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PM Sharif to undergo 'open heart surgery'

I pray for him


As a medical student am a bit ashamed , our leaders dont even think that our doctors amd hospitals are worthy enough to treat them ..in my point of view its an Insult .

There are 2 reasons that NS prefers to have operation in London over Pakistan

1. what if any of the staff in Pakistan has been hurt by him and that staff member decides to do something to him while he is on the operating table.

2. What if in the middle of the operation the hospital loses the electricity.

I can't believe some people here are actually praying for him to get well. I signed just to say..... I hope he dies a slooowww painful death :smokin:

Even though i have no love for NS, i believe we shouldn't pray for his death, he still deserves a chance to repent and mend his ways.
I have strong reasons to be not a part of his fan following, but i wont speak ill of him either. I sincerely hope that if his surgery goes well, he will seize the opportunity provided by that renewed life and will strive to do right by this country and its people.
last evening seen a picture circulating around on fb, showing PM sab dinning at some restaurant along with his family; in case that picture is very recent then we are once again fooled to show sympathies for the PM :hitwall:
May you also get what you wish for others. This is what happen when you hear non stop jalse of IK full of hatred, insults and abuse

IK has not wished ill for NS, infact he has publicly passed on his prayers for him........people are angry with him because he has looted public money not because IK told them to hate him
It seems to be more drama to divert attention from PANAMA LEAKS.
One could clearly judge it; he had seriously blocked artery and candidate for bypass.
'KHABAY' are going as usual in hotels. His physical activities are aggressive and does not corresponds to the nature of his disease.
And What About General Pervez Musharraf he is also in same Country for Treatment
I don't agree with his politics and style of Government. But I wish him luck and pray that he comes back to Pakistan after his treatment.

PM Nawaz to undergo open-heart surgery in London on Tuesday, says Khawaja Asif
I wish him full recovery
although news of open heart surgery were a shock. wold has moved away from that dangerous and messy procedure. in the west its a quick keyhole surgery done. I know it from personal experience as I was taken in for the same.
IK has not wished ill for NS, infact he has publicly passed on his prayers for him........people are angry with him because he has looted public money not because IK told them to hate him
He has looted public money? say which judge or court of law? Say Mr Imran khan who is chief justice of Pakistan and conduct fair trail in every jalsa lol but seriously ptians personal hatred for nawaz aside but he is elected PM of Pakistan and Pakistani people gave him mandate ..now ptians will also start bashing those who elected him and will pray for their death as well..this is extreme mindset or rather obsession with Ik or pti which is not good thing. Democrasy is respecting the choice of majority whether you agree with them or not
He has looted public money? say which judge or court of law? Say Mr Imran khan who is chief justice of Pakistan and conduct fair trail in every jalsa lol but seriously ptians personal hatred for nawaz aside but he is elected PM of Pakistan and Pakistani people gave him mandate ..now ptians will also start bashing those who elected him and will pray for their death as well..this is extreme mindset or rather obsession with Ik or pti which is not good thing. Democrasy is respecting the choice of majority whether you agree with them or not

Ok i understand if you don't believe it when IK says things against NS, but international media has made documentaries about his corruption ( BBC documentary from Pakistan to Park Lane ), why are you blind to that?

There is evidence in front of you but you are choosing to ignore it. Think logically and then try to seek answers to these questions

1. How did his kids become multi-millionaire while they were still teenagers and able to afford the most expensive properties in London?
2. Why were they denying that those properties belonged to them if they didn't have anything to hide?
3. How did NS family wealth increase many folds only after he came to power? ( if they have great business management skills they should teach it to the rest of the country so that we all can grow our wealth)
Listen to Dr Shahid and he raises a few interesting points and hints at what is actually going on in the name of OHS

Ok i understand if you don't believe it when IK says things against NS, but international media has made documentaries about his corruption ( BBC documentary from Pakistan to Park Lane ), why are you blind to that?

There is evidence in front of you but you are choosing to ignore it. Think logically and then try to seek answers to these questions

1. How did his kids become multi-millionaire while they were still teenagers and able to afford the most expensive properties in London?
2. Why were they denying that those properties belonged to them if they didn't have anything to hide?
3. How did NS family wealth increase many folds only after he came to power? ( if they have great business management skills they should teach it to the rest of the country so that we all can grow our wealth)

I dont know which documentary you are talking about. Is this documentary prove that origin/source of money was illegal? If documentary evidence would have been valid evidence then why opposition would have been talking about forming commission to investigate this matter further. Accusation is one thing and to prove these accusation another. If documentary evidence would have prove the corruption of nawaz then he should have been inside the prison ? No?

Now to answer your question with common sense

1) Its like asking how kids of Bill Gate or Steve Jobs, Mithal or any others businessman became so rich. Children inherit wealth from their father
2) Just because you expand some business and increase you wealth dont mean that there must be something fishy.
3) Just mere assumptions/allegations which has no legal authority and you keep hearing from Ik every now and then

I am not lawyer of nawaz but you should have this common sense that mud throwing at each others is common political culture of Pakistan. nawaz and zaradi was doing to each others when were in opposition and now Imran is in opposition and he is trying to degrade his opponent to damage their political image to increase his own vote bank. My point is accusation are mere accusation unless you prove them ..people cannot be label as criminals just because of your own personal assumption and guess
I dont know which documentary you are talking about. Is this documentary prove that origin/source of money was illegal? If documentary evidence would have been valid evidence then why opposition would have been talking about forming commission to investigate this matter further. Accusation is one thing and to prove these accusation another. If documentary evidence would have prove the corruption of nawaz then he should have been inside the prison ? No?

Now to answer your question with common sense

1) Its like asking how kids of Bill Gate or Steve Jobs, Mithal or any others businessman became so rich. Children inherit wealth from their father
2) Just because you expand some business and increase you wealth dont mean that there must be something fishy.
3) Just mere assumptions/allegations which has no legal authority and you keep hearing from Ik every now and then

I am not lawyer of nawaz but you should have this common sense that mud throwing at each others is common political culture of Pakistan. nawaz and zaradi was doing to each others when were in opposition and now Imran is in opposition and he is trying to degrade his opponent to damage their political image to increase his own vote bank. My point is accusation are mere accusation unless you prove them ..people cannot be label as criminals just because of your own personal assumption and guess

As you havn't seen the documentary, here is the video of it

The reason the opposition is asking for a commission is exactly to investigate any ill doings by NS and his family. Now my rebuttal to your answers

1. I agree with your statements that its common sense that his kids would have got money from him, but NS claims he didn't send any money abroad
2. You didn't answer my 2nd question which was why were they denying that those properties belonged to them if they didn't have anything to hide?
3. Again the question isn't that his wealth increased, but if the rate of rise spikes only when he is in power raises questions

I am not trying to guess here but the reason that people are assuming wrong doings by NS and his family is because of lack of a proper answer from them and also because they have lied about owning those properties in the past and only admitted it just before the Panama leaks.

I am sure just like me, you also want to see our country prosper, but i want to make sure that people that are chosen to lead our country are doing the best that they can and are not in that post just for their personal gains?
When NS goes for UN General Assembly meeting he stays at most expensive hotel. For treatment he goes to a royal hospital. There should be special graveyard for these Pakistani 'leaders'.
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