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Place of Ukraine in US Military Planning


Jan 13, 2010
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Russian Federation
While the death toll among civilians is growing in Ukraine the United States continues its policy aimed at escalation of the conflict. It offers all kinds of support to Kiev including military aid. Deputy Secretary General Ambassador Alexander Vershbow said the cooperation is going to get a new impetus with instructors sent to beef up the modernization efforts of Ukraine’s armed forces.

The US Congress is to pass a bill to provide $1 billion in loan guarantees to Ukraine. The bill authorizes an additional $100 million to bolster security cooperation among the United States, European Union and countries in Central and Eastern Europe and further authorizes the President to provide defense help and additional security assistance to Ukraine and other countries in the region. According to Igor Dolgov, Ukraine’s Ambassador to NATO, the alliance is to provide logistics and gratuitously train Ukrainian personnel. It will also intensify intelligence collecting efforts against Russia including AWACS aircraft. Anders Fogh Rasmussen says no military actions against Russia are planned, but the facts tell otherwise.

Having won the presidential election on May 25, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko secretly met with strange American delegation headed by the Director of the National Service of Covert Operations (the CIA'sNational Clandestine Service) Frank Archibald, which also included former CIA chief in Ukraine Jeffrey Egan, the current - Raymond Mark Davidson, Mark Buggy (CIA, Istanbul), Andrzej Derlatka, a CIA agent in the Polish intelligence Agency and member of CIA Kevin Duffin who is working as senior Vice President of the insurance company Brower. Poroshenko and Archibald signed paper entitled an “Agreement on Military Cooperation between the U.S. and Ukraine"…The composition of the U.S. delegation, which is rather mysterious at first glance, is explained by the fact that the professional diplomats would not understand at all what it was about, and by the fact that the U.S. Congress would not authorize the usual military cooperation agreement which involves sending military trainers and direct participation of American troops in the armed conflict in Ukraine.
However, the National Service of Covert Operations can bypass the lawmakers through channels such as private insurance company Brower, belonging to the CIA. It can provide large-scale military aid to other countries using its operatives and employees of private military contractors. Aside from the military cooperation with the United States, the Ukrainian government signed an agreement to revive the concept of LITPOLUKRBRIG(the Lithuanian – Polish – Ukrainian Brigade) to make it reach operational status. The brigade is a planned multinational formation consisting of units from the Lithuanian, Polish and Ukrainian army units. An agreement on its creation was signed on November 16, 2009.

In his remarks on “anti-terrorist operation” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with Russia Today that he felt U.S. officials were quick to blame his nation for everything going awry in Ukraine and to insist Moscow can unilaterally solve it all. Lavrov said that while those in Ukraine's east and south who defiantly oppose the Kiev-based government are "not puppets" of the Kremlin, such a characterization would describe the relationship between Ukraine's leadership in Kiev and the United States. "Americans have, I think, overwhelming influence," he said. "They act in a much more open way, without any scruples; compared to the Europeans ... You cannot avoid the impression that they are running the show very much, very much." It’s worth to note that Lugansk was shelled the very same day US Assistant Secretaryof DefenseDerek Chollet visited Kiev. According to the sources coming from Ukrainian special services, the US official was immediately involved in the planning of the punitive operation.

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said the process of the alliance expansion to the East will continue.
NATO is using the Ukrainian crisis as a smoke screen for a war plan and the US has already decided to permanently station troops in Eastern Europe”, says Harvard-educated professor Francis Boyle, a US-based expert on Russia.
NATO leaders are poised to meet in September to debate the initiative to permanently base additional forces in Eastern Europe. “This is just a trial balloon, but in reality it is a war plan unfolding here,” Boyle told RIA Novosti on May 8. “The Ukrainian crisis had been planned as well as the war. There was a war plan, there was a war game. Then it was revised and implemented.” “We are seeing steps now being taken that were planned in advance,” Boyle said, adding, “This is all being used as a pretext to bring NATO military forces, as Rasmussen said, by air, sea, and land right up to the borders of the Russian Federation. They are clearly going ahead with this.”
Boyle extolled Russia for trying to exhaust all diplomatic means possible to resolve the Ukrainian crisis, and accused the United States and NATO of deliberate escalation.

So, that the US won’t be provided with any more pretexts for hostile provocative maneuvers that they are going to take in any event,” Boyle asserted. The professor emphasized that Russian President Vladimir Putin is in a very difficult and dangerous situation and needs to be very careful. “The US has already resumed the Cold War with the neo-Nazi coup d’état in Ukraine that the United States sponsored, controlled, and directed,” he said.

