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Plot to kill Modi and many BJP leaders

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If a so called Hindu commits such heinous acts such as the one you pointed out that of the killing of Graham Staines that person is only Hindu in name not by their actions.

I welcome you Mr @Joe Shearer to spend a day with us at our VHP or RSS centre where we can dismiss this negative perception you have of us and I can ensure you that the centre I attend we do not preach such hatred. There may be some members elsewhere who are more fanatical and militant but these persons need to be educated on what Hinduism is and how we should conduct ourselves.

Have you come across the 'No true Scotsman...' fallacy before or are you inventing it for yourself now.?

For the rest, read Praveen Togadia's speeches, listen to him on YouTube. Who represents the VHP, he or you?

Why limit to these?

Does a fascist also includes one who is opposed to humanity, peace, love, etc?

Yes or No? Joe Shearer

The definition above is good enough, and shows that you have nothing to say, beyond asking Eliza-like questions. If you have nothing to say, go and say it elsewhere.

Everything is defined as to suit them in the context of their vested interests.

It is good to be clear of what one thinks about something beforehand.

Fascist is a term used in political science. It is a precise term. What vested interests are you blabbering about? And how can you be clear about the meaning of the term Fascist before learning what it is?
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Mr. Professional you are blabbering sheer out of NaMophobia and same is indicated by only two important points you made and both being flawed points which undermines your credeblity as professional.

First one being army don't take laws in their hands which is partly true in technical way but flawed one in moral way.AFSA itself provides cover for their conducts to larger extent but even then social activists like Roy doesn't shy away from highlighting misconducts of Army. Unmarked graves provides more credence to my arguments.

Point no 2 . Your assumptions about there being murder of two Indian national is rubbish, you are missing the contents of OP , HT has got a forensically verified tape which is enough of a explanation for even a lay man to get into the reality of that incident and drop the notion of Ishrat Jahan not being LeT operative.

The nice part of coming across the recent crop of Hindutvavadis, like you, for instance, is that you are two or three orders of magnitude less intelligent than your predecessors. They would never have made stupid mistakes like you did and are doing.

The Army doesn't deliver verdicts without trial. Fullstop. Now stop blethering when you are cornered. Stop this partly true in a technical way kind of nonsense and be man enough to accept that you goofed, or, worse still, you were bluffing and never thought you would be taken up on it. AFSPA is there to provide a gap in the laws, which do not permit the Army to open fire outside conditions when war is declared, unless an executive magisrate orders the firing. Since you are too stupid and too ignorant to know this, you choose to bluff your way through and utter some nonsense about the AFSPA, without having the slightest idea of what it is there for.

Unmarked graves, for your information, since you are as stupid as the Pakistani fanboys whose ravings you listen to, without an inkling of the truth, represent the bodies of infiltrators shot by the army, and handed over to the civilian authorities for disposal. These should not have been secret graves, but the police feared that these would become pilgrimage spots for the ultras, so they buried them in secret.

Do you understand now?

Second, jackass, the HT is not a court of law, and forensic verification by the HT counts for nothing. As usual, with Sangh Parivar fanatics, you have no idea of what constitutes law.
Maino's Christian Brigade in PDF is amazing ,They come together ,complement each other and post stupid stuff

You have a problem with christians, congress people, non marxists etc. etc. Is there anyone you like that isn't a hindu fanatic ?
Goddamn.. how can HT be correct.... but you know tehelka+HT were in 2007,like it or not it's seckular logic.:chilli:

How dare you hindutva fanatic radical fascist (any other word?? ohh yaa terrorist) challenge that!

We will call uncle owaisi to massacre you,you low life communal guys :victory:
The nice part of coming across the recent crop of Hindutvavadis, like you, for instance, is that you are two or three orders of magnitude less intelligent than your predecessors. They would never have made stupid mistakes like you did and are doing.

The Army doesn't deliver verdicts without trial. Fullstop. Now stop blethering when you are cornered. Stop this partly true in a technical way kind of nonsense and be man enough to accept that you goofed, or, worse still, you were bluffing and never thought you would be taken up on it. AFSPA is there to provide a gap in the laws, which do not permit the Army to open fire outside conditions when war is declared, unless an executive magisrate orders the firing. Since you are too stupid and too ignorant to know this, you choose to bluff your way through and utter some nonsense about the AFSPA, without having the slightest idea of what it is there for.

Unmarked graves, for your information, since you are as stupid as the Pakistani fanboys whose ravings you listen to, without an inkling of the truth, represent the bodies of infiltrators shot by the army, and handed over to the civilian authorities for disposal. These should not have been secret graves, but the police feared that these would become pilgrimage spots for the ultras, so they buried them in secret.

Do you understand now?

Second, jackass, the HT is not a court of law, and forensic verification by the HT counts for nothing. As usual, with Sangh Parivar fanatics, you have no idea of what constitutes law.

The fanatics usually have a BIG problem when liberals try to defend liberalism just as fanatically. That's when they resort to personal attacks, relegious attacks etc. I'm yet to see majority of Hindus fall under their sway. The only time BJP ever came to power was when the others really let the public down, not because there was some 'hindutva' wave.

Congress - 57 Years(including Emergency -2 years)

BJP -8 Years

And BJP produced 1 Billion poors?

Is there anything worse than a rioter in your Bible?

Did Modi break any window glass panes on the street? How can he be called a rioter?

