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PLA Border Troops Training with Nail Stubbed Iron Rods and Sharp Blades Near the LAC

For fcuks sakes man, shove that democracy up your a*sre. At every turn democracy, democracy. With 20% of your population in practice living as untouchabvles and in state of abject poverty what fcukin democracy. Democracy to starve, die and being treated like a savage by higher castes?

Unbelievable ....
Democracy is the only way to peacefully transfer power from one stakeholder to the other. Otherwise it will be war..!!!
I know why your so angry with democracy, it is non functional in Pakistan, getting couped up so many times by your army causes such emotions.
In order to conceal its incompetence, the ultra-Hindu nationalist government of Modi in India will use the military to create military confrontation on the Chinese border and shift the accusations against Modi in India.

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