide than policy making of development?
It seems that Politics was already being done on sectarian divide but it has turned these players on their heads in the opposite direction. It just out in the open now.They didn't even develop their own constituencies miserable conditions and contaminated water supplies so they pose no threat to the potential of development anyhow, lol.

Religious affiliations have been a ground reality of our politics.

May be this debacle will serve to open the eyes of public that in politics of survival, anything is considered fair game. Depends on what lessons people take away from it all but it is also true that some people never learn and continue to follow their leadership to the very end. This is why quality education is the need of the hour - education reform.
Why under operation Raddul Fassad sectarianism is being tolerated on government level? The state does not recognise your damn sects you fools.
Because it serves them well...but the jury is out on the fallout of this debacle. That state does not recognise sects is the basis of peaceful coexistence due to assurance of equal treatment...the force that is binding us and the reason we are not fighting the riots that were cooked up and threatened to engulf the whole country.

The Anti Army bigots will continue to beat their drums of war but isn't this the reason they are called opportunistic and selective - pseudo-liberals.
None, just like the other ministets who resigned earlier and were brought back at a later time...he might not be so lucky as to make a comeback as there is not much time left till next election and pmln Shahbaz is trying to undo the damage done by pmln Nawaz...tried and tested game of good cop - bad cop and using tax payers money.

Because he happened to be the law minister, however, he did state in his resignation that he himself had nothing to do with the changes. No body reads the bill they are passing or opposing. They do what the party bosses want them to do. This does not absolve them from their responsibility to read it but thats the way most of the MNA's are; taking it easy on taxpayers money.

All about general impression and whatever sells depending on whoever is buying. We see pmln playing on both sides of the self created divide and giving statements that suits whichever side they are dealing with.

Economic terrorism is just as lethal if not more. So the need arised and diversion created, the attention shifted and now the victim card is being sold to those who were eagerly willing to buy it.

It seems that Politics was already being done on sectarian divide but it has turned these players on their heads in the opposite direction. It just out in the open now.They didn't even develop their own constituencies miserable conditions and contaminated water supplies so they pose no threat to the potential of development anyhow, lol.

Religious affiliations have been a ground reality of our politics.

May be this debacle will serve to open the eyes of public that in politics of survival, anything is considered fair game. Depends on what lessons people take away from it all but it is also true that some people never learn and continue to follow their leadership to the very end. This is why quality education is the need of the hour - education reform.

Because it serves them well...but the jury is out on the fallout of this debacle. That state does not recognise sects is the basis of peaceful coexistence due to assurance of equal treatment...the force that is binding us and the reason we are not fighting the riots that were cooked up and threatened to engulf the whole country.

The Anti Army bigots will continue to beat their drums of war but isn't this the reason they are called opportunistic and selective - pseudo-liberals.

Its a textbook definition of a banana republic.

I think the anti army bigots have finally struck gold. But who da fuzz cares?

Like we have no functional national government then?

How the hell are we surviving? Whose praying for us?
Its a textbook definition of a banana republic.

I think the anti army bigots have finally struck gold. But who da fuzz cares?

Like we have no functional national government then?

How the hell are we surviving? Whose praying for us?

The Army is what is keeping Pakistan together, for better and worse.
The Army is what is keeping Pakistan together, for better and worse.

Stop crying wolf boy.

We are talking about the civil setup not the country.

Remember the messianic democracy. Its here.

Corruption cases though can be handed over to the army since civilian courts are too worked up.
Stop crying wolf boy.

We are talking about the civil setup not the country.

Remember the messianic democracy. Its here.

Corruption cases though can be handed over to the army since civilian courts are too worked up.

The Army is the only working institution in the entire country. There is not much left of Pakistan without its Army. Whether one likes it or not, that remains an incontrovertible fact, with all its implications, good and bad.
Its a textbook definition of a banana republic.

I think the anti army bigots have finally struck gold. But who da fuzz cares?

Like we have no functional national government then?

How the hell are we surviving? Whose praying for us?

The cause of confusion is the guy sitting outside the assembly and remote controlling the government. The PM is trying to tread the tightrope of government by balancing loyalty to the country with loyalty to the Kingpin.

