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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

Master stoke

  • Right decision

  • Wrong decision

  • Master stoke

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People should come roads against Supreme court's decision.
What a justice and what a wonderful constitution that allows thieves and thugs to disgrace our vote but has no audacity to held PDM accountable for their criminal record, treachery and anti-state actions.
What a justice system that supports thieves and empowers them rather than chopping their hands off.


People expected this decision from supreme court, we know judges are corrupt since day one.

But our establishment kept quiet (neutral) when Pakistan sovereignty was being sold right under their supervision
You may be right on those but how does a Naya Pakistan arises by following the footsteps of corrupt rulers?? Imran Khan was going to win either way and he lost it. Who are his damn advisors?? As far as I see, he's dumb and his advisors are dumber! This 'victory' given to the opposition is given by Imran himself.
This act by the Speaker was so blatantly illegal that ALL FIVE judges voted against that. Could you all think about that? You should know that ZAB was hanged in what is called a 'Judicial Murder' but even then, under a brutal Martial Law of Zia ul Haq, it was a 4-3 decision to execute him. In this case, this was an open and shut case of illegal action by the Speaker.

A book can be written about the dumbness of PTI which this very forum has cheered on as a 'Master Stroke' in a poll here!! A totally unnecessary and illegal act by Imran Khan!
I wanted to say similar things but I'll wait 2-3 days
Hardcore PTI supporters are going though a meltdown rn

Bottom line is -SC is right, it was something that everyone could see how if a precedent is set can damage Pakistan

To kill the rats (pdm) you don't burn down the whole house

IA ik would come out strong from this and I'll try to stop lurking on this thread as people will say bat shit crazy stuff

That I'd rather not see
یہ سیدھی سیدھی سازش ہے جس میں ایم این ایز خرید کر عمران کی حکومت گرائی گئی ہے جس میں بکاؤ سیاستدان / اسٹیبلشمنٹ / امریکہ / اور اب جوڈیشلی /الیکشن کمیشن بھی شامل ہیں ۔
Bye bye Pakistan, SC has very clearly overstepped its boundaries, president should immediately use its powers to set aside SC order, otherwise doom and gloom, guys brace for extremely bad times, this is possibly the worst fcuk court order in history of Pakistan.
I feel if your president puts SCs order aside,your army will jump in and put both the president and IK behind the bars and place their man in PMs position.
It’s really a master stroke and dangerous bouncer, Khan got retired hurt.
I am a PTI person but a question needs to be asked here.

Why the F that letter and all those friking proofs they kept saying they had, didn't show them? When you have the future of the nation at stake, you are concerned about a stupid little court's ruling in ISB?

God damn it Imran, why the hell are you so stubborn
There won't be a vote on Saturday .. sessions would linger for days!
میں تو کہوں گا دوبارہ جمائیما سے رجوع بھی کر لے ـ انتہائی مخلص خاتون ھےـ صحیع معنوں میں عمران کو پسند کرتی ھے ـ
صرف لوگوں کا خنزیر پونا اور عمران کی پاکستان کو درست کرنے کی شدید تمنا کی وجہ سے علیدھگی ھوئی ـ

ھم پڑھتے آئے ھیں کہ فلاں قوم پر خداء نے اپنی حجّت پوری کر دی ـ تو پھر ان پر عذاب آیا گیا ـ
بس اتنا ھی کہوں گا ـ
جی میرا بھی یہی خیال ہے اس ملک پر مزید محنت کرنا کم عقلی اور بے وقوفی ہے ۔ دے دو زرداریوں اور شریفوں کو اور بن جائے یہ سب سہارن جیسا افریقی ملک کیا فرق پڑتا ہے ۔
There would be a debate and that would continue for days
I am a PTI person but a question needs to be asked here.

Why the F that letter and all those friking proofs they kept saying they had, didn't show them? When you have the future of the nation at stake, you are concerned about a stupid little court's ruling in ISB?

God damn it Imran, why the hell are you so stubborn
either there was no such letter or it was Khan's own interpretation of that letter. Im amazed why his spy masters n IB didnt provide him with any evidence. Matlab sab log he chutiye niklay end main???
Aitzaz Ahsan says Bi Elections. The opposition will not go for dissolution nor will ECP. Even if KPK is dissolved
Only option IK had was at the outset, he should have dissolved the assemblies before the NCM...

But once he missed that window, it was and is a no holds barred fight to death now.

Resignation and worst of all letting NCM vote go through will be certain death of PTI and IK's political future...

PDM will undo all the electoral reform, dismantle any accountability mechanisms, however faulty they might be and massively rig the next election...
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