A riot is not just an event, it is a highly calculated political move. The moment you get 100s of people to openly participate in lawless murder, they will keep voting you in so that they can be protected from any legal repurcussions. That's what Modi was aiming at. This isn't new, it's been used again and again-notably by mao. During his years of terror, it wasn't just his soldiers doing the killing, the people were 'encouraged', usually out of fear to accuse others of being anti- revolutionary publicly and openly participate in the lynchings. When 100s or 1000s of people have done it, enough people need your protection. In A family of six where the eldest son has rioted and murdered, all six plus uncles and aunts will vote for modi. If 10 people in a street have participated, the whole locality will vote for him to keep his protection. Because the ramifications will not be limited to the 10. Their frends in the neighborhood, known associates, all will be interrogated if the opposition comes in.
Anyone who has coldly used this strategy is not worth trusting, always bad news.
The nice part of coming across the recent crop of Hindutvavadis, like you, for instance, is that you are two or three orders of magnitude less intelligent than your predecessors. They would never have made stupid mistakes like you did and are doing.

The Army doesn't deliver verdicts without trial. Fullstop. Now stop blethering when you are cornered. Stop this partly true in a technical way kind of nonsense and be man enough to accept that you goofed, or, worse still, you were bluffing and never thought you would be taken up on it. AFSPA is there to provide a gap in the laws, which do not permit the Army to open fire outside conditions when war is declared, unless an executive magisrate orders the firing. Since you are too stupid and too ignorant to know this, you choose to bluff your way through and utter some nonsense about the AFSPA, without having the slightest idea of what it is there for.

Unmarked graves, for your information, since you are as stupid as the Pakistani fanboys whose ravings you listen to, without an inkling of the truth, represent the bodies of infiltrators shot by the army, and handed over to the civilian authorities for disposal. These should not have been secret graves, but the police feared that these would become pilgrimage spots for the ultras, so they buried them in secret.

Do you understand now?

Second, jackass, the HT is not a court of law, and forensic verification by the HT counts for nothing. As usual, with Sangh Parivar fanatics, you have no idea of what constitutes law.

Everybody knows the difference between media and Courtrooms, but consensus of common mass is shaped largely by media houses so in democratic set up it's very important to present whole picture of the event without deprecating contents or selective censorship .
AFSPA is not that limited as you are trying to portray it being a professional, for your better knowledge bank I would advice you to go threw this Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Everybody knows the difference between media and Courtrooms, but consensus of common mass is shaped largely by media houses so in democratic set up it's very important to present whole picture of the event without deprecating contents or selective censorship .

If you read what you yourself have forwarded, you will find that the first section is identical to what I have posted earlier. Identical.
You think Modi is the champion of the above three critireas? As far I am concerned both congress and BJP are two sides of a coin.. Its time people should have a third choice in the center.

So you want commies to come to power.. Oh please keep them occupied in Kerala and Calcutta. Nobody needs such garbage at center..
Cutting aside through the cuttlefish ink, you obviously have no answer to how a cold-blooded murder becomes neutralisation.

And you obviously have no knowledge of the difference between a statute passed by a representative body, and a pseudo-scientific law coined for the amusement of the light-on-top.

I have no time for your wordcraft chicanery. You and your poodle Seiko whatever, are just loud mouth scums of society who can only coin few slogans to bum lick their political masters but can not back them with available science or jurisprudence when calling others fascists or murders.

They way you have been prevailing and the time you have been investing clearly shows your agenda.

Come back with proof that Modi is a murderer and a fascist per definition provided by your poodle Seiko.

Oh its BJP hindu propaganda, LeT is just a Hindu conspiracy.

Terrorism is real only when congress-I dogs are killed and then Union of India bulldoze every single entity be if they are citizens, states or any sect / religion, neighbours; no single slogan is coined or question is asked by English speaking elites.
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A riot is not just an event, it is a highly calculated political move. The moment you get 100s of people to openly participate in lawless murder, they will keep voting you in so that they can be protected from any legal repurcussions. That's what Modi was aiming at. This isn't new, it's been used again and again-notably by mao. During his years of terror, it wasn't just his soldiers doing the killing, the people were 'encouraged', usually out of fear to accuse others of being anti- revolutionary publicly and openly participate in the lynchings. When 100s or 1000s of people have done it, enough people need your protection. In A family of six where the eldest son has rioted and murdered, all six plus uncles and aunts will vote for modi. If 10 people in a street have participated, the whole locality will vote for him to keep his protection. Because the ramifications will not be limited to the 10. Their frends in the neighborhood, known associates, all will be interrogated if the opposition comes in.
Anyone who has coldly used this strategy is not worth trusting, always bad news.

Well you should know ....it is your Jinnah who used 'direct action' as a political tool and the resulting 'Direct action day' in Bengal.

This is a trick that has then been mastered by the congress........

Killing and Burning alive of 58 people including 25 women and 15 children in Godhra was also a manifestation of the same 'direct action'. Following riots is no surprise .........

As to Modi's role ......if you dont want to believe SIT ...there is a VERY DETAILED serious of 8 report in this link.....Narendra Modi through the Eyes of Gujarati Muslims, Christians and…. This is by a neutral and not by a RSS fascist terrorist like me :P

Feel free to read it ......thought I know it will not make you think any different. Religious bigotry has this way of making people blind to the obvious facts.
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