The Army has shown that it is standing with the current constitutional setup.

In my opinion, The COAS's shoulder is often used by PM for balancing himself as he finds himself falling off the rope more than he is on it due to the suicidal remote controlled decisions coming from Jati Umra.

It is indeed a miracle of sorts, the way we are moving forward miraculously but constitutionally.

This setup may go on only until mian sahiban decide that they are no longer in control of the flow of legal events and order the PM to break the assembly as they only have this card left, they already lost the card of spreading widespread anarchy and claiming victimization in the eyes of most of their religiously motivated followers.
The Army is the only working institution in the entire country. There is not much left of Pakistan without its Army. Whether one likes it or not, that remains an incontrovertible fact, with all its implications, good and bad.

No man my garbage got picked today.

People are working just competing with each other instead of helping each other.

You guys are just fishing for a takeover and NRO.

Bugger off I say

The cause of confusion is the guy sitting outside the assembly and remote controlling the government. The PM is trying to tread the tightrope of government by balancing loyalty to the country with loyalty to the Kingpin.

The Army has shown that it is standing with the current constitutional setup.

In my opinion, The COAS's shoulder is often used by PM for balancing himself as he finds himself falling off the rope more than he is on it due to the suicidal remote controlled decisions coming from Jati Umra.

It is indeed a miracle of sorts, the way we are moving forward miraculously but constitutionally.

This setup may go on only until mian sahiban decide that they are no longer in control of the flow of legal events and order the PM to break the assembly as they only have this card left, they already lost the card of spreading widespread anarchy and claiming victimization.

They should have taken the current excuse but why is Mr. Sharif so relevant?

Parliament has lost its credibility in the eyes of the people. I won't trust these parties in any political campaign nor anyone will be stupid enough to stand up for these parties who are facing article 6 themselves.

I really think it's checkmate for the current crop.

MURIDKE (92 News) – Tehreek Labbaik chief Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi has announced to launch a march from Lahore to Islamabad on January 4.

Addressing workers in Muridke on Tuesday, he said that the government fired shots and baton charged the workers.

“Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa foiled the government’s conspiracy of bloodshed by playing his historic role,” he maintained.

Earlier, the Tehreek-e-Labbaik caravan, which reached Data Darbar Lahore after ending the Faizabad sit-in, was accorded a rousing welcome in different cities.

The caravan made stopovers in Jhelum, Sarai Alamgir, Gujrat, Gujranwala, Kamoke and Muridke where a large number of workers showered rose petals on the participants. They also chanted slogans in favor of the Khtam-e-Nabuwwat.

Addressing the workers at different places, Allama Khadim Rizvi said that Zahid Hamid’s resignation is the first step towards an end to the evil.

“The public representatives involved in making the amendment will be exposed. However, it not a success to get the workers martyred. I will inform about the future strategy,” he said.

He said that the ruling party has lost its dignity. “The blood of the martyrs will not go waste.”

Afzal Qadri said that the agreement has been reached with the government. “Shahbaz Sharif will make a big announcement today. We have rejected the government offer to give compensation to the families of the martyred people. The Tehreek Labbaik itself will help the families,” he added.


This means the additional 7 demands were also true. "14. The chehlum of martyrs will be held on January 4 at Rawalpindi's Liaquat Bagh." The crowd will swell with people sympathetic to Mumtaz qadri who killed Taseer on Jan 4. Rizvi has really thought this through!
Last edited:
LAHORE: Trouble for the embattled Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz is not over yet as it has shifted from the Abbasi government to the Shahbaz administration in Punjab after another faction of the Tehreek-i-Labbaik Ya Rasool Allah (TLYRA) that is camping on The Mall has included more ‘pressing demands’ in the agreement it had signed with the Punjab government some weeks ago.

On Monday, the federal government had an agreement with a TLYRA faction led by Khadim Hussain Rizvi to end the 20-day Faizabad sit-in.

However, for the Punjab government the test has just begun. As the TLYRA faction led by Dr Ashraf Asif Jalali has refused to end the sit-in on The Mall till the acceptance of all its demands by the Punjab government.

