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PM rules out Musharraf’s treason trial

Excellent point Jana , But he still hasn't answered my question Why hang him. Why?
COAS is a position which controls all, If you Musharaf is guilty than his staff officers are guilty if they are guilty than
... Then they are all guilty.

All these come under him and they obeyed his commands so all of them should be hanged great, lets do that and you my friend and the other patriotic people can borrow guns from them and stand guard. Because it will take atleast 1 year to hang all of them.


Excellent point. While Pkaistan hang all these people, lets hang NS, Zaradri, PM, Imran Khan and CJP as well because they all have supported Musharraf and/or Gen Zia. These are the same people who go and beg for high posts and martial law when they are in opposition.

Gen. Mushharf's sole crime was that he tried to do somethig good for Pakistan.

Excellent point. While Pkaistan hang all these people, lets hang NS, Zaradri, PM, Imran Khan and CJP as well because they all have supported Musharraf and/or Gen Zia. These are the same people who go and beg for high posts and martial law when they are in opposition.

Gen. Mushharf's sole crime was that he tried to do somethig good for Pakistan.


I will be very frank we have to many lotaas who don't seen to use there own brains or in other words used common sense, And the masses are so dedicated and involved with there respective leaders that if they say it night its night if they say its day its day. For a few bucks they use our Younglings to achieve their goals. When the goals are not achieved they blame Army. Another thing which pisses of people when Army comes they activities stop basically there haram ki Rozi Roti goes out of the window and they don't like it so again they blame Army. A vicious circle that has no end to it. Eventually we will destroy our own country by our own hands what a shame by the time we realise it will be to late.
I will be very frank we have to many lotaas who don't seen to use there own brains or in other words used common sense, And the masses are so dedicated and involved with there respective leaders that if they say it night its night if they say its day its day. For a few bucks they use our Younglings to achieve their goals. When the goals are not achieved they blame Army. Another thing which pisses of people when Army comes they activities stop basically there haram ki Rozi Roti goes out of the window and they don't like it so again they blame Army. A vicious circle that has no end to it. Eventually we will destroy our own country by our own hands what a shame by the time we realise it will be to late.

dear sir,
WOW ,, you really got the bottom here!
its amazing to see , your great thinking not , just stops in the battle fields, but it goes on , & greatly it identified the main cause, of the probleum.
i , fully agree with your responses , on this thread, but i feel dejeccted about, gen.musharaf's unability to clean our politics & our society , i guss he had the best of chances , to hang all of these crupt politicians, but i , understand his, situation , in which he & pakarmy had to do many things , on the same time.
i think gen, musharaf was the best posible president of pakistan,, which pakistan ever can get, & i personally hounr him , & pakarmy for saving pakistan on number of times , durring thier tenur!
long llive pakistan & PAKARMY.:tup::pakistan:
DOWN WITH THIS "DEMOCRAZY" & its crupt politicians!:angry:
between an asswipe (politician) who all his life has been sitting in the comfort of his house and a servicemen who have been on different TOD's around the harsh terrain my vote will always go for the servicemen

in my opinion we as a nation are latooon kai bhoot izzat raas nahin ati hum logon ku and the only reason we need this demowhoracy shoved up our behind every few years is to remind us how good was life under military rule

screw these politicians twice or thrice even all they are good for is throwing dirt on each other and minting money from us ... i consider my turd more precious than these opportunist

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