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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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Tau ihsan kiya... He deserved that..
On topic: Aurat March, PDM, TLP, etc all were against IK's decision. I think Establishment calculated to restore Govt for that.

We sriously need mob justice now as in plain day, MNAs were bought and SC is ging against constitution.
I told you guys foreign interference thingy was bs.
I am 100% sure if something was happening along these lines, IK would have gotten everyone's support.

Khan saab took everyone on a wild ride of national, centric policies and populistic politics.
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Highly disappointed with verdict. All the hard work by IK will be wasted. Ghulami Mubarak ho. You deserve it.
I really don't see what gives you hope. Honestly Bajwa has sniffed out all hope. No disrespect to you or to the rest of the fauj but these generals have whored out the country for their personal gains. And this I as a citizen cant forget.
You live in Ireland mate
Other day someone was saying we'll eat grass
While sitting in Canada...
what can opposition do in 1 year? Bring back dollar to 100? Half the prices of commodities? Double the gdp growth rate?
They will pardon themsleves. Introduce new amendments to grasp more resources liek 18th amendments. Rig ECP, RIG money transfer laws, and influence institutes like NAB
Take tour bullshit some place else.

The letter was acknowledged by 3 army chiefs in NSC and a demarche was issued as well.

They just came to participate as members of NSC. They already know it’s fake through their resources.

It’s like when IK visited Pervez Ellahi and later Pervez Ellahi said he just came for cup of tea we didn’t discuss anything else lol
No genius, when the name of the country and the person is given and the accused never denies, it's as genuine as daylight which even a blind man can see.
Would you still defend this Bajwa? Do you not agree Bajwa has whored out the whole of Pakistan for his personal gains?
Only if the status quo parties could reverse the hike in corruption rates % ------. One thing for sure peers ain't going to get the lion's share in transfers and postings -------.
I really don't see what gives you hope. Honestly Bajwa has sniffed out all hope. No disrespect to you or to the rest of the fauj but these generals have whored out the country for their personal gains. And this I as a citizen cant forget.

I think all hope is lost now. IK was trying to play by the book and letting all the institutions work on their own but what he failed to understand is that most of the institutions have corrupt people who have been put there by PMLN. We can see how the SC even accepted the petition on a Sunday and favoured PDM. The people will have rulers that are a reflection of themselves. They do not deserve a person like Imran Khan if they do not vote for him when the time comes.
What is interesting is that despite this so called smoking gun evidence of foreign interference, not a single person has been charged with treason? Why?
You live in Ireland mate
Other day someone was saying we'll eat grass
While sitting in Canada...

Did you ever stop to consider why? Maybe in Pakistan he couldn't even afford grass.
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