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Police reforms in KPK

1- sms service for domestic violence and issues related to women.

2- female desks at police stations for women

3- online FIR system

4- Raising the salaries to double, and again raising it this month or next.

5- induction of women in police force.

6- suggested KPK govt laws, which were enacted last month, namely **the hotel restriction act.

7- installation of cameras in police stations to monitor performance. etc etc

are few of the reforms that are introduced in KP police department.
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Man with a mission: IGP Nasir Durrani on combating terrorism and the boon of consensus

Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) Inspector General of Police (IGP) Nasir Khan Durrani said they are restructuring the Department of Counter Terrorism (DCT) which would function independently and also have the legal power to detain suspects for up to 90 days.

In an interview with The Express Tribune, Durrani said DCT had failed to make an impact earlier because its role was limited to intelligence gathering while police stations were the implementing bodies which did not promptly act upon intelligence reports.

He said the department would be revamped and be responsible for intelligence gathering, investigation and operations in terrorism cases. It would also have the legal power to detain any suspect for up to 90 days after taking permission from the home department and notifying an anti-terrorism court judge.

The department will also get a new name. “Its new name will be Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) and will have the liberty to act on its own.”

Durrani maintained the root causes of terrorism should be properly understood and then addressed accordingly in order to systematically eliminate the scourge. “There should be a national policy on ‘diagnostic approach basis’ as far as terrorism is concerned. All aspects of terrorism should be properly defined,” he argued, adding other Muslim countries like Malaysia could serve as a role model to this end.


“To fight militancy, many steps including a ban on issuing religious decrees against each other are required. But it is only possible when the state is involved in the entire affair.”

He said these steps were not possible without developing consensus and taking on board all stakeholders, because implementing the process through force would invite resistance.

Multiplicity of law

Nasir Khan Durrani said different laws in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata), Provincially Administered Tribal Areas (Pata), Frontier Regions (FRs) and settled districts resulted in multiplicity and caused confusion.

“There should be a task force to work on uniformity of law in this area at the federal level because it results in confusion when fixing responsibility,” he said, suggesting this should be done in phases.

“Before partition, there was no-man’s land between Fata and settled districts which was regularly patrolled by the Frontier Constabulary (FC) as the British Indian Administration wanted to deal with tribes in a different manner. After partition, we should have changed [the system], but we are still pursuing this policy.” This, he claimed, had created many problems.

“People from Fata can easily come to settled districts, but other people can’t go to the tribal belt easily. In addition, the FC’s role has been changed too and is being used for other purposes.”

Combating corruption

IGP Durrani said Hong Kong was a model state for corruption control and should be followed as an example. “There are three pillars of this system. The first is transparency, the second is reducing discretionary powers, and the third is across-the-board accountability in every department.”

He stressed no department should be spared from being held accountable, but some in Pakistan insist on internal accountability and being left on their own, which is against the Hong Kong model.

Talking about procurement of substandard arms and ammunition along with other combat gear in the past, Durrani said the war on terror was a high-intensity conflict and thus required quality equipment. He said a proper procedure will be followed while purchasing weapons for the force in the future.

The IGP lamented K-P police had no forensic lab to test explosives and since the element of scientific investigation was also missing in the country, the province was no exception in this regard. “We are trying to develop a culture of modern investigation and to establish our own lab. But till then, we will take help from other provinces.”

Durrani said their first priority was fighting terrorism and increasing accessibility of police officials to the general public. Secondly, they wanted to deal with kidnapping for ransom as well as extortion cases. He concluded the process of reforms in the police department would continue and they were carrying out a needs analysis in this regard.

Man with a mission: IGP Nasir Durrani on combating terrorism and the boon of consensus – The Express Tribune

IGP makes formal request for employing tribal youth in police

The provincial police chief has formally sent a letter to the chief secretary Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for accommodating tribal youth in the police force through proper channel, a source said.

The letter was sent to the chief secretary on January 27. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Inspector General of Police Nasir Khan Durrani in the letter proposed to the provincial government that the people belonging to tribal area should be accommodated in police and other government jobs for building up national integration and harmony.

The letter said there was a lot of discontentment and frustration among the tribal youth for not getting due share in job opportunities.“Being close to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, most of them want to serve in this province, especially in Police Department. The tribal youth are unable to join Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police because the recruitment is done on domicile basis. Hence the tribal youth cannot be adjusted against the existing posts,” it added.

