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PMLN mobilizing religious organisations to protest

Why would PML-N will do it? They have better priority to tackle political problem then an Religion.. It would be PML-N if they would start or their political wing start not some religious Party.

But one thing, so all news about IK and TuQ to start civil war is true? Same people who mobilize both are mobilizing these religion parties..
PML N has won seats with support from these parties and they are corrupt brutal morons they will go to any extend to hold on power
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PTI has won seats with support from these parties and they are corrupt brutal morons they will go to any extend to hold on power

Yeah, true. But now their own support is after them..
@SBD-3 l Hasnain i, always thought you were a reasonable guy, what happened?
I asked a question. It not so hard to find an answer to that. Are you saying that US never raided Abbotabad or There was no OBL residing just besides the PMA? And US and the whole world pointed figures towards Iran for harboring OBL?
If that lunatic qadri can mobilize his mushrik barelvi sunni itehad council and iranian puppet shia goons then nawaz sharif too has the right to gather his men.It is well known that the Deobandi's and Ahl e Hadees support him.I myself follow the latter,just because we are staying in our homes and not getting out on streets doesnt mean we'll let qadri do as he pleases.......and please stop with the "Khariji" comments ...you sound like that murtad zaid hamid

So you called most of Pakistan mushriks? And also pronounced takfir over Zaid Hamid..

If a Muslim calls another kafir, then if he is a kafir let it be so; otherwise, he [the caller] is himself a kafir.'' (Abu Dawud, Book of Sunna, edition published by Quran Mahal, Karachi, vol. iii, p. 484)

No need to say you support the head-cutting, suicide bombing, child molesting terrorist filth. Your words are quite sufficient.

The moment you vermins step out, is the moment people like me would be out as well. Just remember there are more of us and way too less of you and you dont even have enough weapons to back your tyranny.

Bro, they seriously plot the seeds of their own destruction. Do they actually think that if they provoke a sectarian war that they will come out unscathed? It would mean the end of the them. The sheer numbers would just swallow them completely.
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Finally he is showing his true colours to this world and guess who supports this fake democracy? USA. LOL so USA+Nawaz Sharif+Terrorists, quite a strong alliance if you ask. It will be very hard to remove Nawaz Sharif. He will use his sectarian dogs to attack and kill innocent Pakistanis. Pakistan is heading towards a civil war. I just hope the majority Brelivis win this war against the Saudi funded wahabis other wise Pakistan will become like Syria or Iraq.
I just hope the majority Brelivis win this war against the Saudi funded wahabis other wise Pakistan will become like Syria or Iraq.

Typical Brelivis are brainwashed by their peers and molvi... Al Wahab is a name of ALLAH. Wahabi literally means someone of the Wahab, i.e. Allah. By using the term "wahabi" as an insult you are making takfir on yourself, as well as using a beautiful name of Allah as an insult.

Brelivis don't even follow the Sunnah of prophet of Muhammad (PBUH)..

Brelivis :
Worshipping the graves,
Seek help from the graves
Brelivis claim prophet Muhamamd (PBUH) was made of noor
Seek help and advice from peers (which lead many wrong things).
list goes on and on...

Lately, 'wahabi' has been used to call anyone who is sunni and desires to lead his life according to Quran and sunnah, regardless if he is from a maliki, hanafi or any other madhdhab background.
Ahlsunat claims that their 7000 people killed. In news papers, there are 2 or 3 incidents of target killing of Ahsunnat wal Jammat per week.

Both parties have extreme elements.

TUQ also represent only one sect so its organization is also sectarian based.
PMLN has been supporting many religious factions (armed or otherwise). Qadri and Nawaz & Co had very strong affiliations until not long ago! PMLN supporters should recall that Shahbaz gave PTA a grand police escort to Islamabad during Zardari's tenure.

Army is surely watching these developments, and will definitely step in as sect violence in present atmosphere could turn in a civil war. There are foreign backed Mullahs (Mr Diesel) to watch out for too. Qadri has no history of violence, whereas Diesel has and he has always supported Talibans.

The guy who was the President at that time is eating teetars and batiry with YOUR Prime Minister today. FYI
Typical Brelivis are brainwashed by their peers and molvi... Al Wahab is a name of ALLAH. Wahabi literally means someone of the Wahab, i.e. Allah. By using the term "wahabi" as an insult you are making takfir on yourself, as well as using a beautiful name of Allah as an insult.

Brelivis don't even follow the Sunnah of prophet of Muhammad (PBUH)..

Lately, 'wahabi' has been used to call anyone who is sunni and desires to lead his life according to Quran and sunnah, regardless if he is from a maliki, hanafi or any other madhdhab background.


The guy who was the President at that time is eating teetars and batiry with YOUR Prime Minister today. FYI
Well I never knew defending the country, maintaining the intelligence and countering threats was the responsibility of President house. May be the military should surrender all of its hardware to President House and go find some other useful jobs.. Seriously, but these days watching such arguments has become very frequent....
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Typical Brelivis are brainwashed by their peers and molvi... Al Wahab is a name of ALLAH. Wahabi literally means someone of the Wahab, i.e. Allah. By using the term "wahabi" as an insult you are making takfir on yourself, as well as using a beautiful name of Allah as an insult.

