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PML(N) facebook!

if nawaz win..he will nawaz all his supporters at the expense of national treasury..perfectly like his name!
if nawaz win..he will nawaz all his supporters at the expense of national treasury..perfectly like his name!

These so called leaders havn't learned anything from their exiles...(that they preach to us) . They are just not capablt to handle the enormous challenges that our country faces now also with the pace at which technology has advanced and the sheer pace of media growth and its viewership will make these people look culprits again in a few months of their election (I m assuming Nawaz will be elected , though i m more then convinced, and I am not alone, that Nawaz Sharif is out of power for good now, unless he can perform a miracle) ... a very good column in daily jang today by Irfan Siddiqi (a nawaz sharif stooge) where he mentions the fact that PPP's only chance of winning the next election will be through voter divide it can create .
check this out !!! lmao now what face do the call themself democratic and musharraf a dictator???? check this link------------------> PML(N) | Facebook
^^^^^^ PML(N) This is a place for free debate, and not propaganda. You had made your point with your previous post, and we have replied. Please do not post the same thing again to attempt to defame PML(N).

We have banned everyone who is abusing, includi...ng people posting links to "Hang Musharraf" etc. please we are trying to keep this a clean and open form. Such false criticisms won't lead anywhere.

1. No abusive language
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3. You can criticise it is your right, but baseless criticism will be removed(this applies for everyone
4. If someone says that we are deleting their comments, when we haven't and just spreading misinformation they will be banned as this destroys the environment for discussion.
5. Off-topic posts will be deleted in the discussions and comments section.

The rules are clear and apply to everyone. We believe in a fair system.


POINT NUMBER 3 how can i accept it in democracy!... when will they learn i don't get it
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