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PM Choices


Mar 24, 2006
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Bhutto Party Ponders Pakistan PM Choices

By ROBERT H. REID – 8 hours ago

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) — A veteran politician with a reputation as a consensus builder emerged Friday as the favorite to become Pakistan's next prime minister under an agreement by the two biggest opposition parties to form a new government together.

In a sign of the challenges facing the new leadership, 12 people died Friday when a bomb ripped through a truck carrying wedding guests in an area where al-Qaida-linked militants operate. Police said most of the dead were women.

It was the first major attack on Pakistani civilians since Monday's parliamentary elections, in which the ruling party suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of two opposition parties.

The results exposed President Pervez Musharraf's own lack of public support amid a rise in Islamic militancy that has killed hundreds in recent months and anger over his crackdown on the independent judiciary.

Leaders of the Pakistan People's Party — once headed by assassinated ex-premier Benazir Bhutto — conferred Friday behind closed doors in Islamabad to discuss its choice to head the next government after the new parliament convenes, probably next month.

No final decision was made, but party officials and political analysts said the front-runner was veteran politician Makhdoom Amin Fahim, 68, a longtime Bhutto loyalist from Sindh province who turned down Musharraf's offer of the premiership in 2002.

Other possible nominees included Shah Mehmood Qureshi, a top People's Party figure from Punjab province, and former National Assembly speaker Yousuf Raza Gilani, party officials and analysts said.

Shafqat Mahmood, a prominent political commentator and former People's Party spokesman, said Fahim was the favorite in part because the party wanted a prime minister from Sindh province, the Bhutto family stronghold. Both Qureshi and Gilani are from Punjab, the biggest and richest of Pakistan's four provinces.

Fahim "is a consensus builder," Mahmood said. "He would be good in a coalition and in papering over differences."

A mild-mannered figure short on charisma, Fahim served as the go-between in contacts between Musharraf and Bhutto during her eight years in exile. He turned down the prime minister's post five years ago because Musharraf wanted him to cut his ties to the Bhutto family.

Bhutto's party won the right to pick the new prime minister by finishing first in Monday's balloting, claiming at least 87 of the 268 contested seats. The Pakistan Muslim League-N of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif was second with 67 seats, while the pro-Musharraf party got only 40 seats.

Bhutto's widower, Asif Ali Zardari, and Sharif agreed Thursday to form a new government. Together, the two parties have 154 seats — sufficient to govern but not enough to impeach Musharraf.

That means the new government must share power with Musharraf, setting the stage for political maneuvering and infighting between the president and a government leadership made up of some of his bitterest rivals.

Sharif and other opposition figures have repeatedly called for Musharraf to step down after voters repudiated his party in the Monday ballot. But Musharraf insists he will serve out the five-year term he was elected to in October by the previous parliament.

The United States, which made Musharraf a key ally in its war on terrorist groups after the Sept. 11 attack has said its relationship with this Muslim nation of 160 million people would continue as before the election.

"We look forward to working with whoever emerges as prime minister, we look forward to working with President Musharraf in his new role," U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Richard A. Boucher told reporters in Brussels, Belgium, on Thursday.

Boucher refused to speculate on what Washington would do if the new parliament demanded Musharraf step down.

On Friday, two Republic legislators from Texas, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison and Rep. Michael Burgess, met with Musharraf and expressed their appreciation for "the president's leadership and Pakistan's role in the fight against terrorism," according to a U.S. Embassy statement.

Musharraf told the American lawmakers he considered the elections a "victory for the democratic process and for moderation in Pakistan," the U.S. statement said.

No one claimed responsibility for Friday's bombing in Matta, in the Swat valley, where security forces have been battling Islamic militants. But police said a family dispute may have been to blame. Troops quickly cordoned off the area.

At least 12 people were killed and six children wounded, many of them seriously, said Amanullah Khan, a local police official.

"Most of the dead were women," said Akber Ali, an assistant police inspector, adding that their bodies were quickly taken away by relatives.

Associated Press writer Zarar Khan contributed to this report.

