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PNS Mehran investigation: Former navy commando detained in Lahore


Jul 6, 2009
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PNS Mehran investigation: Former navy commando detained in Lahore

PNS Mehran investigation: Former navy commando detained in Lahore – The Express Tribune

LAHORE: A former Pakistan Navy commando and his brother were detained in Lahore in connection with the PNS Mehran base attack.

The naval intelligence agency detained former navy commando Kamran Malik along with his brother from their residence in Gulberg. Malik was detained on the basis of a lead provided by one of the suspects that were arrested earlier from Karachi and Faislabad.

Sources say Malik provided maps of the PNS Mehran base and other information to the terrorists.

The Express Tribune’s correspondent Asad Kharal reports that Malik was court martialled 10 years ago due to evidence that he tortured his colleagues. Malik’s family claims that Malik has had no links with the navy since then.

Suspects arrested from Karachi and Faislabad also claim that Malik provided them with information.

Terrorists attacked the PNS Mehran base on May 23, killing 10 navy personnel dead and destroying two PC3-Orion aircrafts. The monetary losses of the attack are estimated to be around $100 million.
LAHORE: A former Pakistan Navy commando and his brother were detained in Lahore in connection with the PNS Mehran base attack.

The naval intelligence agency detained former navy commando Kamran Malik along with his brother Zaman from their residence in Gulberg. Malik was detained on the basis of a lead provided by one of the suspects that were arrested earlier from Karachi and Faislabad.

“They have been detained in connection with the naval base attack and are under interrogation,” one intelligence official said, without giving details.

Sources say Malik provided maps of the PNS Mehran base and other information to the terrorists.

The Express Tribune’s correspondent Asad Kharal reports that Malik was court martialled 10 years ago due to evidence that he tortured his colleague. He was subsequently admitted to the Combined Military Hospital and declared mentally unfit to serve as a navy commando. He went on to work as a seller of prize bonds.

During his service, Malik worked at PNS Mehran and PNS Iqbal naval base.

Eyewitnesses say that Malik and his brother were taken into custody on Friday morning at 10 am. 10 police officials, including a sub-inspector and other policemen in plain clothes, raided the house and took the men away.

Malik’s family claims that Malik has had no links with the navy since then. His father Sadruddin says that the accusations against Kamran are false, and that a judicial investigation should be conducted into the matter.

Tribune reporter Abdul Mannan reports that Malik’s phone was tapped by navy intelligence in 2008 when they suspected his involvement in an attack on a navy academy in Lahore. The attack left eight people dead and more than 20 injured. Malik’s name was on the list of suspects who were amongst a faction of radicalised, hardline members of the navy who may have corresponded with the terrorists that carried out the attack.

The list was re-investigated when the attack on the PNS Mehran base took place.

Suspects arrested from Karachi and Faislabad also claim that Malik provided them with information.

Terrorists attacked the PNS Mehran base on May 23, killing 10 navy personnel dead and destroying two PC3-Orion aircrafts. The monetary losses of the attack are estimated to be around $100 million.

PNS Mehran investigation: Former navy commando detained in Lahore – The Express Tribune
ISLAMABAD: Syed Saleem Shahzad, the Pakistan bureau chief of Asia Times Online, went missing Sunday evening, DawnNews reported.

Days before his disappearance, Shahzad had authored an article that alleged links between navy officials and al Qaeda.

Ali Imran, a Coordinator at the South Asia Free Media Association (Safma) in an email stated that Mr Shahbaz had left his house in Islamabad to participate in a television program but that he did not reach the TV station.

He did not contact his family and friends either, Mr Imran said, adding that Mr Shahzad’s mobile phone and car had not been traced yet.
Alreay posted this news..............don't post again and again.
Separating religion from state is the only way to ensure lasting peace in Pakistan. But this should help us to come out of our denial .Our people misled by some sections of the media blames everything that goes wrong in our country on the Jews,Indians or Americans.We all sit in our drawing rooms condemning the non-believers for hatching conspiracies against our religion and our country when the truth is that the religious fanatics within our ranks are the ones intent on taking us back to the stone ages.

