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Poison Made in Israel.

Today...all the sciences and maths u read were invented during the time when muslims had their own law enforced...from algebra to algorithms ...all have their roots in arabic...even 1,2,3-9 are today known as arabic numerals...many people have misconceptions...today u people have agreed that interest charged by the bank owners is the root cause of porblems in the world...check an example of this guy who says muslims did nothing...and the answer to that in the form of documentry...by western media telling that a guy from Britain came to muslim city of TORLEDO in spain and went back impressed with the level of education over there and decided to establish a knowledge town called OXFORD..which is famous today..check this out...

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Wow....what an overstatement.....tell me if there are close to 900 Millions Hindus in the world.....how can Billions live in Saudi.

For your knowledge: there are about 1.5 Million Indians in Saudi Arabia

Anyways...they live in Suadi for the same raason Pakistanis live in UK America and Canada. ...i.e to earn a living ansd send some money for their families....And the Administration of Saudi is not doing any favor...they pay taxes and other lawful obligations to live in that country.

huh...you gotta be kidding, who told you that they pay taxes, even the Social Security Contributions ended in 1986, there are no taxes in KSA whatsoever; not to mention these expats also receive a housing and transportation allowance unless they are provided a residence on site free of charge.
Lets take each point separately and see how true they are ?

Just read through this PATHETIC view of jews about Saudi arabia and Muslims .

WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:angry:

Saudi Arabia is one of the most authoritarian regimes in the world. It has a policy of discrimination toward women, a complete disregard for human rights and a total lack of democracy. ]

Every one in world acknowledges Saudi Arabia to to conservative and Authoritarian , Tehy know discriminate against women - women are not allowed to even drive cars, they cannot go out of house with out a male member escorting them. There is no democracy which is acknowledged by everyone.

Rigid application of Shari'a - Islamic law - leads to such atrocities as putting women to death by stoning, cutting off the hands of thieves and widespread use of the death penalty. ]

This is also true - Stoning is practised in Saudi, Cutting off hands and limbs and Death sentence is also used in saudi.

The country is the center of ultra-conservative
Wahhabi Islam, and it contributes large sums of money to the creation of mosques and Islamic cultural centers throughout the world which teach the most extreme forms of the religion.

Every acknowledges saudi arabia exports its Wahhabi Islam around the world and they are in essence creating more intolerant version of Islam. Pakistan is suffering the consequences of those wahhabi's .

Finally, the Saudis supported the Taliban in Afghanistan and Hamas in Gaza, only ceasing such support when they realized that both groups also posed an enormous domestic threat. ]

Saudi's were one of 3 countries to recognise taliban govt. in afghanistan. Because they funded the wahhabi Taliban in pakistan.

so what are you crying about - All the above said things are ackowledged by everyone including most pakistanis.
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Lets take each point separately and see how true they are ?

Every one in world acknowledges Saudi Arabia to to conservative and Authoritarian , Tehy know discriminate against women - women are not allowed to even drive cars, they cannot go out of house with out a male member escorting them. There is no democracy which is acknowledged by everyone.

Who cares about who acknowledges what who has not got blood on their Hands? India , israel , USA , UK ? who is innocent and NON conservative , OK why does Hindus Burn their ladies alive after their Husband dies?? its called Satii .;)
If women are not allowed in KSA , why is it your Problem , do they come to India and tell you what to do ?
Women cannot get out of their house alone ,its a myth my family is living there for last 22 years i know better than you do:cheers:

This is also true - Stoning is practised in Saudi, Cutting off hands and limbs and Death sentence is also used in saudi.

Yes KSA does stoning and it is the right thing to do as long as you know the circumstances.
They do cut hands and heads too , it is their way of doing it go and ask USA for Abu ghuraib and Guantamamo treatment of prisoners and water boarding then come back to PDF and complain about Saudies cutting hands:azn:

Every acknowledges saudi arabia exports its Wahhabi Islam around the world and they are in essence creating more intolerant version of Islam. Pakistan is suffering the consequences of those wahhabi's .

This is the First export product i have ever listen to beyond oil that KSA exports:lol:
There is no Intolerant version of islam :no: we do not have islam in versions its not a movie.
First look into your own shoes man how tolerant were you on Babri mosque with muslims , Christians & Muslims in Gujrat and Kashmir.
you are not even ashamed at what you do man!:tdown:

Saudi's were one of 3 countries to recognise taliban govt. in afghanistan. Because they funded the wahhabi Taliban in pakistan.

What was wrong with Taliban Govt?? who the hell are you to justify who should rule a country?
we did the right thing and we will do it again:agree:

so what are you crying about - All the above said things are ackowledged by everyone including most pakistanis.

I think i have told you what i am CRYING about mate , world is full of difference of opinion i do not care about people who go where Ganga goes:lol:
I think i have told you what i am CRYING about mate , world is full of difference of opinion i do not care about people who go where Ganga goes:lol:

You have accepted everything said in the article is true, then why are you going around saying that these are lies by gionist propaganda news.

Wake up dude:cheers:
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