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PM Modi's stern warning to China

The Chinese need to be careful, or the next time they switch on their TV - India will be claiming a massive surgical strike and the whole world will be left baffled as to where or when the strike took place :omghaha:
warning warning warning :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

13aug 2014
Ahead of diplomatic meet, why Modi warned Pakistan to mend its ways

12oct 2016
Modi warns Pakistan, calls for slaying ‘Ravana’ of terror

1 oct 2018
M Narendra Modi warns Pakistan of 'befitting' reply to ceasefire violations.

14 feb 2019
India's PM Modi warns Pakistan of strong response to Kashmir attack

5march 2019
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has sent out a stern warning to Pakistan for sponsoring terrorism against India.

21 april 2019
"We conducted a press conference and warned Pakistan that if anything happened to our pilot, you will keep telling the world that Modi did

14 june 2019
Stop terror, PM Modi warns Pakistan in SCO speech

28 jan 2020
'Can defeat them in 10-12 days': PM Modi warns Pakistan at NCC rally
Believe in fact that all the lives of soldiers gone in vain.
India could not do anything but only some verbal diarrhea as Mr Modi is just doing it and then will opt for some commission and negotiation with China. After all India is the most peaceful nation of Asia.

Galwan Valley is occupied by china as we speak..we will reclaim that
So you mean with twice the casualties still China manage to reclaim the disputed territory - if Chinese are so determined then believe me you could not get an inch of that territory by fighting.
He said our soldiers died while killing the opponents...it means there a good number of soldiers killed on Chinese side too...it seems modi is ready for a war going by his tone and tenor
Barking dogs bite seldom.
He said " maarte hue mare Hain" because of the pressure from Indian public. If he accepts there are zero Chinese casualties vs 20 Indian occupiers deaths the bharti public will demand his resignation if action not taken.
He isn't ready for war just like talk big on balakot strike ,all those false claims and the next day the whole world knows what happened with India .
Usually boastful and given to grandstanding, Mr Modi and his ministers have displayed utmost restraint in their public messages this time, mostly sticking to mourning the loss of soldiers.

The prime minister did say: "India wants peace but, if instigated, it is capable of giving a befitting reply." But this is seen as aimed more at his political rivals and supporters domestically, rather than as a warning to Beijing.

China is not Pakistan and memories of the humiliating defeat in the 1962 war are all too real for any misadventure.

Next PM of India

So according to indian media 43 chinese also killed , then what will you respond for? You killed twice their soldiers so whats response gonna be for? Just trying to make sense of it
They killed double, and no land lost, so why is India so angry? Just wondering

China has yet to confirm fatalities on its side

Only source giving number of fatalities is U.S.

Why would China hide its loses OR is U.S. wrong in its assessment ?
Bro which US source, its one Indian media claiming one 'US' source. Just like how they claim NO CHINESE IN DOKLAM. lololol
All Indians will walk on water again today. The great Modi - saviour of all - bullshit of none has finally spoken. Silent poison and drumstick will now be able to walk and stick their chests out and think they are supapowa again.

A speech that one expected - full of lies twists and bolstering his semi delinquent ranks. Doest change the fact yesterday was one of the most humiliating slaps in Indian military history - #spanking2020
It is in China's interest to show that India has been the aggressor.

The fact that they are not reporting any casualties means there are no Chinese casualties.

The only dead are Indians.

What we did to the hans yesterday ,all bluster has left them.
Yes, we can see that.
China has yet to confirm fatalities on its side

Only source giving number of fatalities is U.S.

Why would China hide its loses OR is U.S. wrong in its assessment ?
It's not a football match or a cricket score.
Wars are not decided by the number of dead on each side.
Wars are decided by territorial and political gains.
It doesn't matter how many or how few Chinese you managed to kill, the deciding factor is that the Chinese are sat on 60²km of your territory and you don't have the capability to eject them.
That is the end all and be all at the moment.
Your thoughts please.
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