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PM KHAN rejected to receive phone call from 2nd tier leadership of USA!

Off topic: I don't know how good Pakistan is now in responding to emergencies like:

- Earthquakes
- Continuous Rains for days
- Severe Storm coming and hitting the Coastal areas of the Country

apart from that I believe Pakistan should be keeping a close eye on internal security as well.
I dont know about the US but "2nd tier" could only mean Provincial Level in China, if some governor of a US state tried to call IK that's wayyy overstepping their boundaries
US VPs traditionally don't get involved in such policy matters. It's not their job. Ceremonial post mostly for grand openings or deciding the tie votes in US senate.
Agree, once in a while we have exception such as VP Cheney.
Hey, what you say buddies? Always so vocal on this forum. We need your input here now.

@KAL-EL @Hamartia Antidote @Tank131 @RabzonKhan @VCheng
It’s a YouTube based Channel and I don’t know how credible they are? Other than that channel I do not see any other reputable news organization reporting it.

But let’s say, for the sake of the argument, why would Imran Khan refused to talk with the “second-tier” (most probably Secretary of State Antony Blinken or Secretary of Defense Austin), when in the past he spoke on the phone with Secretary of State Pompeo and met him twice.


It’s a YouTube based Channel and I don’t know how credible they are? Other than that channel I do not see any other reputable news organization reporting it.

But let’s say, for the sake of the argument, why would Imran Khan refused to talk with the “second-tier” (most probably Secretary of State Antony Blinken or Secretary of Defense Austin), when in the past he spoke on the phone with Secretary of State Pompeo and met him twice.

it is the intensity of the matter. matters under discussion are on a very high scale so far as Pakistan is concerned. asking for a base or two and then keep it low profile by US is not what it is in Pakistan.

A govt has many pressures and there are consequences that a country has to face in terms of giving explanation to its people. then there will be huge pressure from "excuse hungry" opposition to fight something on.

on a bigger picture it is integrity and then cannot annoy China to me it is not just an excuse for the base to keep an eye on Afghanistan and to stop any strengthening of ISL to avoid future terrorism. this is plain stupid with US sitting in Afghanistan for 20 years doing what? they have other plans which does not suit Pakistan or can be said are against friends of Pakistan.

if we are planning a shopping list by giving a base, I will be surprised at IK and establishment particularly, they will betray us again. we are giving them a hand for what?
I think now we can safely assume that the 2nd tier leadership was actually CIA chief.
"Officials said the CIA chief wanted to meet Prime Minister Imran Khan, but was plainly told that only counterpart meeting between heads of government of the two countries was possible."
Think it’s about time Pakistan stop trying to be relevant to the U.S. and think of its own interests foremost. Pakistan and China can’t be separated their is just to much at risk, in terms of economics and military. We have to understand none will have our back like the Chinese and that goes without saying. Joining the U.S. it’s done Pakistan internally and externally more harm than it did any good since Liaqat Ali Khans blunder. I mean providing U-2 bases and all what did it bring us? You don’t bring a snake into your house and expect it to act outside its natural instincts.

Pakistan has the option not to detach completely but downgrade its activity with the U.S., reduce its embassy presence.

Regardless, what we might think U.S. will pimp the neighbor to our East, due to U.S. tilt towards the pacific. Hence, we don’t need to lower ourselves to stay relevant or better way to say it to - look relevant, this way you look more pathetic that you should.

It is obvious the powers in charge of Pakistan think otherwise
It’s a YouTube based Channel and I don’t know how credible they are? Other than that channel I do not see any other reputable news organization reporting it.

But let’s say, for the sake of the argument, why would Imran Khan refused to talk with the “second-tier” (most probably Secretary of State Antony Blinken or Secretary of Defense Austin), when in the past he spoke on the phone with Secretary of State Pompeo and met him twice.

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These pice are from the Trump days. Trump invited PM IK to the White House. That is called mutual respect.

Biden doesn't even have the courtesy of making a phone call. I am glad that Imran Khan refused to attent the call.
let's talk about it. If it's a good Decesion or wrong?
what will be the political and strategical cost!
It was fake news!

Here is our Prime Minister meeting with a US diplomat who is not even a so-called “2ND TIER LEADER”. :lol:


US Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad meets Prime Minister Imran Khan in Islamabad. PHOTO: PID July 20, 2021 Source

US Special Envoy for Afghan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad calls on PM Jul 19, 2021
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