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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

Master stoke

  • Right decision

  • Wrong decision

  • Master stoke

Results are only viewable after voting.
The speaker and deputy speaker tendered resignations which means PM can dissolve the assemblies. My understanding.
Speaker and Dy Speaker of the Assembly resigned. 20 minutes to go.
So much so for 'respecting' the Supreme Court decision after embellishing his credentials for being in 'jail' for the Judiciary in 2007.
Breaking ARY , Sabir Shakir

Letter in hand of Speaker of National Assembly

  • The Speaker of National Assembly is in possession of Seal copy of Letter
  • The Sealed letter will be shared with All Members of Parliament
Letter in hand of CJP
  • CJP have also been sent a copy of the Letter

Airports have been sealed
Airports have been issued high alert no one can leave country with out NOC

No one can leave without a Government NOC
زرداری اور شریفوں کی دولت کام آ رہی ہے
This has beaten the Jan 6 what happened in US. Their common people did it. Here the speaker is acting as stooge of PM. PM is doing this. Think about a PM getting arrested by juniors. How low he has to stoop.

Because he was always a dictator even as cricket captain!
Breaking ARY , Sabir Shakir

Letter in hand of Speaker of National Assembly

  • The Speaker of National Assembly is in possession of Seal copy of Letter
  • The Sealed letter will be shared with All Members of Parliament
Letter in hand of CJP
  • CJP have also been sent a copy of the Letter

Airports have been sealed
Airports have been issued high alert no one can leave country with out NOC

No one can leave without a Government NOC
Speaker has resigned
Breaking ARY , Sabir Shakir

Letter in hand of Speaker of National Assembly

  • The Speaker of National Assembly is in possession of Seal copy of Letter
  • The Sealed letter will be shared with All Members of Parliament
Letter in hand of CJP
  • CJP have also been sent a copy of the Letter

Airports have been sealed
Airports have been issued high alert no one can leave country with out NOC

No one can leave without a Government NOC
those who fly they have airbases already
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