A three-member team of the government headed by Railways Minister Khawaja Saad Rafique had negotiated with the TLYRA leadership and agreed that Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah would appear before a board of clerics to explain his position regarding his comments about the Ahmadi community.

On Tuesday, Mr Jalali came up with a demand for law minister’s resignation, in addition to some more strict conditions.

A PML-N leader, who is holding negotiations with Mr Jilali’s faction, asked it to withdraw its demand for Mr Sanaullah’s resignation because Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif was not ready to accept it. “Let me tell you...unlike the Abbasi government, the Shahbaz administration will not go for Sanaullah’s resignation,” he told Dawn.

Tehreek-i-Labbaik refuses to end Lahore sit-in till acceptance of all its demands

Mr Sanaullah told Dawn that he had already called on a board of ulema to clarify some video clips (about his comments on Ahmadis) and they had been satisfied.

He said the federal government had already signed a six-point agreement with the TLYRA and Mr Jalali was part of it. “Now responsibility lies with the guarantor to implement the agreement,” he said, adding that Mr Jalali was angry as he was not taken on board by Mr Rizvi. “We will not accept any more demand of the protesters,” Mr Sanaullah made it clear.

Saad Rafique having the blessing of the Punjab government had signed a six-point agreement with Mr Jalali’s four-member team when the TLYRA activists were leaving for Islamabad to hold a sit-in. Minister of State for Interior Talal Chaudhry and Islamabad Deputy Commissioner retired Mushtaq Ahmed were other members of the government team.

According to the agreement, blasphemy convict Christian woman Aasia Bibi would not be allowed to leave the country and the government would implement the court decision in her case.

“Those responsible for change in the Khatm-i-Nubuwat clause should be identified and punished and the government should take ulema on board in this regard. The ban on use of more than one loudspeaker in mosques should be lifted forthwith. A consultative committee of ulema should be constituted to see matters related to those conspiring against the Khatm-i-Nubuwat and the misuse of this law,” the agreement says.

“Now Mr Jilali who says he is the main stakeholder of this matter, and not Khadim Hussain Rizvi, has added more strict conditions to this agreement which are not easy for the government to accept,” the PML-N leader said, adding that the protesters seemed to have “some other designs”.

To give a goodwill gesture to the Mall Road sit-in protesters, Shahbaz Sharif on Tuesday ordered immediate release of leaders and workers of the TLYRA who were taken into custody a few days ago.

Sit-in continues
The TLYRA continued its sit-in on the Mall on Tuesday.

Talking to Dawn, Tehreek leader Asif Jalali said his movement’s three demands had not been met so far. These include resignation of the Punjab law minister for his controversial remarks, Qisas for those killed during the nationwide sit-in and making public the report of Raja Zafarul Haq-led committee.

“The government had promised to provide the Haq report within 20 days. It has been more than 20 days now,” he said, adding that the withdrawal of FIRs against those arrested during the sit-in and their release was a secondary issue.

About the longevity of the sit-in, Mr Jalali said only the Tehreek leadership could decide when to wind up, but it would most probably happen only after these demands were met.

So far, he added, the Punjab government had only offered to send its law minister to explain his point of view and background of the controversial statement, which had not satisfied the movement.

With the main artery of the city blocked, a huge traffic mess was witnessed on The Mall and all adjoining roads. The situation was so bad that the motorists on some sections of the roads covered a distance of half a kilometre in two hours or so.

This bumper-to-bumper mess was witnessed on Lawrence Road, Moang Road, Fane Road, Safan Wala Chowk, Cooper Road, Kashmir Road, Laxmi Chowk and its surroundings where the traffic was diverted from The Mall due to the sit-in.

Published in Dawn, November 29th, 2017
LAHORE: Trouble for the embattled Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz is not over yet as it has shifted from the Abbasi government to the Shahbaz administration in Punjab after another faction of the Tehreek-i-Labbaik Ya Rasool Allah (TLYRA) that is camping on The Mall has included more ‘pressing demands’ in the agreement it had signed with the Punjab government some weeks ago.

On Monday, the federal government had an agreement with a TLYRA faction led by Khadim Hussain Rizvi to end the 20-day Faizabad sit-in.

