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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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I think it’s time we have a civil war, how long do we have to live with these Judi, pushti rulers. Shabaz’s chaprasi in court documents had 700 million ruppes in thier account. They will now change election laws.

US agrees that they manipulated Pakistan and Srilanka goverment process.

I think it’s time to take our country back

The nation doesn't have that spark.. sorry.. Next suggestion?
Deputy speakers ruling... Unlawful.
PM's Decision.... Unlawful.
VNC..... Stands.
Resume this action.... Immediately.
How can anyone accept this BS.
Only thing left and I hope its executed is Mob justice.
Lynch the sell outs and their handlers.
Be done with it once and for all.

For that you have to come back to Pakistan and participate yourself.
Don’t be ridiculous it’s SC job to protect constitution whether it’s president, speaker, dictator or anyone else. They can interfere, if someone is playing with constitution.

You don’t know $hit about these things but you are commenting like you’re professional lawyer or something. Koi grace hoti ha bhai, maan lo it was wrong and illegal.

Then why the F* this SUPREME court not asking Lohar High court for not proceeding with Model Town case? Is that not violation of law an constitution?

What about countless other violations of judiciary itself, that nikka Sharif not being charged?

That Easy Paisa getting clean chit and against constitution his case not being allowed to go to Supreme Judicial council. Not only this, but no one can question judges anymore.

I dont care whether IK remains in power or not but THIS IS NOT JUSTICE!
You have to understand one thing about the Army. They are irrelevant if they don't show we are fighting India and TTP. These attacks are important for their existence. The generals are a bunch of selfish assholes, and soldiers are brainwashed into thinking all is done for the riyasat. It is done for the riyasat within the riyasat.
i wonder how they will ask their men to follow their orders to defend Pakistan ... i wonder if their under command will tell them ... sir we r neutral now!!!
Imran Khan appointed Attorney General betrayed him. Everyone around him is traitor.
Don’t be ridiculous it’s SC job to protect constitution whether it’s president, speaker, dictator or anyone else. They can interfere, if someone is playing with constitution.

You don’t know $hit about these things but you are commenting like you’re professional lawyer or something. Koi grace hoti ha bhai, maan lo it was wrong and illegal.
abba chutia article 69 ja ker parh basori ka. I know enough shit to understand SC has no jurisdiction on the proceeding inside the parliament, something they have themselves stated just two days ago before taking a notice of this ruling. Now all of a sudden they can.? Get Lost!
Supreme court restricted the powers of PM and president

What is this behavior
I think it’s time we have a civil war, how long do we have to live with these Judi, pushti rulers. Shabaz’s chaprasi in court documents had 700 million ruppes in thier account. They will now change election laws.

US agrees that they manipulated Pakistan and Srilanka goverment process.

I think it’s time to take our country back

Empty Roshan accounts.
Stop paying income tax.
nothing is more extremely dangerous then US under secretory overthrown our GOV in few days by buying few MNA s

Then investigate and prove it!
If what you say is true then may God Help Pakistan because even the mightiest in Pakistan are compromised!
But what you say is almost certainly not based in reality! There is no Morsi or Maduro like CIA coup. Americans and Pakistanis know each other since the 1950s all too well to come up with such shoddy plans.
Deputy speakers ruling... Unlawful.
PM's Decision.... Unlawful.
VNC..... Stands.
Resume this action.... Immediately.
How can anyone accept this BS.
Only thing left and I hope its executed is Mob justice.
Lynch the sell outs and their handlers.
Be done with it once and for all.
Come to Pakistan and start. People are celebrating outside.
UK main bhat ker chawalin na mar, kisi ka baap main itni himat nahi ha kah IK ko jail main dalla.
Try to put IK behind bars and see what happens? In fact everyone will see what happens, PDM, Establishment, Army, Bajwa, whorecourts.

Bhai chawlein nahi mar raha, you have to hope for the best and plan for the worst.
Mark my words he will either be in jail or he will join us here in Uk in few months.
Question for Establishment:

When the foreign enemy entered has your sacred territory through foreign puppets (PDM),

Do you look at a piece of paper (constitution) or defend your burning home by attacking the enemy?
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