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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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Idea bro but it needs huge investment political party in govt never support such acts which will haunt them because they are the corrupts it is us to understand fundamental right of human
It’s not as much about money as it is is about time, and the will of party workers to volunteer their time to teach a few people, who in turn promise to teach other people. Once people can read the basics, then free libraries can help educate the people. It’s about using party workers to not just campaign but provide social services and thereby hopefully convince people to support your cause.
I see deep upset at the actions of PDM in our UK community. Everyone is talking about it and cursing PDM.

With all the action on WhatsApp, the streets of central London haven't seen a riot for a long time🤣 maybe it's time for Nawaz needs to hire MMA fighters and not some desi thugs!? 🤣
There as been alot of commentary on this topic, and I would just like to present the possibilities as I see them:

PPP argues that the status quo be maintained, assemblies restored, and voting on the NCM take place.

PTI contends that:

The court cannot hear cases regarding this issue due to Article 69. There is some merit to this argument, as the SC returned a petition one day ago on the exact same grounds. But, there is a debate even within the lawyers whether this article applies in totality or not. Some contend this is a conditional clause. It only applies to procedural faults, not constitutional.

So the first order is that the court has to decide whether it can do something in this case or not.

So, let's say the court decides that it will interfere in this matter and Article 69 does not apply in this case. Then would the assemblies be restored? No. Right now the court has only decided to look at the merits of the Speaker's decision, hasn't decided on the decision itself.

Now comes the speakers judgement, which is a detailed judgement. There are merits and dismerits to it. To decide upon that, the court would need to see bone of contention, the famed letter. And that is where the water muddies. If that letter comes to the SC, then the MoD, MoFA, and other stakeholders would be asked to give their input, and the court would in effect have to decide whether the political parties or a select few of their leaders were indeed part of a foreign conspiracy or plan? This is a HUGE question, and a HUGE responsibility on the shoulders of the court. The letter would come out in public, be shared with the opposition lawyers, and so on.

If it agrees with the speaker on the ruling, then it effectively does say that there was a foreign element to the whole move, and this would be far far damaging to the opposition. The SC basically has said you are colluding with a foreign power.

Does the SC want to take that burden? I believe not.

Furthermore, how can it be that you can break the law in one case but that is alright, but in another it becomes totally wrong? Banday chori kar lo, paisay kharcho, entice karo, that's alright, but the other thing is not?

You cannot bring a knife to a karate fight, but then complain when the other guy brings out a gun. Once you brought out a knife, you've left the door open for all sorts of thuggery.

IMO, the court should also immediately decide the status of the presidential reference regarding the turncoats. The opposition only managed to woo MQM and other parties after it showed them the presence of the PTI MNA's in it's ranks. Had the SC decided on that issue before, we wouldn't be here.

In a nutshell, the SC would not want to involve itself in this political mess, and give out a certificate on foreign interference, that is why it will take the easy way out as always and take support of Article 69.
Atleast "meesaq -i- jamhoriat" is dead
He should go back to Pakistan and return the money he looted with interest. Also ask Zardari to unlock the billions of Benazir stolen money in her swiss account.

Over 30 years they had power and couldn't even solve something as simple as sewage and waste management. How many people randomly dropped dead with viruses from open sewage? Millions must have died over the years.
It all happened with people consent

I see deep upset at the actions of PDM in our UK community. Everyone is talking about it and cursing PDM.

With all the action on WhatsApp, the streets of central London haven't seen a riot for a long time🤣 maybe it's time for Nawaz needs to hire MMA fighters and not some desi thugs!? 🤣
I think karachi and KPK will vote for PTI
Not central punjab or sindh

We will see next govt with coalition between PMLN PPPP JUI BAP/BNP
Blinded with hatred, some hooligans belonging to a political party once again attacked the office of the former PM of Pakistan. Not realising any attempt on any political leader has far-reaching effects, far more than one can comprehend. Nevertheless, the thugs were dealt with appropriately and handed over to the police. Another sad day for peaceful Pakistanis.
Well done I will say.
I see deep upset at the actions of PDM in our UK community. Everyone is talking about it and cursing PDM.

With all the action on WhatsApp, the streets of central London haven't seen a riot for a long time🤣 maybe it's time for Nawaz needs to hire MMA fighters and not some desi thugs!? 🤣

I honestly think there's no other way to deal with these politicians. They need to feel the consequences of their actions one way or another otherwise what they will continue the same practices they've been doing for decades now: Exploit the people of the country, and when things get a little too hot, fly off to London or dubai and wait a while for things to blow over before they return again.
I have a naive question...

President of Pakistan does not have any political party affiliation or if he has one, he has to leave it before taking oath because he serves the state as the head of state. With NCV, PM resigns/changes, but why would President be changed? Shouldn't he complete his term which ends next year? Why was Mullah Diesel dreaming about being President?
Khatam to saari PDM ki hogayi hai. They are all traitors who conspired against state of Pakistan after meeting with diplomats from USA/UK/Israel

As per the topic, MQM has received the most damage. Their politics is completely finished, dead and buried from Karachi.

Yesterday, in Aisha Manzil where 90 sector office is located, a massive PTI jalsa was held.

Karachiites love imran Khan.
This letter by the US under Secretary of State to the opposition revealed by Imran Khan is indeed very damaging to the US.

The opposition members should be picked up for investigation and if found guilty charged for treason.

Anyway it is brilliant and very democratic for PM Imran Khan to request the President to dissolve the Parliament and to seek a new mandate. Something the opposition dread at this point.

PDM. They've galvanized Imran's base, rendered their raison d'etre for the last few years pointless and dead, and showed Imran their intent so he will be even more incentivized to go after them should he win the next elections. Maybe the army is an even bigger loser because they might have created a surge of negative sentiment in the one faction of Pakistani politics which wasn't out to get them. Either way, it's good for us.
Chill out Clutch stop inciting violence, you could get arrested and put in jail.

Lol... No, political expression is protected where I am as long as it's not violence. I never advocated violence. Just humiliation.

I see deep upset at the actions of PDM in our UK community. Everyone is talking about it and cursing PDM.

With all the action on WhatsApp, the streets of central London haven't seen a riot for a long time🤣 maybe it's time for Nawaz needs to hire MMA fighters and not some desi thugs!? 🤣

Nawaz wouldn't dare ... He will be thrown out of England like a dirty butt wiped toilet paper... He is a visitor here. He doesn't have rights over British citizens.
Lol... No, political expression is protected where I am as long as it's not violence. I never advocated violence. Just humiliation.
You don't need violence lol. Just people protesting outside their homes 24/7. Make their comfortable lives abroad unbearable until they learn to stop interfering in Pakistani politics.
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