However, for the Punjab government the test has just begun. As the TLYRA faction led by Dr Ashraf Asif Jalali has refused to end the sit-in on The Mall till the acceptance of all its demands by the Punjab government.

A three-member team of the government headed by Railways Minister Khawaja Saad Rafique had negotiated with the TLYRA leadership and agreed that Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah would appear before a board of clerics to explain his position regarding his comments about the Ahmadi community.

On Tuesday, Mr Jalali came up with a demand for law minister’s resignation, in addition to some more strict conditions.

A PML-N leader, who is holding negotiations with Mr Jilali’s faction, asked it to withdraw its demand for Mr Sanaullah’s resignation because Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif was not ready to accept it. “Let me tell you...unlike the Abbasi government, the Shahbaz administration will not go for Sanaullah’s resignation,” he told Dawn.

Tehreek-i-Labbaik refuses to end Lahore sit-in till acceptance of all its demands

Mr Sanaullah told Dawn that he had already called on a board of ulema to clarify some video clips (about his comments on Ahmadis) and they had been satisfied.

He said the federal government had already signed a six-point agreement with the TLYRA and Mr Jalali was part of it. “Now responsibility lies with the guarantor to implement the agreement,” he said, adding that Mr Jalali was angry as he was not taken on board by Mr Rizvi. “We will not accept any more demand of the protesters,” Mr Sanaullah made it clear.

Saad Rafique having the blessing of the Punjab government had signed a six-point agreement with Mr Jalali’s four-member team when the TLYRA activists were leaving for Islamabad to hold a sit-in. Minister of State for Interior Talal Chaudhry and Islamabad Deputy Commissioner retired Mushtaq Ahmed were other members of the government team.

According to the agreement, blasphemy convict Christian woman Aasia Bibi would not be allowed to leave the country and the government would implement the court decision in her case.

“Those responsible for change in the Khatm-i-Nubuwat clause should be identified and punished and the government should take ulema on board in this regard. The ban on use of more than one loudspeaker in mosques should be lifted forthwith. A consultative committee of ulema should be constituted to see matters related to those conspiring against the Khatm-i-Nubuwat and the misuse of this law,” the agreement says.

“Now Mr Jilali who says he is the main stakeholder of this matter, and not Khadim Hussain Rizvi, has added more strict conditions to this agreement which are not easy for the government to accept,” the PML-N leader said, adding that the protesters seemed to have “some other designs”.

To give a goodwill gesture to the Mall Road sit-in protesters, Shahbaz Sharif on Tuesday ordered immediate release of leaders and workers of the TLYRA who were taken into custody a few days ago.

Sit-in continues
The TLYRA continued its sit-in on the Mall on Tuesday.

Talking to Dawn, Tehreek leader Asif Jalali said his movement’s three demands had not been met so far. These include resignation of the Punjab law minister for his controversial remarks, Qisas for those killed during the nationwide sit-in and making public the report of Raja Zafarul Haq-led committee.

“The government had promised to provide the Haq report within 20 days. It has been more than 20 days now,” he said, adding that the withdrawal of FIRs against those arrested during the sit-in and their release was a secondary issue.

About the longevity of the sit-in, Mr Jalali said only the Tehreek leadership could decide when to wind up, but it would most probably happen only after these demands were met.

So far, he added, the Punjab government had only offered to send its law minister to explain his point of view and background of the controversial statement, which had not satisfied the movement.

With the main artery of the city blocked, a huge traffic mess was witnessed on The Mall and all adjoining roads. The situation was so bad that the motorists on some sections of the roads covered a distance of half a kilometre in two hours or so.

This bumper-to-bumper mess was witnessed on Lawrence Road, Moang Road, Fane Road, Safan Wala Chowk, Cooper Road, Kashmir Road, Laxmi Chowk and its surroundings where the traffic was diverted from The Mall due to the sit-in.

Published in Dawn, November 29th, 2017
A monster after another monster:tup:
LAHORE: Trouble for the embattled Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz is not over yet as it has shifted from the Abbasi government to the Shahbaz administration in Punjab after another faction of the Tehreek-i-Labbaik Ya Rasool Allah (TLYRA) that is camping on The Mall has included more ‘pressing demands’ in the agreement it had signed with the Punjab government some weeks ago.

