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PM Nawaz Sharif send mitai to Modi on diwali .

AIk bar Lanat Bhaj ker "Go Nawaz Go" Kahin

Lakh di Lanant ganga tera payda hona per or jina tenu jamaya si.
AIk bar Lanat Bhaj ker "Go Nawaz Go" Kahin

Lakh di Lanant ganga tera payda hona per or jina tenu jamaya si.
AIk bar Lanat Bhaj ker "Ro Imran Ro" Kahin

Lakh di Lanant zaani khan tera payda hona per or jina tenu jamaya si.
Unless they're poisoned with the Ebola Virus, it shows the utter impotency in Nawaz Sharif and Co. On one hand the Indians are using the vast Diplomatic depth to push us further and further into an illegitimate Brick wall, and on the other our International representatives are making Crude, corny gestures which show the utmost disregard to National Pride and respect. Is this the behavior of a self-respecting, progressive nation? Not At All!
ye ganjay b******* kay bachay aur iske *** ke.....
You seem to have huge problems with Pakistan military, I can understand that much, but what ISI or military has to do with the thread topic? Besides, there is nothing wrong sending sweet mart or what not but please look at the situation on the borders. What message Nawaz is sending to his troops? It appears to me that Nawaz is totally oblivious of the emotions of Pakistani public and those who are defending this country with their blood. One cant be a leader if does not oblige to the wishes of his people. Rest you are entitled to your opinion.

Nawaz knows that India has rightly responded to Pak Army attempts to push terrorist in Kashmir and rightly pounded Pak Army. Nawaz knows that Modi declaration of giving BIG PAIN to Pak is to be taken seriously. BIG PAIN does not means war. We cab give it many different ways.
Unless they're poisoned with the Ebola Virus, it shows the utter impotency in Nawaz Sharif and Co. On one hand the Indians are using the vast Diplomatic depth to push us further and further into an illegitimate Brick wall, and on the other our International representatives are making Crude, corny gestures which show the utmost disregard to National Pride and respect. Is this the behavior of a self-respecting, progressive nation? Not At All!
Beggars do not have any pride, respect or progressiveness. These are oxymorons for Pakistan.

Ganja is aware of Pakistan's true status in the world. The uber-nationalists also know very well where we stand; but it is very hard for them to swallow their ego and recognize the utter futility of their hawkish stance.
Using pakis word here on Pakistani forum is very smart. I want to believe u dont know why u should not use this word..

Can admin take care of it plz

@cb4 @WishLivePak and all other nooni pooni kuch sharam karo
Pakistan is the only country where people feel offended for calling them with their nationality name.
Pakistan is the only country where people feel offended for calling them with their nationality name.

But some people have posted stuff online and when you search it through google, people think it's bad meaning., Like

A **** is a word used to describe a person from south asia, Usually works for T-Mobile or in a call centre of some kind.. eventually progressing to the goal of self employed Kebab shop owner.

****'s are tax exempt and always have a brother that can get it cheaper. They all drive the same VW golf, and always carry more than one mobile phone, usually the other mobile contains terrorist texts messages and the phone numbers of numerous other terrorist. **** phones usually carry PDF version of holy Qur'an on them, some have even branched out and have iPhone SDK developer programs in which the created their own app called.. "iExplode" unfortunatly for the ****'s it was rejected by apple...

typical **** names consist of: sanjee, abdul and kuri sawse
Male 1: "check out this **** he's doing a donut in his car"
Male 2: "is that a toyota corola?"
Male 1: "no, its a VW golf
Urban Dictionary: ****

Hindu being short for hindustani is fine, they feel no shame. Or kiwi, aussie etc
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