Brelivis don't even follow the Sunnah of prophet of Muhammad (PBUH)..

Brelivis :
Worshipping the graves,
Seek help from the graves
Brelivis claim prophet Muhamamd (PBUH) was made of noor
Seek help and advice from peers (which lead many wrong things).
list goes on and on...

Lately, 'wahabi' has been used to call anyone who is sunni and desires to lead his life according to Quran and sunnah, regardless if he is from a maliki, hanafi or any other madhdhab background.

The Barelvis are peaceful and law abiding. The only "brainwashing" going on is when some idiot blows himself up in a bazar. Please note carefully, Barelvis don't do that. :-)

The Barelvis follow the sunnah of Rasool(saws) to the letter, one of which is not to rebel and kill innocent people, things that other folks are experts at. 8-)

They are also hanafis.

Ignorant people "worship" graves, with the correct guidance that can be corrected. They are not taught the right way of wasilah. No Barelvi scholar tells them to bow to graves or worship them.
Your second point see above and no one tells them to beg at the graves of the walis of Allah.
The Prophet is described as "noor" in the Quran, that is the light of guidance. Some people again mistake this.
Seeking help from Sheikhs is an islamic tradition. There are fakes to be found in all walks of life.

I agree they shouldn't be called "Wahabi', as these people are filth and a disgrace to name of the Almighty. What they should be called, and what they increasingly are is "Najdis", where their beliefs originate from , and "Kwarij", which are clearly foretold in the hadith and relates to these folks.

If they followed the schools of thought, like you said, we wouldn't see them;

Raping women and children.
Bombing mosques, churches, bazars and buildings of all sorts.
Declaring all other Muslims kaffirs, something that has been done in this thread already.
Rebelling at any opportunity and killing those in authority among them.
Slaughtering non-Muslims wholesale.
Defiling the graves of Allah's friends.
Forbidding education to all, especially females.
And their crimes are so numerous we can be here all night.

I'm sure any sane individual would take an misguided fellow that does mistaken things out of his love for the saints and his Prophet(saws), over a cold blooded murderer, who in his hatred slaughters people. :agree:

@Irfan Baloch
The Barelvis are peaceful and law abiding. The only "brainwashing" going on is when some idiot blows himself up in a bazar. Please note carefully, Barelvis don't do that. :-)

The Barelvis follow the sunnah of Rasool(saws) to the letter, one of which is not to rebel and kill innocent people, things that other folks are experts at. 8-)

They are also hanafis.

Ignorant people "worship" graves, with the correct guidance that can be corrected. They are not taught the right way of wasilah. No Barelvi scholar tells them to bow to graves or worship them.
Your second point see above and no one tells them to beg at the graves of the walis of Allah.
The Prophet is described as "noor" in the Quran, that is the light of guidance. Some people again mistake this.
Seeking help from Sheikhs is an islamic tradition. There are fakes to be found in all walks of life.

I agree they shouldn't be called "Wahabi', as these people are filth and a disgrace to name of the Almighty. What they should be called, and what they increasingly are is "Najdis", where their beliefs originate from , and "Kwarij", which are clearly foretold in the hadith and relates to these folks.

If they followed the schools of thought, like you said, we wouldn't see them;

Raping women and children.
Bombing mosques, churches, bazars and buildings of all sorts.
Declaring all other Muslims kaffirs, something that has been done in this thread already.
Rebelling at any opportunity and killing those in authority among them.
Slaughtering non-Muslims wholesale.
Defiling the graves of Allah's friends.
Forbidding education to all, especially females.
And their crimes are so numerous we can be here all night.

I'm sure any sane individual would take an misguided fellow that does mistaken things out of his love for the saints and his Prophet(saws), over a cold blooded murderer, who in his hatred slaughters people. :agree:

@Irfan Baloch
Mr before talking crap bother to read work off Abdul Wahab and tell one single thing not according to Quran and Sunnah

And Ludhyanvi targets Tahir ul Qadri.....See thats what I was saying, TuQ has dragged ethnicity in this conflict. And now JuD (Wahabis) also Joins deubandi organizations in the conflict

Mr before talking crap bother to read work off Abdul Wahab and tell one single thing not according to Quran and Sunnah
Lo jee shuru hogye toti hue tape....
Finally he is showing his true colours to this world and guess who supports this fake democracy? USA. LOL so USA+Nawaz Sharif+Terrorists, quite a strong alliance if you ask. It will be very hard to remove Nawaz Sharif. He will use his sectarian dogs to attack and kill innocent Pakistanis. Pakistan is heading towards a civil war. I just hope the majority Brelivis win this war against the Saudi funded wahabis other wise Pakistan will become like Syria or Iraq.
Thts what happened in IRAQ , USA , K'SA went to support the ISIS terrorists, to stop ASAD support, & then now Lossing to ISIS?


And Ludhyanvi targets Tahir ul Qadri.....See thats what I was saying, TuQ has dragged ethnicity in this conflict. And now JuD (Wahabis) also Joins deubandi organizations in the conflict

Lo jee shuru hogye toti hue tape....
Most of these paid, & noora given birth terrorists, are about to play Thier bloody dirty role?
Guss what, this time they will be hanged by pakarmy , along with Thier noora king?
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