On Monday, the federal government had an agreement with a TLYRA faction led by Khadim Hussain Rizvi to end the 20-day Faizabad sit-in.

However, for the Punjab government the test has just begun. As the TLYRA faction led by Dr Ashraf Asif Jalali has refused to end the sit-in on The Mall till the acceptance of all its demands by the Punjab government.

A three-member team of the government headed by Railways Minister Khawaja Saad Rafique had negotiated with the TLYRA leadership and agreed that Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah would appear before a board of clerics to explain his position regarding his comments about the Ahmadi community.

On Tuesday, Mr Jalali came up with a demand for law minister’s resignation, in addition to some more strict conditions.

A PML-N leader, who is holding negotiations with Mr Jilali’s faction, asked it to withdraw its demand for Mr Sanaullah’s resignation because Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif was not ready to accept it. “Let me tell you...unlike the Abbasi government, the Shahbaz administration will not go for Sanaullah’s resignation,” he told Dawn.

Tehreek-i-Labbaik refuses to end Lahore sit-in till acceptance of all its demands

Mr Sanaullah told Dawn that he had already called on a board of ulema to clarify some video clips (about his comments on Ahmadis) and they had been satisfied.

He said the federal government had already signed a six-point agreement with the TLYRA and Mr Jalali was part of it. “Now responsibility lies with the guarantor to implement the agreement,” he said, adding that Mr Jalali was angry as he was not taken on board by Mr Rizvi. “We will not accept any more demand of the protesters,” Mr Sanaullah made it clear.

Saad Rafique having the blessing of the Punjab government had signed a six-point agreement with Mr Jalali’s four-member team when the TLYRA activists were leaving for Islamabad to hold a sit-in. Minister of State for Interior Talal Chaudhry and Islamabad Deputy Commissioner retired Mushtaq Ahmed were other members of the government team.

According to the agreement, blasphemy convict Christian woman Aasia Bibi would not be allowed to leave the country and the government would implement the court decision in her case.

“Those responsible for change in the Khatm-i-Nubuwat clause should be identified and punished and the government should take ulema on board in this regard. The ban on use of more than one loudspeaker in mosques should be lifted forthwith. A consultative committee of ulema should be constituted to see matters related to those conspiring against the Khatm-i-Nubuwat and the misuse of this law,” the agreement says.

“Now Mr Jilali who says he is the main stakeholder of this matter, and not Khadim Hussain Rizvi, has added more strict conditions to this agreement which are not easy for the government to accept,” the PML-N leader said, adding that the protesters seemed to have “some other designs”.

To give a goodwill gesture to the Mall Road sit-in protesters, Shahbaz Sharif on Tuesday ordered immediate release of leaders and workers of the TLYRA who were taken into custody a few days ago.

Sit-in continues
The TLYRA continued its sit-in on the Mall on Tuesday.

Talking to Dawn, Tehreek leader Asif Jalali said his movement’s three demands had not been met so far. These include resignation of the Punjab law minister for his controversial remarks, Qisas for those killed during the nationwide sit-in and making public the report of Raja Zafarul Haq-led committee.

“The government had promised to provide the Haq report within 20 days. It has been more than 20 days now,” he said, adding that the withdrawal of FIRs against those arrested during the sit-in and their release was a secondary issue.

About the longevity of the sit-in, Mr Jalali said only the Tehreek leadership could decide when to wind up, but it would most probably happen only after these demands were met.

So far, he added, the Punjab government had only offered to send its law minister to explain his point of view and background of the controversial statement, which had not satisfied the movement.

With the main artery of the city blocked, a huge traffic mess was witnessed on The Mall and all adjoining roads. The situation was so bad that the motorists on some sections of the roads covered a distance of half a kilometre in two hours or so.

This bumper-to-bumper mess was witnessed on Lawrence Road, Moang Road, Fane Road, Safan Wala Chowk, Cooper Road, Kashmir Road, Laxmi Chowk and its surroundings where the traffic was diverted from The Mall due to the sit-in.

