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Please do not show this to Pakistanis

Nice one. India is able to exert enough influence over an "Ummah" country to recall its ambassador from Pakistan (a country that was in the forefront of the recent UN resolution favoring Palestine) because he engaged with a person who India believes, & Pakistan does not, is a terrorist...
aha i like it how Palestine is now a poor, insignificant nation.
Someone even called it non existent...Lol
But few days ago same ppl were also thanking india for voting this non existent and insignificant nation.
True change of colors.

Statement i don't know, but netanyahu coming in 10 days, and might give india more weapons you wanna bet on that. World knows against whom those weapons are to be used.
So yea as you rightly said you can just wait and watch and do nothing about it.lolz
so you are admitting that in order to beat us you have to depend on other that too on a nation which is 1000X smaller than you such a shame that nation of 1.2 sub-humans have to beg nation of 6 million for weapons
so you are admitting that in order to beat us you have to depend on other that too on a nation which is 1000X smaller than you such a shame that nation of 1.2 sub-humans have to beg nation of 6 million for weapons
Nope. India does not need to depend on anyone to beat Pakistan. Pakistan itself is providing India with all the help needed to do this :)
so you are admitting that in order to beat us you have to depend on other that too on a nation which is 1000X smaller than you such a shame that nation of 1.2 sub-humans have to beg nation of 6 million for weapons
Never go full retard, sir.
Nope. India does not need to depend on anyone to beat Pakistan. Pakistan itself is providing India with all the help needed to do this :)
india buy weapons worth 42 Billion USD and exporting merely 300 million USD is telling us different story
Palestine did right thing. Palestine believe in UN and UN resolution of two state solution with East Jerusalem as its capital. Hafiz Saeed is UN designated terrorist, and Palestine can't afford disobeying UN.

Again Palestine move has nothing got to do with Pakistan but with UN. Pakistan understands that.
Pakistan itself is providing India with all the help needed to do this :)

That is why you guys are now happy with arm twisting Palestine?

Well even USA arm twisted Palau and Micronesia, so you are a supa puwa now. Congratz :D
You are right about your thread title though. You shouldn't have shown this to Pakistanis since this letter doesn't effect us at all.
No wonder it didn't made any news including Pakistani news. Why would somebody make news about change in ambassador. I thought they were recalling their ambassador ...good isolation lol
my 2cent is may be there are thousands of such letters documents in every foreign office of world but no one is twitter troll like sushma suraaj to post them .
Actually please share with all Pakistanis. Maybe they'll wake the hell up.
I agree. This is exactly what the "doctor ordered" to cure Pakistan of it's ummah chumma disease.



The Palestinians are officialy saying they "highly appreciate" these harami Indians below that subjected this innocent Kashmiri to beastly acts that even Israeli's would not dare do. Apparently the poor victim who is tied to the Indian Army jeep is a "terrorist" and India is "respected". I might have understood if to save "face" the Palestinians had sacked their ambassador but to then to go and post official notices licking India and calling Kashmir cause "terrorism" is slap to the Kashmiri cause and Pakistan.

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