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PM Modi to meet Russian PM Dmitry Rogozin meet next week to help iron out differences


Dec 25, 2014
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Old allies India and Russia will have the opportunity to deliberate on differences that have appeared in strategic ties over Moscow’s recent overtures to Pakistan and the outreach to Taliban at a high level when Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets Russian Deputy PM Dmitry Rogozin next week on the sidelines of Vibrant Gujarat Summit.

Modi had invited his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev to attend this edition of Vibrant Gujarat between January 9 and 14 but the Russian government deputed Rogozin, the point person for India-Russia ties, for the Summit. Rogozin is leading a 70-member delegation at the meet where Russia will showcase its industrial strengths with potential of investments in India, people familiar with the developments said.

Plans are also afoot for Modi to inaugurate the mega Russian pavilion at Vibrant Gujarat. This will be the biggest ever Russian presence at this summit so far. Russian nuclear major Rosatom, which has supplied reactors for the Kudankulam plant, will be present on the occasion as two countries hope to sign contracts for fifth and sixth units of the Tamil Nadu-based nuclear power station later this month. The line of credit to finance the two units have been firmed up and contracts are ready to be concluded, officials hinted.

All eyes though will be on the meeting between Modi and Rogozin, which will be held in the backdrop of recent overtures made by Moscow to Pakistan and holding of a trilateral dialogue with Islamabad and Beijing on Afghanistan that plans outreach to Taliban with the goal of fighting the Islamic State. While the Modi-Rogozin interaction will formally focus on India-Russia economic partnership, energy and defence projects, the meeting could also be an opportunity to touch on the political and strategic issues.

While India did not formally lodge protest with Russia, Delhi is closely observing the developments in the region where it has huge stakes, according to people familiar with the developments. Moscow maintains that the depth of its ties with India cannot be compared with Russia-Pakistan ties and that such relations will not be built at India’s cost. It might be recalled that while Russia held joint military exercises with Pakistan in Peshawar, it had cancelled military drills in the Rattu area of Gilgit-Baltistan following last September’s Uri terror strikes after India objected as the area fell in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (Azad Kashmir). Russia was also among the first big powers to support India’s decision to carry out cross-LoC surgical strikes in Azad Kashmir.

Besides the diamond industry, Russia has growing stakes in Gujarat spanning across the transport and energy sectors. Russia and India are eyeing trade turnover of $30 billion by 2025. An agreement on a free trade zone between the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and India will help realise plans to increase trade. A decision was arrived last week to conclude a free trade zone agreement between the EAEU and India, as well as with Iran, Egypt and Singapore.

Indian's will do randi rona act with tears, snot, tissues and possible tantrum threatening to throw her handbag and walk whilst Russia will be forced do calm a hysterical india without slapping her in the face.

Expect a statement afterwards declaring how wonderful india is and the relationship is ok.:agree:

Then back in the real world Russia will be working with China and Pakistan to secure its strategic future
Indian's will do randi rona act with tears, snot, tissues and possible tantrum threatening to throw her handbag and walk whilst Russia will be forced do calm a hysterical india without slapping her in the face.
THis exactl;y what I was explaining for last few months that Russia is showing extreme agony at the prostitute money laundering by Indian agencies like RBI , Finance ministry inside Russia. India is trying its level best to bribe Russia for super power ambitions but no onewas listening .it was clear for past 6 months that Indian leadership is desperate for Russia weapons (without showing the public).Well it is upto Russia to either supply massive blood curling Tank , artillery , Air to surface bombs, missiles and reconnaissance systems to India.

Well the fact is Russia needs tons of money and India is prepared to give that night and day and spend on Russia industry .Indian army is becoming increasingly belligerent on both china and pak fronts and finally it is upto Russia to support this belligerent army with high tech reconnaissance and strike platforms
Indian's will do randi rona act with tears, snot, tissues and possible tantrum threatening to throw her handbag and walk whilst Russia will be forced do calm a hysterical india without slapping her in the face.