Published in Dawn, November 29th, 2017

When you loose, the dregs come to take a chunk. This was a battle in WOT in Pakistan and we lost this round. The state surrender and incompetence was shocking.
LAHORE: Trouble for the embattled Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz is not over yet as it has shifted from the Abbasi government to the Shahbaz administration in Punjab after another faction of the Tehreek-i-Labbaik Ya Rasool Allah (TLYRA) that is camping on The Mall has included more ‘pressing demands’ in the agreement it had signed with the Punjab government some weeks ago.

On Monday, the federal government had an agreement with a TLYRA faction led by Khadim Hussain Rizvi to end the 20-day Faizabad sit-in.

However, for the Punjab government the test has just begun. As the TLYRA faction led by Dr Ashraf Asif Jalali has refused to end the sit-in on The Mall till the acceptance of all its demands by the Punjab government.

A three-member team of the government headed by Railways Minister Khawaja Saad Rafique had negotiated with the TLYRA leadership and agreed that Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah would appear before a board of clerics to explain his position regarding his comments about the Ahmadi community.

On Tuesday, Mr Jalali came up with a demand for law minister’s resignation, in addition to some more strict conditions.

A PML-N leader, who is holding negotiations with Mr Jilali’s faction, asked it to withdraw its demand for Mr Sanaullah’s resignation because Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif was not ready to accept it. “Let me tell you...unlike the Abbasi government, the Shahbaz administration will not go for Sanaullah’s resignation,” he told Dawn.

Tehreek-i-Labbaik refuses to end Lahore sit-in till acceptance of all its demands

Mr Sanaullah told Dawn that he had already called on a board of ulema to clarify some video clips (about his comments on Ahmadis) and they had been satisfied.

He said the federal government had already signed a six-point agreement with the TLYRA and Mr Jalali was part of it. “Now responsibility lies with the guarantor to implement the agreement,” he said, adding that Mr Jalali was angry as he was not taken on board by Mr Rizvi. “We will not accept any more demand of the protesters,” Mr Sanaullah made it clear.

Saad Rafique having the blessing of the Punjab government had signed a six-point agreement with Mr Jalali’s four-member team when the TLYRA activists were leaving for Islamabad to hold a sit-in. Minister of State for Interior Talal Chaudhry and Islamabad Deputy Commissioner retired Mushtaq Ahmed were other members of the government team.

According to the agreement, blasphemy convict Christian woman Aasia Bibi would not be allowed to leave the country and the government would implement the court decision in her case.

“Those responsible for change in the Khatm-i-Nubuwat clause should be identified and punished and the government should take ulema on board in this regard. The ban on use of more than one loudspeaker in mosques should be lifted forthwith. A consultative committee of ulema should be constituted to see matters related to those conspiring against the Khatm-i-Nubuwat and the misuse of this law,” the agreement says.

“Now Mr Jilali who says he is the main stakeholder of this matter, and not Khadim Hussain Rizvi, has added more strict conditions to this agreement which are not easy for the government to accept,” the PML-N leader said, adding that the protesters seemed to have “some other designs”.

To give a goodwill gesture to the Mall Road sit-in protesters, Shahbaz Sharif on Tuesday ordered immediate release of leaders and workers of the TLYRA who were taken into custody a few days ago.

Sit-in continues
The TLYRA continued its sit-in on the Mall on Tuesday.

Talking to Dawn, Tehreek leader Asif Jalali said his movement’s three demands had not been met so far. These include resignation of the Punjab law minister for his controversial remarks, Qisas for those killed during the nationwide sit-in and making public the report of Raja Zafarul Haq-led committee.

“The government had promised to provide the Haq report within 20 days. It has been more than 20 days now,” he said, adding that the withdrawal of FIRs against those arrested during the sit-in and their release was a secondary issue.

About the longevity of the sit-in, Mr Jalali said only the Tehreek leadership could decide when to wind up, but it would most probably happen only after these demands were met.

So far, he added, the Punjab government had only offered to send its law minister to explain his point of view and background of the controversial statement, which had not satisfied the movement.

With the main artery of the city blocked, a huge traffic mess was witnessed on The Mall and all adjoining roads. The situation was so bad that the motorists on some sections of the roads covered a distance of half a kilometre in two hours or so.

