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dun understand the logic behind the purchase of OH frigate from US
Post of sir Niaz Member of TT.

I have also seen comments elsewhere that Pakistan will spend $78-million on a worthless frigate. Please understand that naval ships are very expensive. The fact is that GOP is broke. We have no money. We need US Aid to meet our annual budget. A brand new vessel of the OHP frigate class will cost at least $200-million to build. We are getting the hull for free; $78 -million is for the refurbishment and equipment. Thus we would have a vessel that would give 10-15 years of service at a fraction of the cost of the new. People call it a waste of money?

I request Hon Members to think with a cool head before making such puerile statements.
Well while its true that the ships are old , but they are still 6 extra ship that have life for at leats another 10-12 years duration , which we can surely increase to another 5 years with our maintenence docks

a) They give you solid assitance with underwater warfare
b) The aerial threats could be nullified with own cannon / missile
systems that Pakistan could probbly install with China's help

Having fleet of 15-20 frigates is surely better then just 6 odd frigates
is the bottom line......considering that , when in group formation they will offer a challenge to Indian subs together with P3 orions we have in our service the P3 orions give has a great option

Our problem is we lack proper number of Frigates to properly patrol our own waters let alone defend any region, so we need to increase the number to at leats 15-20 frigates. Its ideal for our Navy
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Pakistanis need to stop living in a fool's paradise. No such thing as free lunch, and that too from a Capitalist empire.

Pakistan gets these freebies because our military and political elite continue to be the lackey's of the US/UK empire's, and continue to fool our people, hinder human and economical and institutional developments in the country that displeases their western masters.

With this freebie comes a hellfire missile that will land straight on our people in the tribal belt.

Pakistanis need to stop living in a fool's paradise. No such thing as free lunch, and that too from a Capitalist empire.

Pakistan gets these freebies because our military and political elite continue to be the lackey's of the US/UK empire's, and continue to fool our people, hinder human and economical and institutional developments in the country that displeases their western masters.

With this freebie comes a hellfire missile that will land straight on our people in the tribal belt.


Its costing us 70 million USD that is quite a lot :usflag:, ape campaign suru karein , $3,000,000 pakistan abroad sending in 300 dollaer every month , in Pakistan development forum and yes we can then go ahead and purchase the $500 million dollar stealth frigates from France , uper wale ka nam lain

$300 is like insurance for car or cable for tv etc (3,000,000x $300 = $900 millon)

I think there are 10-20 million Pakistani overseas , so it should not be a problem :P

Oversea Pakistani send in over 8 billion dollars yearly
An overseas Pakistani is a Pakistani citizen who has migrated to another country or a person of Pakistani origin who is born outside Pakistan. There are approximately 7 million Pakistanis living abroad, remitting US$8 billion to Pakistan. Many overseas Pakistanis in Europe and North America have obtained citizenship of their country of residence.

Thats enought .. cash to buy ... 1 frigate new one , 40 JF17 thunder and still enough left for economy ... hmmm
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These are 3 decade old frigates, so for US its cost is long gone as they have used them to their maximum and utilized them too.

Personally, i don;t favor such deal nor its acquiring.

Yeah they must be US technology, but they are 30 year old frigates, God knows how much would be the operational cost of these frigates and again what will happen if we get sanctioned once again, like old times, major PN firepower would be lost all at once.

Yes, absolutely right. For 30 years ship's hull had already taken its toll. Its better to look towards east for new ships (just as Type 054A is under consideration).
Instead of spending money on old ships, its better to built infrastructure for destroyer's size ship in collaboration with China.
Especially after india inducts Brahmos on its Naval Vessels, we need to have a navalized version of Babur to counter and for that purpose we definitely need some naval platforms. Unless we develop the navalized version of Babur, we should get some platform with Chinese C-602 missiles.
In my opinion Pakistan should negotiate Type 054A with C-602 Anti Ship missiles instead of C-803 or C-802 (China uses C-803 anti ship missile on its Type 054A).
I think China should not have any problems in providing Type 054A with C-602 missile system as Pakistan had already purchased 120 C-602 missiles from China.
Well , the biggest advantage of having the Oliver Hzarad Class Frigate
is its usage vs fighting submarines , while we will get another 4 more frigates from china F22P and the Bigger ships Type 054A, we can also learn from the anti submarine fighting capabilities of Oliver Hzarad Class Frigate

a) Major Advantage is that it gets added to our fleet minimum time
frame , which is crucial to our defensive needs

b) Also it makes up for our lost 90's when we leased some ships
and then we had to return them , and these ship are completely
useful ship another 10-15 years left on them.

