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Poland extends the life of its Su-22


May 5, 2010
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Poland extends the life of its Su-22
February 19, 2014, 8:15 am

Posted by Loïc

The Polish Defense Minister Tomasz Siemoniak said the Sukhoi Su-22, acquired between 1984 and 1986, will be modernized.

Two options are available to the Air Force:

- Modernize 32 aircraft (26 aircraft for ground attack and 6 seaters for training) so they can steal another three years.

- Upgrade a squadron of 16 Su-22 only.

These devices are all located at the air base Swidwin in northwestern Poland. This modernization should take into account the complete overhaul of avionics and displays inside the cockpit.

The upgrade will also allow Warsaw still take the time to think about replacing these devices. This could be the F-16 opportunities to buy a country, or F-35 at Lockheed Martin.

Poland currently has 36 F-16C, 32 Mig-29 and 32 Su-22.

Cover photo: Drop of infrared decoys by a Su-22 Polish. Source .
What will be the purpose od this aircrafts?They end production of them in 1990.Poland have respectable Air Force.
What will be the purpose od this aircrafts?They end production of them in 1990.Poland have respectable Air Force.

From what i knew from Polish sources their intention was to scrap the Su-22 and replace it with a squadron(16) of F16's or EF.I would be very surprised if they will keep the Su-22's.
That's what I thought,as I said they have respectable Air Force,I would say even in top 5 in EU,so dont see a reason to keep SU 22's.
That's what I thought,as I said they have respectable Air Force,I would say even in top 5 in EU,so dont see a reason to keep SU 22's.

Good airforce but not quite top 5 EU.In my opinion,top 10 :

1.UK airforce
2.Armee de l'air (France)....very close to the UK .
3.German Air Force
4.Italian Air Force.
5.Spanish Air Force-86 F18's ,73 EF's (planned,being delivered)
6.Greek Air Force (44 Mirage 2K,156 F16's-only 32 blk 30 rest of them 50+)
7.Swedish Air Force (some 80+ active Gripens)
8.Finnish Air Force (62 F18's)
9.Poland (48 F16's;32 Mig 29's)
10-11 Netherlands (61 F16's).Norway (57 F16's)
@flamer84 - According to Wikipedia you guys have got around 36 Mig 21s of various types; any plans on replacing them ? :unsure:

Any chance of the Jf-17 being considered ? :undecided:

Yes...with F16's MLU (blk 42-50 standard ? the goverment is quite secretive with details) .....12 have been ordered allready with another 12-36 planned in the next 4 years.The Defence White Paper requires 48 fighters for the RoAf but seeing the economic situation i think we will buy 12-24 (at most) more F16's ,altough i pray to God the Goverment doesn't pull a fast one and leaves us standing at 12 birds only.They've been known for doing crap like this.

Nope,sry mate Jf-17 was never considered,talks for the acquisition started from 2006 onwards,we were very close on taking a superb offer from SAAB for 48 Gripens manufactured in Romania but altough Parliament and the Goverment liked the ideea the President (their political rival back than ) was (and he still is today) a devout american slave and refused the ideea insisting only on F16's,creating a deadlock and delaying the acquisition.Than came 2009 and the economic crises and there were no money for anything,so here we are buying SH F16's in insuficent numbers with promises for further buys in the next years.But romanian politicians promises are worth dog sh%t.We hope though...
Poland :P They won't buy anything until these literally vanish out of sky . Polish gov is typical Baniyas. Even though there economy is doing much better .
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