IGP makes formal request for employing tribal youth in police - thenews.com.pk

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to have counter terror dept: IGP

To curb the menace of terrorism, kidnapping for ransom and extortion, a Counter Terrorism Directorate (CTD) will be instantly established in Khyber Pakhtukhwa and it will specifically deal with militancy related issues.
These views were expressed by Inspector General Police (IGP) Nasir Durani in his exclusive interview with The Frontier Post said counter terrorism directorate will comprise of three key wings including Operational, Intelligence and Arresting. Around 2,200 policemen will perform its duties in directorate and recruitment process has been started for the purpose, Durani said.
\"About the directorate, IGP said it would start operations in a period of six months and at the beginning, it will work in Peshawar and later to be extended its functions to whole KP to eliminate militancy\". A request was made to Federal as well as provincial government for purchasing technology for the directorate, he informed.
Durani claimed that the purchasing of technology for the above-mentioned directorate would be made via transparent way as the earlier arms scandal degraded the police department in KP.
To a query, Durani said the facilitators, who facilitate militants were present in the city and to get rid of prevailing uncertainty, a law passed and through which the police personnel were authorized to make verification of each rented home in city. \"If anyone found violating the law will be imprisoned for one year\" IGP explained.
Owners of hotels in metropolis of Peshawar were also directed to accommodate only those people, who have valid National Identity Card and also verify it through NADRA, he said. Everybody should play its due role to help eradicate the terrorism and uncertainty in the region, he appealed.
While acknowledging the fact that police have scarcity of sophisticated and modern weapons, he said the government had allocated enough fund to department in this regard. The police department purchased 30 snap dogs however it lacks dog\'s handlers and added they were trying their best to train their own personnel for the cause, he clarified.
Police Intelligence system need improvement to eradicate the menace of militancy and department work on their improvement.
Police Department ready to counter terrorism \"To win this war, we need to unite and act according to the plan,\" the IG said.
Nasir Durrani appreciated the duty of Bomb Disposal Units officials and stated them national heroes who put their lives in risk for the sake to protect masses.
He said that provincial government should allow the police department to recruit policemen against those cops who were manned for the security propose of on going development projects in KP as many police personnel were performing their duties with them.
He added that he him self visited some districts whereas some of police stations, check posts and police lines were in deteriorating condition that\'s why they decided to spend police funds in that areas to make them better.
IG KP police said militants would have to be tackled according to a tactical plan and added that certain laws would also have to be legislated in this regard.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to have counter terror dept: IGP
Man with a mission: IGP Nasir Durrani on combating terrorism and the boon of consensus

Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P) Inspector General of Police (IGP) Nasir Khan Durrani said they are restructuring the Department of Counter Terrorism (DCT) which would function independently and also have the legal power to detain suspects for up to 90 days.

In an interview with The Express Tribune, Durrani said DCT had failed to make an impact earlier because its role was limited to intelligence gathering while police stations were the implementing bodies which did not promptly act upon intelligence reports.

He said the department would be revamped and be responsible for intelligence gathering, investigation and operations in terrorism cases. It would also have the legal power to detain any suspect for up to 90 days after taking permission from the home department and notifying an anti-terrorism court judge.

The department will also get a new name. “Its new name will be Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) and will have the liberty to act on its own.”

Durrani maintained the root causes of terrorism should be properly understood and then addressed accordingly in order to systematically eliminate the scourge. “There should be a national policy on ‘diagnostic approach basis’ as far as terrorism is concerned. All aspects of terrorism should be properly defined,” he argued, adding other Muslim countries like Malaysia could serve as a role model to this end.


“To fight militancy, many steps including a ban on issuing religious decrees against each other are required. But it is only possible when the state is involved in the entire affair.”

He said these steps were not possible without developing consensus and taking on board all stakeholders, because implementing the process through force would invite resistance.

Multiplicity of law

Nasir Khan Durrani said different laws in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata), Provincially Administered Tribal Areas (Pata), Frontier Regions (FRs) and settled districts resulted in multiplicity and caused confusion.

“There should be a task force to work on uniformity of law in this area at the federal level because it results in confusion when fixing responsibility,” he said, suggesting this should be done in phases.

