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Poland, Hungary, The Czech Republic, and Slovakia Sign a Military Pact


Feb 9, 2014
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Former Soviet satellites sign joint military pact

Four former Soviet satellites in Central Europe signed a military pact Friday to coordinate defence planning and to create a joint combat unit to operate under NATO and EU auspices, in response to the Ukraine crisis.

“The current situation in Europe shows that unfortunately a military conflict, previously considered unthinkable, could happen,” Polish Defence Minister Tomasz Siemoniak said at a meeting of the Visegrad 4 (V4) group of countries — the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.

Speaking in Visegrad, Hungary, he said the Ukraine crisis showed the importance of “more dynamic cooperation” between the V4 countries within NATO and the European Union.

The “V4-EU” combat unit would only be ready to take part in NATO or EU operations by 2016, however, he said, adding that V4 military cooperation was “unique” within the NATO miliary alliance.

Europe’s defence capabilities can be “improved,” he told a news conference.

Hungarian Defence Minister Csaba Hende said that the joint body would comprise 3,000 soldiers contributed by the four countries.

“It would operate as a regional unit within NATO or EU operations,” he added.

Friday’s deal, signed by the defence ministers of all four countries, also included commitments on joint military exercises and defence spending coordination.

The V4 group was set up in 1991 as a forum for its members — all former communist countries and current EU members — to discuss common security and energy issues.

Hungarian Foreign Minister Janos Martonyi said Thursday that the V4 members are particularly “vulnerable” to the Ukrainian situation, would be hurt by EU sanctions against Russia and would expect “solidarity” from other EU member states.

Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary all have borders with Ukraine as well as significant minorities living there, mostly in the western part of the crisis-wracked former Soviet state.

Former Soviet satellites sign joint military pact | Defense & Security News at DefenceTalk
Wow you have former East block countries banding together against Russia and some ASEAN countries banding together against China. Trouble is a brewing...

Yup, your american dream of world hegemony will come to a brutal end soon.
Um..it sounds like they are joining us vs being against us...

Everything is about implementing the one world government, not interests of american citizens.

They will start a crisis which USA cant handle, US military will be overstretched and US economy will be crippled. the western democrasies will see the need to give more power to the United Nations. USA will decrease and collapse like the Western roman empire. European Union will rise and replace USA.
Everything is about implementing the one world government, not interests of american citizens.

They will start a crisis which USA cant handle, US military will be overstretched and US economy will be crippled. the western democrasies will see the need to give more power to the United Nations. USA will decrease and collapse like the Western roman empire.

Wait..I thought the whole purpose of the UN was to take care of world crisis?
So you mean they would be doing their job?
It seems more like a symbolic move considering that the countries are already in NATO.

How's that saying go.."don't put all your eggs in the same basket"? :D Having a contingency plan is always a smart choice.
I also want to see a stronger military collaboration between us and Turkey, and it's probably likely to happen after Ukraine..
What is the interests except JEW USA watching everybody fighting each other?
Hungarian Defence Minister Csaba Hende said that the joint body would comprise 3,000 soldiers contributed by the four countries.

Is this a joke. 3,000 soldiers and people are here jumping up and down saying this is threat for Russia.
Big threat for may be if you want to fight Somalia, but nothing more.
For anybody with a brain, it's just a symbolic move to keep the masses happy and media circus going.
Probably if the bear attacks your rear. Hungary will take advantage of it to take what they believe is theirs.

Hence why I expect stronger military relations with your country (and Poland) for the future. A back-up plan if things get nasty.
Bulgaria and Serbia aren't very reliable when it come to Russia.. :)
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