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PM Manmohan Singh condemns Terrorist attacks in Peshawar and Kenya.

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Jul 17, 2013
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Prime Minister Manmohan Singh condemns Terrorists attacks in Peshawar and Kenya.

Text of Prime Minister's letter to President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya.
September 22, 2013

Prime Minister strongly condemned the terrorist attack in Nairobi and sent his deepest condolences in a letter to the President of Kenya.
Text of the letter is placed below:

" Excellency,
I was deeply shocked and saddened by the brutal terror attack yesterday on the Westgate Mall in Nairobi. This incident is a stark reminder that the persisting menace of terrorism remains a formidable challenge that calls for a concerted and sustained response from the global community.India condemns in the strongest terms this heinous and senseless assault, which has snuffed out so many innocent lives, including nationals of both our countries .

We stand in solidarity with you and the Government and the people of Kenya in this hour of grief. Please convey our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families and our good wishes to the injured for a full and speedy recovery. I am confident that Your Excellency and the people of Kenya will have the strength and resilience to deal with this tragedy and respond firmly to the forces of terror. We stand ready to assist you in your efforts.

Please accept, Excellency , the assurances of my highest consideration."

Text of Prime Minister's letter to President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya

Prime Minister Condemns Terrorist Attack in Peshawar.
September 22, 2013

The horrific suicide attack at a Church in Peshawar today is yet another deeply disturbing manifestation of the evil forces of terror. That the attack took place at a place of worship and claimed the lives of dozens of innocent worshipers makes this senseless act of violence even more tragic. Such barbaric acts are against the tenets of every religion. India condemns the terrorist attack in Peshawar in the strongest terms. We convey our deepest condolences to the families of the victims and wish speedy recovery to the injured.

New Delhi
September 22, 2013

Prime Minister Condemns Terrorist Attack in Peshawar
When it's about Pakistan than even MMS start speaking
He at least quick this time then Muzaffargarh incidents.
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