“Before partition, there was no-man’s land between Fata and settled districts which was regularly patrolled by the Frontier Constabulary (FC) as the British Indian Administration wanted to deal with tribes in a different manner. After partition, we should have changed [the system], but we are still pursuing this policy.” This, he claimed, had created many problems.

“People from Fata can easily come to settled districts, but other people can’t go to the tribal belt easily. In addition, the FC’s role has been changed too and is being used for other purposes.”

Combating corruption

IGP Durrani said Hong Kong was a model state for corruption control and should be followed as an example. “There are three pillars of this system. The first is transparency, the second is reducing discretionary powers, and the third is across-the-board accountability in every department.”

He stressed no department should be spared from being held accountable, but some in Pakistan insist on internal accountability and being left on their own, which is against the Hong Kong model.

Talking about procurement of substandard arms and ammunition along with other combat gear in the past, Durrani said the war on terror was a high-intensity conflict and thus required quality equipment. He said a proper procedure will be followed while purchasing weapons for the force in the future.

The IGP lamented K-P police had no forensic lab to test explosives and since the element of scientific investigation was also missing in the country, the province was no exception in this regard. “We are trying to develop a culture of modern investigation and to establish our own lab. But till then, we will take help from other provinces.”

Durrani said their first priority was fighting terrorism and increasing accessibility of police officials to the general public. Secondly, they wanted to deal with kidnapping for ransom as well as extortion cases. He concluded the process of reforms in the police department would continue and they were carrying out a needs analysis in this regard.

Man with a mission: IGP Nasir Durrani on combating terrorism and the boon of consensus – The Express Tribune

IGP makes formal request for employing tribal youth in police

The provincial police chief has formally sent a letter to the chief secretary Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for accommodating tribal youth in the police force through proper channel, a source said.

The letter was sent to the chief secretary on January 27. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Inspector General of Police Nasir Khan Durrani in the letter proposed to the provincial government that the people belonging to tribal area should be accommodated in police and other government jobs for building up national integration and harmony.

The letter said there was a lot of discontentment and frustration among the tribal youth for not getting due share in job opportunities.“Being close to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, most of them want to serve in this province, especially in Police Department. The tribal youth are unable to join Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police because the recruitment is done on domicile basis. Hence the tribal youth cannot be adjusted against the existing posts,” it added.

IGP makes formal request for employing tribal youth in police - thenews.com.pk

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to have counter terror dept: IGP

To curb the menace of terrorism, kidnapping for ransom and extortion, a Counter Terrorism Directorate (CTD) will be instantly established in Khyber Pakhtukhwa and it will specifically deal with militancy related issues.
These views were expressed by Inspector General Police (IGP) Nasir Durani in his exclusive interview with The Frontier Post said counter terrorism directorate will comprise of three key wings including Operational, Intelligence and Arresting. Around 2,200 policemen will perform its duties in directorate and recruitment process has been started for the purpose, Durani said.
\"About the directorate, IGP said it would start operations in a period of six months and at the beginning, it will work in Peshawar and later to be extended its functions to whole KP to eliminate militancy\". A request was made to Federal as well as provincial government for purchasing technology for the directorate, he informed.
Durani claimed that the purchasing of technology for the above-mentioned directorate would be made via transparent way as the earlier arms scandal degraded the police department in KP.
To a query, Durani said the facilitators, who facilitate militants were present in the city and to get rid of prevailing uncertainty, a law passed and through which the police personnel were authorized to make verification of each rented home in city. \"If anyone found violating the law will be imprisoned for one year\" IGP explained.
Owners of hotels in metropolis of Peshawar were also directed to accommodate only those people, who have valid National Identity Card and also verify it through NADRA, he said. Everybody should play its due role to help eradicate the terrorism and uncertainty in the region, he appealed.
While acknowledging the fact that police have scarcity of sophisticated and modern weapons, he said the government had allocated enough fund to department in this regard. The police department purchased 30 snap dogs however it lacks dog\'s handlers and added they were trying their best to train their own personnel for the cause, he clarified.
Police Intelligence system need improvement to eradicate the menace of militancy and department work on their improvement.
Police Department ready to counter terrorism \"To win this war, we need to unite and act according to the plan,\" the IG said.
Nasir Durrani appreciated the duty of Bomb Disposal Units officials and stated them national heroes who put their lives in risk for the sake to protect masses.
He said that provincial government should allow the police department to recruit policemen against those cops who were manned for the security propose of on going development projects in KP as many police personnel were performing their duties with them.
He added that he him self visited some districts whereas some of police stations, check posts and police lines were in deteriorating condition that\'s why they decided to spend police funds in that areas to make them better.
IG KP police said militants would have to be tackled according to a tactical plan and added that certain laws would also have to be legislated in this regard.

