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Pmln 1 year, worst ever in terms of legislation since 1985

What would you expect from Economy in one year? There are positive signals in international rankings and they are taking some steps. It may not be the best GOVT Pakistan had but its not the worst either as PTI is trying to portray them. There is no such thing called perfection. Give them few years and then you can better judge their performance and of course they will perish after there term if they don't perform well.
consider me neutral no PTI and no PML, having said that; PML-N are investing billions of dollars into fancy projects like Metro-trains and buses while people are struggling with the basic needs. All politicians forget and neglect the poor, No major funding for education or Medical. If a poor person gets sick beyond the normal Flu, it costs them an Arm and a leg to get treatment. Look at the education system, kids don't like going to school because the schools are not worth going to!
consider me neutral no PTI and no PML, having said that; PML-N are investing billions of dollars into fancy projects like Metro-trains and buses while people are struggling with the basic needs. All politicians forget and neglect the poor, No major funding for education or Medical. If a poor person gets sick beyond the normal Flu, it costs them an Arm and a leg to get treatment. Look at the education system, kids don't like going to school because the schools are not worth going to!
So Am I! But I am kind of annoyed lately with all this negative bragging of PTI about GOVT. The poverty is there and yes that's a big problem. I am agreed that opposition and people should raise their voices to make GOVT take notice of issues if they feel they are overlooking them. But on the other hand these projects important too, they cost much but then they give returns overtime. Look at the motorway, people complained about its cost while it was being built but now its all in profit and people love it.
So Am I! But I am kind of annoyed lately with all this negative bragging of PTI about GOVT. The poverty is there and yes that's a big problem. I am agreed that opposition and people should raise their voices to make GOVT take notice of issues if they feel they are overlooking them. But on the other hand these projects important too, they cost much but then they give returns overtime. Look at the motorway, people complained about its cost while it was being built but now its all in profit and people love it.
Motorway decision proved good overtime but still until this day the Motorway brought no good to the poor, if you tell that to the poor they will you that the motoway is of no use for them because they can't afford cars!!
Motorway decision proved good overtime but still until this day the Motorway brought no good to the poor, if you tell that to the poor they will you that the motoway is of no use for them because they can't afford cars!!

You wont know, unless you were poor or new poor living in motorway interconnected areas.. i used to live in Mardan, and know very well what difference has made for the people of mardan, in before and after build.

Motorway, open up many opertunities for the people, there living standard improves, saturation happens which bring quality, and cheap products,.. Anyhow, still this requires willing ness from the poor as well, so they work to change their own ..,
Motorway decision proved good overtime but still until this day the Motorway brought no good to the poor, if you tell that to the poor they will you that the motoway is of no use for them because they can't afford cars!!
That's not right. Better roads and connectivity is key to better economy. Because of fast way of travel poor people from villages reach for cities to earn business and then return back home in time. Goods can be transfer quickly between cities which is better for businesses. GOVTs don't spoon feed the poor GOVTs create opportunities and motorway project did opened opportunities and brought business/jobs. Just look at all transportation companies etc.
You wont know, unless you were poor or new poor living in motorway interconnected areas.. i used to live in Mardan, and know very well what difference has made for the people of mardan, in before and after build.

Motorway, open up many opertunities for the people, there living standard improves, saturation happens which bring quality, and cheap products,.. Anyhow, still this requires willing ness from the poor as well, so they work to change their own ..,
willingness? I see the willingness in them working their @$$es off outside in the extreme heat just to make sure that their family doesn't go to sleep starving. I don't see the motorway coming to their aide when they are in the hospitals dying because they can't afford the medicine.

That's not right. Better roads and connectivity is key to better economy. Because of fast way of travel poor people from villages reach for cities to earn business and then return back home in time. Goods can be transfer quickly between cities which is better for businesses. GOVTs don't spoon feed the poor GOVTs create opportunities and motorway project did opened opportunities and brought business/jobs. Just look at all transportation companies etc.
willingness? I see the willingness in them working their @$$es off outside in the extreme heat just to make sure that their family doesn't go to sleep starving. I don't see the motorway coming to their aide when they are in the hospitals dying because they can't afford the medicine.

