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Please move the UN from the USA

What makes you so hopeful that UAE is one of the best places to host the UN besides it is a safe and secure place like many others? The UN should move to a country with little to no conflict. Not to forget, UAE bows down to any and every super power which makes them least respectful including Pakistan in my eyes. Choose a country which has no strategic importance.
Hosting the UN doesn't mean they can influence the UN. The UAE already hosts a vast diverse population of expats. Let's say it has experience of all this.

It also has a massive jungle of Hotels to house UN guests - not a single incident of terrorism - ever! Violence is rare.

UAE indeed offers a lot.
As I said, ordinary Americans are sick and tired of the UN. It is worthless in solving any really difficult problems and it brings a lot of unsavory leaders to our beautiful country. Isn't that enough logic?

Let our Chinese friends take responsibility for the world they are intent on creating. Starting with their UN.

I doubt so.

nice joke. :rofl:
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Why do Americans hate UN? USA has monopoly over it and I as a Pakistanis believe UN is worthless organization sitting under US as its lapdog. An organization that is not based on principles and that would only do what America feels right. Why you guys would think against it?

Because it does not function as you say. It now does what China wants, not what the USA wants. If the USA wants to do anything important, it goes around the UN, not through it. Open your eyes.
You overestimate China's UN Influence.US is of course the top dog at UN's followed by other 4 UN Security Council Members (which should be dissolved altogether).IMHO Geneva, Switzerland is best place for UN HQ.
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The United Nations should be located in a country which can amalgate international support for issues and has large sway over public opinion.This country should have a system open to all sorts of criticisms .The people of this nation should have good literacy rate and should be able to elect governments which can tune itself to the mood of th world.
Such a nation does not exist in this world and the only one anywhere close to it is the UNITED STATES.The UN should remain at New York atleast until a new world order comes to power
Hosting the UN doesn't mean they can influence the UN. The UAE already hosts a vast diverse population of expats. Let's say it has experience of all this.

It also has a massive jungle of Hotels to house UN guests - not a single incident of terrorism - ever! Violence is rare.

UAE indeed offers a lot.

UAE indeed offers a lot.Sitting in Dubai and writing this post I know it very well
I was thinking about how tired most Americans are of having the UN headquarters in the USA. Probably a lot non-Americans are tired of this, too??

Where should the UN headquarters be?

I think it should be in the PRC :china: because it is the PRC who calls the shots in the Security Council. No decision about anything important can be made without satisfying the PRC. Since the PRC is now the decision maker, they should take responsibility for the headquarters. Also, they should take over the USA's share of the UN funding, and we'll take their share.

Why don't you non-Americans all get together and lobby to move the UN to someplace else? Any other place would be fine with us. Really. :usflag:

LOL. Why should the U.N. headquarter be in China when USA and Western Nations are calling the shots in every U.N. action ????
The best option is to disband UN all together instead of wasting tax payers' money of the member states. It delivers nothing but inefficient third world bureaucrats who are the real beneficiary by enriching their CV as well as their pockets. I in fact have high disregard for those lowly life UN diplomats.
No, I think UN should be moved to some newly founded Island, it should be like a separate country, like this UN wud be totally independent :azn:

So some people who thinks that UN is like a puppet controlled by USA, might change there mind

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