Expect a statement afterwards declaring how wonderful india is and the relationship is ok.:agree:

Then back in the real world Russia will be working with China and Pakistan to secure its strategic future
wow , we have astrologers in pakistan too ?
Rosatom is about to get, arguably one of the biggest contracts for N reactors shortly. 8-)
& no this is not about KK (where it already has contract for 4 more VVER 1000).
Wait & Watch!
Indian's will do randi rona act with tears, snot, tissues and possible tantrum threatening to throw her handbag and walk whilst Russia will be forced do calm a hysterical india without slapping her in the face.

Expect a statement afterwards declaring how wonderful india is and the relationship is ok.:agree:

Then back in the real world Russia will be working with China and Pakistan to secure its strategic future

Just Indian maintainence contracts would top anything Pakistan is willing to buy.
Russians are smart asses ...They are not CCCP any more. Money Money is all they need.

If it is of Interest they can sell their Mother as well.
Just Indian maintainence contracts would top anything Pakistan is willing to buy.
You have to understand international relations arent boyfriend-girlfriend relations like indians seem to think

If india buys 10 billion worth of Russian equipment, why shouldn't Russia sell a further 2 billion to Pakistan, this way they make 12 billion

We have had U.S equipment in our military for decades, now they sell to you too, no biggie thats business

There are important geo strategic games afoot involving everyone from Russia to China to Pakistan to Iran, Turkey, Europe, USA and beyond and you indians seem to have got it into your prima donna tantrum prone brains that because you buy a certain amount of weapons from Russia they should now sacrafice their geo strategic interests to express loyalty to india
Even though you buy from them as well as the yanks and Europeans

Get over it princess
We dont care about your relationship with Russia, the world is changing and Pakistan is simply making contacts and discussing future alliances for mutual benefits
In pakistan you have good experience about Randi Rona that's the reason you use this generally:agree:

There is no better term to describe the indian desperate ex girlfriend prima donna tantrum prone psyche
Old allies India and Russia will have the opportunity to deliberate on differences that have appeared in strategic ties over Moscow’s recent overtures to Pakistan and the outreach to Taliban at a high level when Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets Russian Deputy PM Dmitry Rogozin next week on the sidelines of Vibrant Gujarat Summit.

The conclusion indeed but it was expected for NaMO being aware, after LEMOA with US.
There is no better term to describe the indian desperate ex girlfriend prima donna tantrum prone psyche

Ohh still this is better but what about pakistan ..... pahle US and now China...... and let me guess next
Ohh still this is better but what about pakistan ..... pahle US and now China......Both country .........You know what i mean

These are international relations, we utilise world and regional complexities to our advantage or at least try to

Things haven't always gone our way but we have played the game smartly enough
If we can become a major player in muslim alliance at the same time become a powerfull China's primary ally and vital to Russian-Chinese strategic interests whilst keeping our connection to U S and Europe but at a arms length then all the better

We have only india that we hate the rest of the worlds countries should be part of our planning for our future
The rest of the world sees Pakistan as backward, unreliable, terrorists haven etc. Sure for India also they use words like land of poo, rapists etc.

Pakistan is NOT china's primary ally. Too much self valuation. Ally means there is a give and take. There is nothing that Pakistan has that China needs. Would you like to say CPEC now?

My good friend, India is and will only be Pakistan's ally.

But hey, that is not possible also right?

I cant respond right now but South Asia in reality should be one economic, military, diplomatic alliance

We represent a big portion of humanity and the possible military and economic strength could be significant.


India chose to end this permanently when it invaded and occupied Kashmir
The rest of the world sees Pakistan as backward, unreliable, terrorists haven etc.

Let us have the details in this subject that we are unaware. Hopefully, you will provide official sources not just the scholar wish, media rants etc that we have plenty of those.
The rest of the world sees Pakistan as backward, unreliable, terrorists haven etc. Sure for India also they use words like land of poo, rapists etc.

Pakistan is NOT china's primary ally. Too much self valuation. Ally means there is a give and take. There is nothing that Pakistan has that China needs. Would you like to say CPEC now?

My good friend, India is and will only be Pakistan's ally.

But hey, that is not possible also right?

The terrorist tag will die away and with the smaller size of Pakistan it will grow and become sustainable developed economy. Not your 3rd biggest economy India but 90% of the country is a total shithole and poverty.

Then only India will be left as land of poo and rapists. Give it a moment to let this sink in and when you open that newspaper in 2040 get ready for some butthurt. :lol::lol: We are not like you and will never be like you.
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