This bumper-to-bumper mess was witnessed on Lawrence Road, Moang Road, Fane Road, Safan Wala Chowk, Cooper Road, Kashmir Road, Laxmi Chowk and its surroundings where the traffic was diverted from The Mall due to the sit-in.

Published in Dawn, November 29th, 2017

And the ball has been set rolling.

For all talk of TTP, who would have thought it would be the "meethe meethe bhais" who will deliver the fatal blow.
[Every sane individual knows who was supporting the sit-in at Faizabad since the beginning; the use of proxies to get the desired result has actually brought us to a position where the whole world makes a mockery of us]

Just the above lines are enough to understand the fundamental flaw and mental squint of the fashionably Anti establishment lot.:rofl:

Who negotiated with the dharna organizers before they were given free hand to go to Islamabad for the dharna? The very Punjab Government of Shahbaz Sharif :agree: their own spokesman was admitting being in talks with fourth scheduler Molvi Khadim Hussain before he left Lahore:rofl: only he added that we didn't sent them or asked them to go but were trying to stop them from going through negotiations :azn:

Have you heard what Zaeem Qadri has said about Molvi khadim Hussain being his beloved leader...:azn:

This was Pmln vs Pmln at best if not a double game to present these molvis for slaughter to malign the very Army you guys love to blame and start riots to claim political victimization by Nawaz...

Oh my God @Realistic Change , we know the lot but still it is so amusing to come across this stale Anti Army narrative being sold by Nawaz and eagerly bought and supported by intellectually challenged pseudo-liberals:rofl:

There was not an iota of doubt about PMLN's Punjab Govt orchestrated the Dharna of TLYRA - I had mentioned about it on Nov 18th and my source for this info (the first time) was someone junior to Ex-IGP Punjab and King of Extra Judicial Killings for Shahbaz and Nawaz. That person is still at a very pivotal position in Punjab Govt., I never trust one person's info; so I double triple check with other sources preferably in other domains. Every one that I contacted confirmed that, and now Rana Sana and Zaeem Qadri admitted that it was with blessings of Shahbaz Sharif. What more proof do libtards (pseudo liberals) want? Its coming from horses mouth even Shahbaz demanded resignation of Minister publicly?

Hello guys - under which rock you live - wherever that rock is; you must have company of Asma Jehangir, Marvi Sirmed, Gul Bukhari, Fatimah Zehra, Hussain Haqqani and Raza Rumi too, among others!

Every kid in Pakistan knows the modus operandi of Sharif'archy - Nawaz never comes on the front like a don. He fires through his second tier leadership and if the shot strikes its a straight win for him (Mushahidullah, Parvez Rashid, Tareq Fatemi, Nihal Hashmi, Zahid Hamid, Rana Sana, Sidiqul Farooq etc., etc.,) but if he gets caught, then he drags the issue - first he pleads innocence and complete unawareness ploy, and then he negotiates it hard first for plea bargain and if that doesn't work then he sacrifices one of the above mentioned types.

In this way, he manages to keep different waring factions within the party as well; he never mediates and try to do reconciliation amongst groups within his party as he believes if there is anyone who is becoming too powerful then there has to be antidote for him from within the party to cut him to size. I won't bore you with all thats discussed billion times.

Btw., buzz that I had mentioned a week ago in Islamabad is music to my ears and now, in Lahore too - I so want to fast forward a few months :)

Nawaz stated that he will weaken Pakistan if his conviction in Money Laundering is not overturned and he did it - he weakened the state and will do many more such actions in coming days.

Do you also want me to list the khidmat of Nawaz Sharif regarding religious fundamentalism in Pakistan from Zia's test tube to SSP to LeJ to Osama Bin Laden to publicly acknowledging and toeing to Taliban's terrorism philosophy (Shahbaz Sharif gave interviews stating "Our and Taliban's point of views are exactly the same" when they (Sharif'archy received an infamous letter in 2012).

Haq Haq .....(disciples of Nawaz may add Zia before Haq Haq and keep doing this wird till Nawaz gets clearance from courts in corruption cases)
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