Zardari can't become PM right off the bat. He didn't contest the elections nor can he with his past criminal record. Significant changes would be required to make room for him.
I think Zardari already hinted that he'd like to perform the power behind the throne role.
It won't be so simple. He has an ebbing popularity within the PPPP circles. Although Makhdoom Amin Fahim isn't an aggressive shark to take him down.
Lets see Zardari is hated in the PPP. Esp in Punjab and Frontier, which were the traditional stronholds of the party,
The PPP choices are limited. They dont have anybody else from Sindh and they dont want people from Punjab for fear of creating more animosity in Sindh.They are playing their cards right and for the moment are making all the right moves. Inviting MQM was a wise move and would make their life easier in Sindh.However, it is their ability of taking their allies along with them which I doubt. If Makhdom Amin can do that job, and believe me you dont need charisma for the job, he will be long remembered. However, I somehow doubt PPPs capability to do so. I would also like to see what Nawaz gets upto. He has towed a straight line so far but the judiciary issue is not a straight one and might cause him and his party some grief. However if he can play along and play the advisory role and not interefere too much in the typical Jingoistic style of his, we might yet live to thank the day the elections were held.
Nawaz role is dying. His whole emphysis judiciary (don't know why). May be Shikeh Rashid is right, which he claimed in his last night interview " NS believe in collision politics". Thats the reason he get hurt all the time.He doesn't know how to compromise.
Oh puhleez. All Nawaz wants is the Punjab. And their is no way Zardari will give it to him.
Also there are some rumours that the new PM could be from the Frontier. Possible, to steal ANP's thunder and make continued military ops palatable.
Well hope PPP give little respect to Amin Faheem, he is honest and assertive person and easy to work with. Mushi first choice. Punjab is always a decisive vote bank for all govts, nobody will surrender.
:) And my opinion is Zardari after thorough deliberation will decide to give PM slot to someone else instead of becoming PM.
Guess why ???

Because in my opinion at this point it whoever will be PM will have to bear the burnt of all problems one way or the other way just like Musharraf was blamed for.

And BOVE All

I believe Zardari will try to make another Manmohan Singh by instating someone else as PM as in this way the strings of the poor PM will be in hands of Zarari and he will be able to get away with 80% this time instead of 10 % ;)
If Zaradari play with Mushi through Nawaz Sharif then Mushi won't let Zaradari play foul game through PM. All running in circle. Let see who lose the orbit first.
Amin Fahim will be the next PM I think.

But he might not be a very powerful PM .

He will have atleast more powers than Shaukat Aziz.

I tell you that PPPP will not want an early confrontation with Mush.

They will forst establish Gov.Grab state apparatus.Appoint IGs bureaucrats .

Then they might Impeach Musharraf.

As ANP + PPP + PMLN + Inds(3 from NA already joined PPP) will have 2/3rd




Once impeachment notice is issued PRES CANT USE 58 2b.
Fahim gets PM protocol

Our Staff Reporter

ISLAMABAD - Security squad has been provided to PPP-P Vice-Chairman Makhdoom Amin Fahim after his nomination as Parliamentary Leader in the National Assembly.
Security has been increased at his residence and necessary facilities have also been provided to him. Local officials are also in touch with him, the sources in the party disclosed.
Meanwhile, security squad has also been provided to Co-Chairman PPP Asif Ali Zardari and security at Zardari House has been tightened.
Monitoring Desk adds: The government has provided protocol of Prime Minister to PPP leader Amin Fahim, a private TV channel reported on Sunday.
Amin Fahim is leading the race for the prime minister. Backed by Asif Ali Zardari, he was reportedly endorsed by the PPP legislators after the elections in February 2008.
Fahim started his political journey in 1970 as MNA, served as state minister and also worked for some time as advisor to Sindh Governor. Fahim contested Sindh Assembly seat in 1977 and was inducted in Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi's cabinet as the minister of revenue and rehabilitation. He was elected MNA in 1970, 1988, 1990, 1993, 1997 and 2002.
Fahim worked as federal minister in 1988 and 1994 as well. Also, he worked as a member to a standing committee of National Assembly for Kashmir and a member of NA standing committee related to rules of Public Accounts.

The Nation
Just recently Make-doom A-mean Faheem's sisters were "married" to the Quran. How can we have him as PM when his Sindhi feudal family traditions as so subjugating to women an d an open violation of Islam
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