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Poland to sue Germany for $1.3 trillion over WWII

man... US didnt pay for iraq good luck

PS you guys are slow... jews sqeezed the money out first.

plus poland was compensated with additional land from Germany

Germans didn't give as any land, we liberated our land that was occupied by Germans.
Germany to ask Poland to return areas occupied in WW2. Also, Germany to ask Polish people and companies to leave Germany.
Poland will start, Germany will finish.

In World War II we defeated Germans. There was Polish Division - 1 Warszawska Dywizja Piechoty - that together with the Russians conquered Berlin.
Polish flag over conquered Berlin and Polish soldier Antoni Jabłoński:
Polska flaga nad Berlinem.jpg

and soviet army was there for a picnic....
Soviet army played by far major role in defeat of Germany, by we also defeated Germany.
As Kaczyński said mentality of the Germans hasn't changed since the times of their previous leader Adolf Hitler. If Germans can't affort to pay they can give back Polish land they still occupy (including Berlin)
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I am all for Poland and China get retribution and compensations from Germany and Japan. I do think the Germans mentalities havent really changed since WW II, they still think they are spuerior race, master race, the same goes with the Japanese in Asia. Germany now is a rich country, yeah, if they dont want to pay money, they can return some land to Poland, so Japanese can return Okinawa, which has deep connections to China historically, to China or make it an independent country since those islands rightfully do not belong to Japan but gifted to the Japanese by Americans in the 1970.

Also, the Germans, Japanese and Italians many of them want revenge on their loss in WW II by trying to detonate WW III, as in the case of China, the most ardent anti-china haters are from these three countries such as Trump, Adrian Zenz, Pompeo, Polesi, Abe and Koizumi who have sprearheaded the anti-China movement in the world to start WW III in China as Japan did in WW II.
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They have already given a lot through investing in Polands future. Proven by the massive rise in polish wealth and living standars since end of cold war.
How? Germans have colonized the whole European countries throughout EU membership and also tgey have thrown all EU nations into the hell of debt trap in favor of Americans. Germans have not only betrayed tge whole EU nations but also themselves. Look into external debt of Europe. Even if they sell Europe inch by inch, they wouldn't be able to pay back.

In short term Europeans enjoyed drowning in debt but in the long run it will bite them back.
Other countries also demand Germans give back money they stolen. But of course some German neo-nazis claim that demanding stolen money back is "revanchistic". Lame excuse to try not give stolen money back.

Germany colonial-era genocide reparations offer not enough – Namibia vice president

June 5, 2021

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Human skulls from the Herero and ethnic Nama people are displayed during a ceremony in Berlin, Germany, August 29, 2018, to hand back human remains from Germany to Namibia following the 1904-1908 genocide against the Herero and Nama . REUTERS/Christian Mang

WINDHOEK, June 4 (Reuters) - Germany’s offer to fund projects in Namibia worth more than a billion euros ($1.22 billion) over 30 years to atone for its role in genocide and property seizures in its-then colony more than a century ago is not enough, Namibian Vice President Nangolo Mbumba said on Friday.

"No amount of money in any currency can truly compensate the life of a human being," Mbumba told journalists as Windhoek officially briefed the nation on the outcome of six years of negotiations with Germany which concluded last month.

"We need to recognise that the amount of 1.1 billion euros agreed upon between the two governments is not enough and does not adequately address the initial quantum of reparations initially submitted to the German Government."

Germany apologised on May 28 for its role in the slaughter of Herero and Nama tribespeople in Namibia more than a century ago and officially described the massacre as genocide for the first time, as it agreed to fund projects.

Thousands of Herero and Nama people were killed by German colonial forces between 1904 and 1908 after the tribes rebelled against German rule of the colony, then named German South-West Africa.

Survivors were driven into the desert, where many ended up in concentration camps to be used as slave labour, many dying of cold, malnutrition and exhaustion.

Herero paramount chief Vekuii Rukoro last week dismissed the deal agreed by the two governments as "an insult" because it did not include payment of reparations.

"These are historic choices we have to make, very difficult as they are. If there were other opportunities to squeeze money out of the Germans, we could have done it," Mbumba said at the briefing.

"I don't think that any Namibian would think that the money is enough to compensate for all that happened – to be killed, to be chased out of your country; no amount of money can do that," he said.

@WebMaster quoting from an other website beside mentioning the source doesn't deserve negative rating but merely shows that @Deino is abusing power of a moderator.

Please look into this thread.
I am all for Poland and China get retribution and compensations from Germany and Japan. I do think the Germans mentalities havent really changed since WW II, they still think they are spuerior race, master race, the same goes with the Japanese in Asia. Germany now is a rich country, yeah, if they dont want to pay money, they can return some land to Poland, so Japanese can return Okinawa, which has deep connections to China historically, to China or make it an independent country since those islands rightfully do not belong to Japan but gifted to the Japanese by Americans in the 1970.

Many Germans are indeed very racist and chauvinist.

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