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PM Imran ‘our best bet after Musharraf’ for bilateral ties: Indian ex-spy master


Aug 19, 2014
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PM Imran ‘our best bet after Musharraf’ for bilateral ties: Indian ex-spy master

In a rare development, India’s former spy master has said that Prime Minister Imran Khan deserves a chance and time to prove his intentions with regards to Pakistan-India relations.

“[PM] Imran is our best bet after [former military ruler] general Pervez Musharraf,” said AS Dulat, the ex-Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) chief, while speaking at a session on wisdom of spies during the Military Literature Festival in Chandigarh on Saturday, Hindustan Times reported.

“… We need to give him time and a chance to prove his intentions,” he added.

Dialogue only way to resolve all outstanding disputes with India: FM Qureshi

Lieutenant General Kamal Davar (retd), the first Director General of the Indian Defence Intelligence Agency, who was also in attendance at the session, agreed with Dulat’s stance on better ties with Pakistan, saying: “He [PM Imran] is a self-respecting man. Don’t push him into a corner. He can change things in the subcontinent.”

Referring to the ‘better’ relations between Islamabad and New Delhi during the Musharraf regime, Dulat said, “There has not been a more reasonable leader in Pakistan in the past 30 years,” adding, “It is sad that once he [Musharraf] stepped down, a lot less has been done in terms of Pakistan-India relations.”

Plight of Indian Muslims justifies partition: PM

Without naming Islamabad’s efforts for better bilateral ties and its stance to resolve all issues through dialogue, the former RAW chief said, “Talks are the only way forward for both nuclear-armed nations. I would even suggest an institutional arrangement between the intelligence agencies of both countries.”
@SunilM @GHALIB @third eye @ranjeet @XiNiX @BHarwana @Indus Pakistan
Just like North Korea, Indians live in a propoganda filled closed society spreading hatred; once that goes down.. humanity will resolve itself.
Please tell that to IK, Its not Modi who is dying to talk.
Besides, if South Koreans have had the same thought the Peace would never prevail.
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Just like North Korea, Indians live in a propoganda filled closed society spreading hatred; once that goes down.. humanity will resolve itself.
What about the propaganda and the hate material taught in Pakistan I schools and colleges.
Indian ex-spy master
too much concerned about Mr.Khan ? This statement is an invitation . Nothing Else. India now want to a peace situation bcz their target is they will cross china economy or they will made own system. So -- This kind of cheap dialog doesn;t make any sense.
What about the propaganda and the hate material taught in Pakistan I schools and colleges.

That's a propaganda spread by us Indians that it is the Pakistani propaganda to spread propaganda and teach hate material in Pakistani schools and colleges.

PM Imran ‘our best bet after Musharraf’ for bilateral ties: Indian ex-spy master

In a rare development, India’s former spy master has said that Prime Minister Imran Khan deserves a chance and time to prove his intentions with regards to Pakistan-India relations.

“[PM] Imran is our best bet after [former military ruler] general Pervez Musharraf,” said AS Dulat, the ex-Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) chief, while speaking at a session on wisdom of spies during the Military Literature Festival in Chandigarh on Saturday, Hindustan Times reported.

“… We need to give him time and a chance to prove his intentions,” he added.

Dialogue only way to resolve all outstanding disputes with India: FM Qureshi

Lieutenant General Kamal Davar (retd), the first Director General of the Indian Defence Intelligence Agency, who was also in attendance at the session, agreed with Dulat’s stance on better ties with Pakistan, saying: “He [PM Imran] is a self-respecting man. Don’t push him into a corner. He can change things in the subcontinent.”

Referring to the ‘better’ relations between Islamabad and New Delhi during the Musharraf regime, Dulat said, “There has not been a more reasonable leader in Pakistan in the past 30 years,” adding, “It is sad that once he [Musharraf] stepped down, a lot less has been done in terms of Pakistan-India relations.”

Plight of Indian Muslims justifies partition: PM

Without naming Islamabad’s efforts for better bilateral ties and its stance to resolve all issues through dialogue, the former RAW chief said, “Talks are the only way forward for both nuclear-armed nations. I would even suggest an institutional arrangement between the intelligence agencies of both countries.”
@SunilM @GHALIB @third eye @ranjeet @XiNiX @BHarwana @Indus Pakistan

I guess they also see the harm and danger the modi led hindu fascism is bringing to their country, except the little delusional indian folk whose brains only work with bollywood logic.
Please tell that to IK, Its not Modi who is dying to talk.
And who told u that IK is dying for peace talks? We only wanted to prove a point to the rest of the world and we have successfully done that. Now India and Indians can keep crying about Pakistan doing this and Pakistan doing that, there are no takers accept India.
Please tell that to IK, Its not Modi who is dying to talk.
No need to, he is letting the world know we are ready but your side only seeks wanton death and destruction.

What about the propaganda and the hate material taught in Pakistan I schools and colleges.
Mostly gone now. Plus our nation as a whole is much much more aware of the world and environment.
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