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PM Imran Khan on Morning Joe | MSNBC

Since some of us don't have the privileges to post on certain Threads with the excuse...
(You have insufficient privileges to reply here.)

I opted to post this video here.

Finally, the Kashmir War Thread should be open to all of us, as it concerns, effects and relates to all of us.

The excuse of: Discussion on the Indian Occupation of Kashmir and the ensuing freedom struggle. Only senior members and above can participate in this section. is the Article 370 of PDF.

I get the feeling, my first ban coming...

@The Eagle @Dubious

This is the best 14.48 minutes of clear headed words by PM IK...something do with with clear mind in the morning after a good night sleep.

And what he said about Modi leveraging on the 1.2 billion Indian to get his agenda through as world see India as market of 1.2 billion people.

What he said about US makes sense too...when US was busy in war in Afghanistan and spent about 1.5 trillion USD in a futile and non ending war, China was busy making the best infrastructure in the world.
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What an amazing interview... probably one of the best by IK ive heard.
Totally agree. Imran Khan was in his element, and eloquent as usual. He also clearly laid out his position on Kashmir and India's Nazi-inspired government. And he rightfully has been pointing out the debacle of India's own making now happening in the subcontinent and how their racist government has boxed itself in. To top it all off, our PM has been engaging with leaders and press every chance he is getting. This is the kind of aggressive diplomacy Pakistan was denied on purpose by the likes of the shitheads (Nawaz and Zardari) that made Pakistan a joke on the world stage.

Pakistan is now finding its voice again, thanks in part of the foolhardy move by Indians, and we are utilizing it to the fullest. Nazi Modi has in his imagined master-stroke trashed all their previous years of attempts of trying to isolate Pakistan from the world. They tried to spit upwind only to have it land smack on their faces.

I listen to NPR (national public radio) here in the US, and it has some sort of news report on Kashmir every day with more people questioning the Indian government stance. Has Modi even done a press conference so far besides the one that he did not utter a word of English? Maybe he is having a phantastic tyme with his phriends, who knows? OI think its because he is a coward and is afraid of some hard hitting questions by American journalists that he has no response for. Hard to face the facts when you are a lying pos.

I have never used twitter, but a #cowardmodi seems like an appropriate hashtag
Wish my prime minister has charisma as this guy.

That being said here are my thoughts,
He kept highlighting how America is number one , America this and America great. So cringy.

I appreciate his pacifist views and hope my government can reciprocate.

Modi can never give an interview like this, his english is typical north Indian isschool stuff. I seriously wish we had a prime minister like imran khan.

Completely true about china and US now.

Sounds desperate almost to the extent of begging asking trump for help. He can make it sound better than that, he has the eloquence skill for that.
Wish my prime minister has charisma as this guy.

That being said here are my thoughts,
He kept highlighting how America is number one , America this and America great. So cringy.

I appreciate his pacifist views and hope my government can reciprocate.

Modi can never give an interview like this, his english is typical north Indian isschool stuff. I seriously wish we had a prime minister like imran khan.

Completely true about china and US now.

Sounds desperate almost to the extent of begging asking trump for help. He can make it sound better than that, he has the eloquence skill for that.

IK wasn't begging.

He was making a sincere case.

That clip had too much truth!

Also #cowardmodi

I liked the last point that seems to have hit home for the Americans - whilst the Americans were pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into this futile war the Chinese were developing their country and infrastructure then contrasting the Chinese roads with 'bumpy New York roads'.

That was classic.
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I liked the last ooint that seems to have hit home for the Americans - whilst the Americans were pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into this futile war the Chinese were developing their country and infrastructure than contrasting the Chinese roads with 'bumpy New York roads'.

That was classic.

As a New Yorker I can tell you that point must of hit home for alot of people watching.

Like I said before, IK is a man of the world.

That interview was truely impressive for its honesty, sincerity and clarity.
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Bro, i'm just the unofficial resident video editor. I doubt anyone will give a thought of my opinion.

Either way, I just wanted to share something with you all and eventually got the message through.
Yaar the one who has the final say is @WebMaster
Only senior members and above can participate in this section.

... for many reasons including, keeping away the usual one liners & trolls from across the border. This has nothing to do with any excuse however, I was expecting bullet points/highlights in OP. You can use this Section but at least understand that we have to take these discussions to other platforms and then having such OP remarks along with a video in different context loses the affect as well as any interest.

Ye gelay shikway alag se likh dete.
An honest leader an honest man with honest opinions . one would hope Americans take this opportunity and deal with stuff with honesty . Mr trump seems to saying the right things recently , now let's see if Americans act on them honestly as well. Good interview that's the way we should have been with America from day 1.
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