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Play it Safe Sameer , Only Trust Twin Engine Jets !


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
Yesterday India held it's 71st Republic Day Parade with all the fanfare.
As the commentator announced the flypast as the highlight of the parade, something which I also keenly look forward to. This year's parade was the first since the clash of last February between India and Pakistan, hence one expected the IAF to fly the types before the general public as a tribute to those who participated in the operations. For almost a year the Indians were gloating how their Mirage-2000s struck targets inside Pakistan and later during an aerial engagement how the MiG-21 shot down an F-16. But yesterday both these aircraft were missing during the flypast as was India's 30 years in making pride and joy, Tejas which if anything should have led the flypast. But it was a show with the only twin-engine combat jets participating in small portions.The flypast was conducted in two phases with 16 fighter jets, 10 transport aircraft, and 19 helicopters. It involved 5 Jaguars, 5 MiG-29s and SU-30s flying in packets of two, three and the usual solo doing the verticle charlie with only three rolls causing Indians to have goosebumps. The absence of any single-engine present means either comment by Christian Fair have struck home or IAF simply doesn't have the confidence to fly the single-engine over public venues....as they say, if they don't fly, they don't die.
Indian airforce is the most coward force in triservice.
Special permission was given by Modi himself
Why wasn't a one off special permission granted this time to commemorate the "surgical strikes" of 26th February?

You mean the Mirages are safe enough to carry out a strike over hostile territory but deemed too dangerous to perform a simple flypast?
All single engine were prohibited from parade participation since 1989 by Prime Minister's Office.
Special permission was given by Modi himself to Tejas 2-3 few years back.

Get your head together fanboy, haven't Mirages participated since 1989.

Maybe jammer guy didn't know India do not use single Engine fighters for flypast since decades. Tejas was given an exception few years back.
I'm aware after this incident, the IAF was very cautious of flying single-engine jets over public venues but that's not been always the case.

I'm aware after this incident, the IAF was very cautious of flying single-engine jets over public venues but that's not been always the case.
Then what are you on about here? Can't find topics to troll and you have to scrape for it?:D
The absence of any single-engine present means either comment by Christian Fair have struck home or IAF simply doesn't have the confidence to fly the single-engine over public venues.
We simply don't want to fly a single engine jet flying over public or eminent persons. Tejas did fly past once after decades of ban. That's it.
Then what are you on about here? Can't find topics to troll and you have to scrape for it?:D

We simply don't want to fly a single engine jet flying over public or eminent persons. Tejas did fly past once after decades of ban. That's it.
Had you read my post before pressing the reply button, you would understand the psyche of the subject. :)
Had you read my post before pressing the reply button, you would understand the psyche of the subject. :)
ermm. The explanation is simple, which was given twice, but I guess you want some other reply.:rolleyes: Keep scraping.
ermm. The explanation is simple, which was given twice, but I guess you want some other reply.:rolleyes: Keep scraping.
Nopes, it's not as if no single-engine participated after 1989....so it's a lame excuse.
Nopes, it's not as if no single-engine participated after 1989....so it's a lame excuse.
Tejas did participate in 2017 as an exception on PMs request. It's not a lame excuse, it's safety measure. Is it that hard to comprehend?
Tejas did participate in 2017 as an exception on PMs request. It's not a lame excuse, it's safety measure. Is it that hard to comprehend?
seems you are having comprehension issues....Tejas isn't the only participant after 1989.
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