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Poland keen to take part in CPEC projects: envoy

Jul 7, 2014
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Ambassador of Poland to Pakistan Piotr A Opalinski on Monday said that Polish companies were keen to take part in China- Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects.

Delivering a lecture on Pakistan-Poland relations here at Preston University, he said that there were vast possibilities of progress for Pakistan in the CPEC framework, a press release issued said.

The ambassador traced a long history of the friendship and cooperation between Pakistan and his country. He recalled that the two countries had started cooperation in vital areas of defence soon after Pakistan came into being in 1947.

Polish Air Force pilots and technicians helped the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) in becoming an efficient and reliable force for the country. The services of Polish personnel have been recognised and appreciated by the founders of PAF, he added.

The ambassador said that Polish companies were actively engaged in oil and gas exploration in Pakistan and more were interested in working in the country. Polish companies were also working in Pakistan to promote the energy sector, he added.

He said Pakistan was a country of talented people and its products were excellent in quality. Pakistan has won repute in exporting high quality surgical and sports goods as well as textiles, leather garments, and high quality Basmati rice, he added.

There was extensive scope for the expansion of trade between Pakistan and Poland, the ambassador said.

He highlighted the strategic importance of his country in the current global scenario, saying that Pakistan was also very important strategically.

The two countries were also working together in fighting extremism and terrorism, he added.

Ambassador Opalinski agreed with the mission of the Society of Global Civilizations (SGC), Islamabad, which was working to promote understanding and goodwill among various cultures and civilisations of the world.

He was appreciative of the initiative of Preston University Chancellor Dr Abdul Basit who is a patron of the society. Ambassador Fauzia Nasreen, Executive Member of the society, presented a vote of thanks during the function.

The senior vice president and other office bearers of the society were also present on the occasion.


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