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to have counter terror dept: IGP

It is the credibility of this person that Media is praising him and he is on top along with MUSHTAQ SUKHERA for selection of DG FIA but KPK Govt. refused to relief him as he is serving very well

Cops salaries to go up next month, says IGP

Inspector General of Police (IGP) Nasir Khan Durrani has said establishment of Counter Terrorism Force (CTF) is on the cards, which would have the powers to collect intelligence gathering and arrest and investigate suspects.

Talking to reporters during a visit to Lakki Marwat police station on Wednesday, Durrani said the provincial government had sanctioned a summary to bring salaries of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa police on a par with those in the Punjab police.

He added the personnel of Bomb Disposal Unit would get an additional allowance of Rs5,000 each month. “Payment of increased salaries to the cops will start from the next month,” he added.

“The increase in salaries and provision of other perks and privileges will certainly improve the performance and capabilities of cops,” he maintained.The IGP said a training school would be set up at the new police lines in Lakki Marwat so as to impart training to the new recruits of Dera Ismail Khan, Tank and Bannu and Lakki districts.

“For fresh induction in the police force, screening tests will be conducted through Education Testing and Evaluation Agency (ETEA) and National Testing Service (NTS) so as to ensure implementation of merit in letter and spirit,” he maintained.

He asked the cops to appear in tests/examinations held under ETEA and Public Service Commission to get promotion to higher ranks.Earlier, Durrani visited Police Lines where he was presented a salute by an alert contingent of cops.

He met cops and appreciated their gallantry in fight against terrorism. He also inspected the training being imparted to the cops on use of heavy weapons.

Certificate distributed: Bannu Station Commander Brig Imran Munawar distributed course completion certificates among the females of blast-hit Shah Hassankhel village at a ceremony arranged by Pak army at the District Headquarters Complex at Tajazai.

Cops salaries to go up next month, says IGP - thenews.com.pk

It is the credibility of this person that Media is praising him and he is on top along with MUSHTAQ SUKHERA for selection of DG FIA but KPK Govt. refused to relief him as he is serving very well

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Nasir Durrani always remain sidelined in Punjab. KPK govt picked him up for the job... and he is proving himself man for the position.


Stressing skills: Police training directorate to be formed

Stressing skills: Police training directorate to be formed – The Express Tribune
In a bid to ensure proficiency in police training, the Police Policy Board has decided to establish a directorate of training that will oversee the quality of various training courses of the police force. The decision was taken during a meeting of the board chaired by IGP Nasir Khan Durrani. The directorate will also be tasked with updating the syllabus of police training schools and developing a new curriculum that will include modern investigation techniques, especially with regard to terrorism cases. It was also decided that the number of training schools will be increased.

Crackdown: Police officers suspended over corruption charges

Six police officials were given mandatory retirement and 14 others were terminated from service in Bannu district over corruption charges.

Bannu DIG Sajid Ali said he initiated the crackdown against corrupt police officials on special instructions from Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa IGP Nasir Khan Durrani, adding that at least 20 officials were terminated and retired from service after they were found guilty.

Crackdown: Police officers suspended over corruption charges – The Express Tribune

he has not only suspended police officers but also released many from the duty, probably first time in history, no less than around 800 police personnel and officers were fired

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Counter kidnapping cell opened in KP

The office of the newly-established Counter Kidnapping Cell (CKC) was inaugurated at the Police Lines, Peshawar, on Tuesday.The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Inspector General of Police, Nasir Khan Durrani, inaugurated the office by unveiling the plaque.

Capital City Police Muhammad Ijaz Khan, Deputy Inspector General of Counter Terrorism Department Alam Shinwari, senior superintendent of police, Peshawar, and other high-ranking police officers were present on the occasion. The office will deal with the kidnapping, extortion and terrorism cases while car-lifting and other nature of crimes will be the responsibility of the Anti-Car Lifting Cell.