A major operation to clean up the islamic extremists hiding in the armed forces is needed as these people are working against our state from within & are the most dangerous as they have all the inside information.
Separating religion from state is the only way to ensure lasting peace in Pakistan. But this should help us to come out of our denial .Our people misled by some sections of the media blames everything that goes wrong in our country on the Jews,Indians or Americans.We all sit in our drawing rooms condemning the non-believers for hatching conspiracies against our religion and our country when the truth is that the religious fanatics within our ranks are the ones intent on taking us back to the stone ages.

A major operation to clean up the islamic extremists hiding in the armed forces is needed as these people are working against our state from within & are the most dangerous as they have all the inside information.

Mind telling us how those "Religious fanatics" get funded??.. now don't come up with "Saudi Arabia" as your excuse.. SA doesn't gain any strategic or geoPolitical benefit from destabilizing Pakistan, rather on the contrary..

So mind telling us how this "huge" network of "internal religious fanatics" is being funded??
ISLAMABAD: Syed Saleem Shahzad, the Pakistan bureau chief of Asia Times Online, went missing Sunday evening, DawnNews reported.

Days before his disappearance, Shahzad had authored an article that alleged links between navy officials and al Qaeda.

Ali Imran, a Coordinator at the South Asia Free Media Association (Safma) in an email stated that Mr Shahbaz had left his house in Islamabad to participate in a television program but that he did not reach the TV station.

He did not contact his family and friends either, Mr Imran said, adding that Mr Shahzad’s mobile phone and car had not been traced yet.

They should get information out of him break his neck, the links between militants and media persons/journalists is like their Achilles heel which we have somehow ( very foolishly ) spared till now. There are others like him also that need to taken to the drawing room.
Mind telling us how those "Religious fanatics" get funded??.. now don't come up with "Saudi Arabia" as your excuse.. SA doesn't gain any strategic or geoPolitical benefit from destabilizing Pakistan, rather on the contrary..

So mind telling us how this "huge" network of "internal religious fanatics" is being funded??

Even the Blind in the world can see who is financing them but some in our society are hell bend on denying reality and no one can help them.
Ex- Navy Commando should be loyal to the organisation that has fed him for all his life. I somehow don't believe that an X can do something against the organisation that has done so much for him.
Ex- Navy Commando should be loyal to the organisation that has fed him for all his life. I somehow don't believe that an X can do something against the organisation that has done so much for him.
I think his loyalty vanished after some time of his court marshal.
Saudi sources are a big source of funding for thugs like the TTP and Lashkar e Jhangvi. Private Donors in Saudi have been funding efforts to expand the Salafi movement around the world including places like Phillipines, Somalia and Indonesia not too mention our back yard. Most of the TTP militants as well as the anti Shia outfits are heavily funded by Salafi donors in Saudi.

As Pakistanis we need to open our eyes and stop living in denial.
Ex- Navy Commando should be loyal to the organisation that has fed him for all his life. I somehow don't believe that an X can do something against the organisation that has done so much for him.

You seriously mean to suggest that you have no clue about the long history of traitors inside defence organizations, the armed forces and civiliian institutions, across the world?

Even in developed nations where even low level positions in these organizatios provide a decent standard of living.
The dirty underbelly of our military has been revealed. The biggest threat to national security are scum like this ex-commando who have happily jumped into bed with the jihadi thugs and their Al Qaeda affiliates. Every other major assault in the last few years has involved serving or former military personnel.

Our military top brass created this monster by encouraging our soldiers to mingle with pseduo-religious jihadi mercenaries. Now that the proverbial you know what has hit the fan, the military needs to clean house by mopping up traitors if it wants to continue functioning as a viable institution. Importantly, the top brass must destroy this ' culture of wanting to emulate jihadis' from within the ranks.

The days of playing games through jihadi proxies are gone. It was a flawed strategy, a pipedream at best. And now it is over.
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