In his inauguration speech on June 7 Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko promised to use his diplomatic experience to accomplish the goal of reaching an international security agreement, "I will use all my diplomatic experience to ensure the signing of an international treaty that would replace the Budapest memorandum. Such a treaty should provide reliable guarantees of peace and security, up to military support in case of a threat to [Ukraine's] territorial integrity. Any aggressor at the Ukrainian border must remember this biblical adage: he who comes with a sword will be defeated by a sword." If the stated goal comes true than the need for formal membership of Ukraine in NATO will lose relevance – the country will host NATO forces without formal accession to the alliance.

Rasmussen used the Ukrainian crisis as a pretext for calling on NATO members to increase military expenditure. Pursuing the goal of convincing the NATO member-states to hike military spending, Washington sides with Poland and the Baltic States who raise alarm over the alleged Russian threat. Obama rushed to reassure them. On his tour of Eastern Europe he made his message to the NATO countries in the region clear: “As allies we have a solemn duty, a binding treaty obligation to defend your territorial integrity and we will. We stand together now and forever, for your freedom is ours. Poland will never stand alone. But not just Poland, Estonia will never stand alone, Latvia will never stand alone, Lithuania will never stand alone, Romania will never stand alone. This are not just words, they are unbreakable commitments.” The President has also pledged a billion dollars’ worth of extra military aid for Eastern Europe’s NATO members. And he’s agreed to expand non-lethal aid to Ukraine’s new government, so it now includes items like night-vision equipment and body armor. And he was clear too that Ukraine could also reply on American moral support: “I met with President-elect Poroshenko this morning and I told him that just as free nations offered support and assistance to Poland in your transition to democracy, we stand with Ukrainians now, Ukraine must be free to choose its own future for itself and by itself.”On March 4 NATO decided to step up its military activities. The U.S. sent 12 F-16 fighter jets to Poland on the Polish government's request. The U.S. also agreed to send four F-15 jets to Lithuania. There is a U.S. Air Force presence in the Baltic States because of NATO air-patrol responsibilities, which rotate in four-month intervals between member countries. US warships moved to the Baltic and Black seas. In June the defense chiefs from Germany, Denmark and Poland, which work together in NATO's Multinational Corps Northeast, told NATO counterparts they had agreed to upgrade the readiness of the corps' headquarters in Szczecin, Poland, a NATO official said. The headquarters is likely to get more staff and equipment so it could take command of exercises and potentially any reinforcement effort needed in Eastern Europe. However, Poland, which wants large numbers of NATO troops stationed permanently on its soil, said beefing up the headquarters was not enough. "We don't want the strengthening of the command center to be seen as the only aspect of bolstering NATO presence in the east. We expect much more and we are talking about this," Polish Defence Minister Tomasz Siemoniak told reporters in Brussels.

Deputy NATO Secretary Alexander Vershbow called for NATO strategy to be reviewed.
The US President wants Congress to give him $5 billion blank check to fund contingencies aboard. The new fund would be established for the purpose. The sum is to be added to the administration’s Pentagon budget request for the upcoming fiscal year inside what’s known as the Overseas Contingency Operations Fund. The money is to be spent of foreign wars and not be included into the Defense Department’s core budget.

Talking to West Point graduates Obama said the United States will lead the world for another one hundred years. It looks more like mantra against the background of inflated public debt and rapid emergence of multipolar world. The Russia-China gas deal and the both countries’ planned switch to national currencies settlements, prospective payments in Russian national currency for European gas supplies and the tangible trend of BRICS moving to financial independence – all told it becomes evident the dollar’ status of global reserve currency is jeopardized. Japan, the US loyal ally, has already expressed its wish to join the dollar boycott threatening the very system of US-led military alliances and shaking the very foundation of US global leadership.

Sheer inertia makes the United States continue to act like if it were the only global leader. For instance, Obama says the United States armed forces are unmatched in the world, “In fact, by most measures, America has rarely been stronger relative to the rest of the world. Those who argue otherwise – who suggest that America is in decline, or has seen its global leadership slip away – are either misreading history or engaged in partisan politics. Think about it. Our military has no peer. The odds of a direct threat against us by any nation are low, and do not come close to the dangers we faced during the Cold War.

The issue of Ukraine was on the agenda of the highly secretive Bilderberggroup holding its 62ndannual conference in Denmark from May 29to June 1in Copenhagen, Denmark. This year they talked about the concerted actions of the United States and the European Union in case Russian troops enter Ukraine and the readiness of the West for a world war.

Place of Ukraine in US Military Planning > Strategic-Culture.org - Strategic Culture Foundation
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