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Please move the UN from the USA

Hey , what about India

India is an important player in international stage. Therefore, it is completely irrational to move the UN to India or even Pakistan. The UN should be moved to a country which has little to no international conflicts. New Zealand can be one of them or there are few others.

I completely and clearly reject an idea of the UN moving to some 'powerful' country!
The UN should be moved to a country which has little to no international conflicts. New Zealand can be one of them or there are few others.

New Zealand is also an excellent idea as it is so far away and expensive to travel there. This would keep protesters to a minimum and also keep all the UN bureaucrats confined to a small, easily quarantined place.
Move it to Iceland because it is as cold when comes to defend interest of weaker nations. UN is only serve the powerful. USA, UK, Japan, France, Russia and China.

There are 192 members of UN yet only five hold the power. 187 should quit from this until real democracy in place.
TruthSeeker, I suggest you to write letter to representatives how much you are tired of UN.

Unfortunately, people such as my representatives like the fact of their own importance. It is one of the reasons they become politicians and become my "representatives". So, in their eyes, it is good for the importance of the USA to host the UN headquarters. And, the more important is the USA, the more important they are as Senators and Congressmen of the USA. So, with them, no deal ....

I need you guys in the rest of the world to take the UN away from us! Please!
New Zealand is also an excellent idea as it is so far away and expensive to travel there. This would keep protesters to a minimum and also keep all the UN bureaucrats confined to a small, easily quarantined place.

When the nations will work for humanity, the phenomena of 'protesting' will significantly decrease.
Why are you so keen to give an easy way out to those bureaucrats?

Fight till we stab them as they stabbed our generations!
Tit for tat, eh!

First replace monkeys with people and than move the UN to some charlie country.
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Paste some links of that sour taste in your mouth .. What have they finally said to make you this distraught?
Paris, France.....The city of love.....Leaders will come out frenchkissing each other and will help solve the problems...I dont know about others but Mehmood shah Qureshi and Hillary surely have some chance.....:D
I think it should be in the PRC because it is the PRC who calls the shots in the Security Council. No decision about anything important can be made without satisfying the PRC.

If China(or for that matter any other country) was so strong and US so weak then US would have not vetoed almost every resolution against Israel.
I was thinking about how tired most Americans are of having the UN headquarters in the USA. Probably a lot non-Americans are tired of this, too??

Where should the UN headquarters be?

I think it should be in the PRC :china: because it is the PRC who calls the shots in the Security Council. No decision about anything important can be made without satisfying the PRC. Since the PRC is now the decision maker, they should take responsibility for the headquarters. Also, they should take over the USA's share of the UN funding, and we'll take their share.

Why don't you non-Americans all get together and lobby to move the UN to someplace else? Any other place would be fine with us. Really. :usflag:

Yes take it out of US..and for god's sake maybe the other "superpowers" can pay a little bit more in funding the apex body?.
I can't pay more taxes.
Rumour is that there is a plan to move the UN to Pakistan once India gets a UNSC seat.:D:D:lazy:
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Are you Ahamadinejad? He said that two or three days ago.:lol:
While a lot of Americans say this, the truth is behind the scenes it is the Americans who do not let it move away from the US.

Given the opportunity I'm sure the UAE would love to host the UN. I certainly would hope UAE is picked as it is a safe and secure place. But first the US has to push for this itself and openly declare it wishes to cease hosting the UN.
I was thinking about how tired most Americans are of having the UN headquarters in the USA. Probably a lot non-Americans are tired of this, too??

Where should the UN headquarters be?

I think it should be in the PRC :china: because it is the PRC who calls the shots in the Security Council. No decision about anything important can be made without satisfying the PRC. Since the PRC is now the decision maker, they should take responsibility for the headquarters. Also, they should take over the USA's share of the UN funding, and we'll take their share.

Why don't you non-Americans all get together and lobby to move the UN to someplace else? Any other place would be fine with us. Really. :usflag:

Why do Americans hate UN? USA has monopoly over it and I as a Pakistanis believe UN is worthless organization sitting under US as its lapdog. An organization that is not based on principles and that would only do what America feels right. Why you guys would think against it?
While a lot of Americans say this, the truth is behind the scenes it is the Americans who do not let it move away from the US.

Given the opportunity I'm sure the UAE would love to host the UN. I certainly would hope UAE is picked as it is a safe and secure place. But first the US has to push for this itself and openly declare it wishes to cease hosting the UN.

What makes you so hopeful that UAE is one of the best places to host the UN besides it is a safe and secure place like many others? The UN should move to a country with little to no conflict. Not to forget, UAE bows down to any and every super power which makes them least respectful including Pakistan in my eyes. Choose a country which has no strategic importance.
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