We are already getting the Newer ships from China , but so does that means we should say no to completely useful ship , probbly one of the largest frigates (in our fleet could be this ship)

I mean I can see it now

6 OHC Frigates
8 F22P Frigates
4 Type 054A
4-5 Ships Corvettes from Turkey

Plus our existing ships

Its gives our navy a respectable standing in world navy profiles

Ideally we should also place order for 2 ships with French as well - so by 2015 we would recieve 2 more ships

But if we surround this fleet with ample small agile Missile Boats , it would be fantastic
So total of six US OHP frigates. Right?

yups, that's right a total of six, According to current Navel Modernization Plan, By 2015-2018 PAKISTAN NAVY will have a surface fleet of at least three times of the current one, if nothing goes wrong. And that's exactly what we need, navy has been ignored for long time, due which its in bade shape now. If predicted goal of modernization is achieved, then Pakistan Navy will emerge as decent sized Force in the region and in the world too. I.A.


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan will be paying the United States atleast $78 million to acquire a 30 year old Oliver Perry class frigate.

The first 30 year old frigate is expected to sail for Karachi by the end of this year as Pakistan continues to negotiate for acquiring five more Oliver Perry class frigates from the US.

Sources in Pakistan Navy told DawnNews that the 30 year old frigate, USS McInerney, was put on the US Navy’s inactivation list September last year. It will fly the Pakistani flag after retirement in September this year.

Pakistani sources said that frigate is a gift from US and will fly Pakistani flag as cost-efficient “hot-transfer” but US Defence Security Department in a notification to Congress said the frigate and its associated equipment, parts and logistical support will be worth atleast $78 millions.

This transfer would be done through the US International Programs Office and its foreign military sales department.

Once transferred to Pakistan, the ship will also join Combined Task Force aimed at fighting sea pirates in the troubled waters of the Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean.

USS McInerney’s onboard refurbishment includes anti-submarine missile defences, surface-to-surface missiles, other advance weaponry systems and with helicopter deck landing facilities.—DawnNews
DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Pakistan to pay $78 mn for 30 year old frigate
hmm....US is pretty smart...these frigates r no use to them anymore, so they thought hey! why not make some money out of it! by gifting it to pak.
this frigate doesn't have any modern weapon and they already knew that pak would want to upgrade it, and thats wat happening rite now!
they r getting $$$ for this oldy....(which is no use to US)

anywayy...wat can we do now...if our navy thinks this would enhance our surface capabilities then so be it....
In the past PN was using 1942 (WWII Battle Fatigued) Destroyers till the early eighties, not counting the two wars that they participated in since WWII.

The Cruiser Babur was a Dido Class AA Cruiser which was severely damaged during the D-day landings by German A/c’s but we still used it till the early eighties. It also took active part in the two wars under PN flag.

None of the above ships went through a modernization and rehab programs like the US FRAMM for the six Gearing we got from US for nothing.

If we are getting the OHP's for next to nothing and they have not gone through any extended period of war patrols than they must have a life of another fifteen years in PN service ( remember we are not a “Blue Ocean” navy and do not require Atlantic or Pacific operations which require longer duration patrols). Once the onboard power plant, bulkheads, piping/pumps goes through a major overhaul (They even remove the whole superstructure and take out entire power plant and replace weakened beams and members/plates) the platform is as good as new.

We already have extra Harpoon firing units (We had bought eight units from US -- four are installed in the Type 21). The main gun is an Oto Melera and can be bought off the shelf from Italy. Other stuff can be bought and added on. We would need to get more Phalanx unit as all that we had are being used in the Type 21 platforms.

The only challenges are the Helos. We need to get state of the art shipboard copters for anti submarine and anti ship standoff operations. The normal helos that operate with the long hulled OHP's are the two LAMP III's.

Otherwise it is an extremely cost effective, proven, seaworthy platform with exceptionally economical (Due to single shaft) ship operations.

Good choice PN!!!

PS . A good thread would be to debate what would be the final weapons and sensor suits on the OHp’s that we get.!!!!
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