Will working under extreme heat will move their status from lower class to higher one? By any chance? I was taking about taking advantage, learn, utilize, improve, is the complete process to improve... If you are doing one thing in same manner you learn it over the time, you actually went even lesser level. This is nature, and even quran says same, Allah dont help those who dont help themself. And so far medicine concern, In pakistan medicine are cheaper than rest of wprld, and so many hospitals are even providing them for free.. If you dont go to collect who ever you blame, main culprit is ypu yourself.

Blame Govt, Blame USA, these things has become hardcoded within ourself, but nobody see the people want to grow (seriously) dpea grow..
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All these legislation are worthless without implementation... just enforce the existing one
@SeanShah1003 I can tell that your idea of Economics has some folk-pop ideas and not much else. What do you wish for govt to do? Give out cash like PPP? Stuff people into Govt-owned Enterprises, like PPP? Infrastructure projects are the best way forward, particularly since China and KSA and Turkey are willing to invest money that we do not have by ourselves. Rooting out corruption and improving social services are laudable goals. But a govt can not run itself on these programs. To cut poverty, it is essential to have growth; and to have growth one must have infrastructure, in addition to education and vocational training.

We, the people of Pakistan, particularly ones in Punjab, have resigned ourselves to the fact that our provincial and federal govts are not going to have education and health services as a priority. We have to make do with this constraint.

For upper Punjab (north of Khanewal) the population has a stronger work ethic which places a premium on vocational trianing and apprentice-ship for people with less education. That is why one can see a lot of Punjabi labor in various industries all around Pakistan. Pashtuns too have a very strong work ethic irrespective of educational achievement.

Only those people who look to government for solution to all their problems are stuck in poverty. They deserve being poor if they are not willing to help themselves.
@SeanShah1003 I can tell that your idea of Economics has some folk-pop ideas and not much else. What do you wish for govt to do? Give out cash like PPP? Stuff people into Govt-owned Enterprises, like PPP? Infrastructure projects are the best way forward, particularly since China and KSA and Turkey are willing to invest money that we do not have by ourselves. Rooting out corruption and improving social services are laudable goals. But a govt can not run itself on these programs. To cut poverty, it is essential to have growth; and to have growth one must have infrastructure, in addition to education and vocational training.

We, the people of Pakistan, particularly ones in Punjab, have resigned ourselves to the fact that our provincial and federal govts are not going to have education and health services as a priority. We have to make do with this constraint.

For upper Punjab (north of Khanewal) the population has a stronger work ethic which places a premium on vocational trianing and apprentice-ship for people with less education. That is why one can see a lot of Punjabi labor in various industries all around Pakistan. Pashtuns too have a very strong work ethic irrespective of educational achievement.

Only those people who look to government for solution to all their problems are stuck in poverty. They deserve being poor if they are not willing to help themselves.
And how are they supposed to help themselves?
this being the worst part. secondly it shows the seriousness of this rigged parliament.. it holds no value. just waste of tax payer's money.
I take strong exception to your characterization of our parliament as 'rigged'. You are taking PTI propaganda too seriously. PTI is not going to succeed in its antics for mid-term elections. All this propaganda is going to back-fire.
All these legislation are worthless without implementation... just enforce the existing one

and PMLN failed to even do that... :omghaha:

but do listen to their rants regarding experience and full paged advertisements ... the primary function of Parliament is legislation!! making roads and bridges is job of local government.. so please refrain from diluting this debacle of PMLN in first year of their tenure which proved to be worst ever in Parliamentary history of Pakistan.
But they for a huge mandate right? Turn why are they not working to pass bills?
And how are they supposed to help themselves?
Look at Sialkot and its people. They do not look to government. They solve their own problems the best they can.

Anyways, rhetorical questions are not going to mask your shartcomings. Better study a bit of economics, especially development economics. That will keep you from making glaring mistakes like the one you have made in your posts here.
Look at Sialkot and its people. They do not look to government. They solve their own problems the best they can.

Anyways, rhetorical questions are not going to mask your shartcomings. Better study a bit of economics, especially development economics. That will keep you from making glaring mistakes like the one you have made in your posts here.
you mean Shortcomings*, You can defend PML-N all you want, its not going to effect the truth.
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