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PML-N, PTI branded as rightwing conservative parties

The structure of power in Pakistan (i.e status quo) is primarily built around :

1) The military establishment
2) Imperialist powers
3) The religious right, and
4) Propertied classes.

PTI is a pro-establishment party and many of its members are industrialists and feudal lords. PTI openly supports Pakistan's Religious Right .... .

PTI represents/supports all of the basic components of Pakistani status quo . Conservative parties on the political spectrum tend to be for the status quo..

PTI is a right-wing, pro status-quo conservative political party.

Right-wing populists use the language of the ‘poor’ and ‘oppressed (and other Left-Wing Vocabulary) and try to present themselves as anti status-quo but it doesn't make them Left-wing (or with leftist leaning)

The political chaos created in the country by PTI is best defined as "internal contradiction and power struggle of the ruling elite belonging to the military, feudal and capitalist class".

Haven't seen you here in a while, Sir. How have you been? Good to have you back! :cheers:
Haven't seen you here in a while, Sir. How have you been? Good to have you back! :cheers:

Thanks .. :cheers:

Two years almost. I stopped posting here as a few in the management team didn't like my views (religious as well as political), and they had started deleting my posts (and closing the threads I started)
In all fairness you need to give Imran a chance, and that chance would be of being a PM, and only then the real Imran would emerge.

Starting from his playboy days, to marrying Jamima to the cancer hospital to the first 15 years of political life when he was trying to establish his party without success, nothing suggested he was on the right, on the contrary everything suggested his credentials of centre to left, and then PTI evolved the way it did, and that would have never happened in Pakistan without pandering the right, and that too in the heart of Pakistan, Punjab, which can be as right as it gets, largely because of the violent and hate filled partition history.

Even today PTI, and Imran are evolving, one day he can take a stand that is pro militants, the other day, realising public backlash, and as a true politician, change his stance, then one day he can talk of a Ahmedi as a perspective future foreign minister, and then back tracking, and this just suggests the dichotomy in what Imran as a person believes in but how he tries to position himself on how the people want to see him as, and so I guess a lot will be really seen in its true form when he takes over as the PM, because the government can't be seen taking one stand one day, and just another the other.

As a person, Imran has given enough signs that he has his left leanings, but PTI is definitely no party on the left, they are after PML-N vote bank, and they are ready to be as right as the PML-N is or can be. PTI minus Imran is a party on the right, hands down, but there never would have existed a PTI without him, so give it sometime, and see what his policies would be when he gets to be the PM.

Just a thought and my hunch, he will, like the rest be termed a RAW agent, whenever he gets to be the PM, matter of time really!
Thanks .. :cheers:

Two years almost. I stopped posting here as a few in the management team didn't like my views (religious as well as political), and they had started deleting my posts (and closing the threads I started)

Well it's good to see sensible posters returning, onward and upwards.
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