Counter kidnapping cell opened in KP - thenews.com.pk
Corruption charges led to termination

Six police officials were given mandatory retirement and 14 others were terminated from service in Bannu district over corruption charges.

Bannu DIG Sajid Ali said he initiated the crackdown against corrupt police officials on special instructions from Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa IGP Nasir Khan Durrani, adding that at least 20 officials were terminated and retired from service after they were found guilty.

ASI Ayub Gul, ASI Hamdullah Jan, ASI Rasool Khan, head constable Amanullah, lower head constable Mushtaq and constable Pir Hamidullah were given mandatory retirement.

He added that 14 other officials, Saboor Khan, Amanullah, Azmatullah, Hayatullah, Jamsheed Khan, Shah Fayaz, Saadullah, Siraj Khan, Tahir Ijaz, Halimullah Shah, Sifatullah, driver Atiq, Khushdil and Tawab, were terminated from service.
Meanwhile in Peshawar, IGP Nasir Khan Durrani suspended Battagram DSP headquarters on charges of having relations with criminals and misuse of powers, according to a handout issued.

Residents had registered several complaints against the mentioned officer for misusing his powers and having links with criminals in his area. The allegations were proved in the initial inquiry.

In Karak, eight police officials were forcibly retired whereas one was terminated from service for corruption.

Karak DPO Atiqullah Khan Wazir said a crackdown has been initiated against police officials found guilty of embezzlement. Wazir said they forcibly retired eight officials of the Karak police, namely Inspector Mohibullah, ASI Inayat Zaman, head constable Sartaj Hussain, head constable Walibat, head constable Shahidur Rehman, constable Naeem Khan, constable Bahar Ali and constable Zawar Ali, when an inquiry found them guilty of corruption and poor performance. He further said another constable, Tanvir Ali, was terminated from service when found accused of corruption.

Six among the aforementioned officials belong to district Kohat, while three others are from Karak.



Durrani inspects Shabqadar Police Station

PESHAWAR: Inspector General of Police Nasir Khan Durrani on Thursday inspected the Shabqadar Police Station in Charsadda district and forward police posts bordering the tribal area.

The IGP was accompanied by RPO Mardan Saeed Wazir. The IGP inspected the working, preparedness and security arrangements of the said police establishments, found them to be reasonably good and announced commendation certificates and cash reward for police personnel.

Upon receiving information of IGP’s surprise visit, the DPO Charsadda also reached Shabqadar.

The DPO briefed the IGP on the prevalent law and order and security situation of the district. He also apprised the IGP about the recent arrest of a number of gangs involved in abduction for ransom and extortion.

The IGP directed regional police officer Mardan to launch a series of regular intelligence-led search and strike operations across Mardan division against criminal elements. Later, the IGP also chaired an open Kutchehry.

Durrani inspects Shabqadar Police Station - thenews.com.pk

PTI Government in KPK - Updates & News Thread | Page 7 | Cricistan - The Territory of Pakistan Cricket
For KPK Police to be at its best performance and result orientated, it must be pro-active then react to an attack or event. Secondly, only way it can improve to best police force, is by induction of state of the art Technology in the police, weapons, rescue , detection, bomb squads, and anti-terror training system.
amazing.. @Leader man u take too many of my thanks lol

I knew about Nasir Durrani, and I thought he was a malang type honest man, thats why he is sidelined and thats about it. but he is really a competent and visionary guy.. the way he is improving things, I am pretty sure in 5 years, there is going to be a massive visible difference.

For KPK Police to be at its best performance and result orientated, it must be pro-active then react to an attack or event. Secondly, only way it can improve to best police force, is by induction of state of the art Technology in the police, weapons, rescue , detection, bomb squads, and anti-terror training system.

the way things are going, Im sure you will see Tropa de Elite Force in 3-4 years ! :smokin:

Those who talk a lot about what change happened in KPK, well here's a piece you guys will enjoy. ;)

@cb4 @hasnain0099 @American Pakistani @FaujHistorian @Areesh @Armstrong @Leader

Don't get me wrong. I do criticism not for political point scoring but because i wish betterment for Pakistan.

I wish to see Pakistan developing. I don't care if that development come from APML, MQM, PML-N, PTI, PPP, ANP, etc etc or Military.
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