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Oct 3, 2005
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United States
Do you guys know that PL-9 is a reversed engineer copy of Israeli Python 3? The original Israeli Python 3 (PL-8) without the reverse engineering one (PL-9) has more than 1/3 of the range, the range was decreased in order to export the missile without violating the Israeli terms with the Chinese aircrafts like F-6/F-7/A-5/etc.

China was so faithful to Israel with the development of the missile that it didn't pass the missile with the same range or was unable to do so (unlikely) to Pakistan.

So this should tell us about how important Israel is to China in terms of defense development that Israel was kicked out of the JSF program because of the further defense collaboration with China, and it had to stop due to high reliance with the western world.

So in the end it is likely that China looks its interests first regardless of alliance (so do all the countries), and it was highly unlikely that Pakistan transfered its F-16 technologies to China. So for all those wishful thinkers from other boards who think that China would even possibly defend Pakistan against foreign invasion are highly mistaking. Brothers, Pakistan border isn't made to be protected by other foreign militaries. ;)

So its either us, or nobody.
In real world there are no allies, just interests
Webby, no1 would actually think that China would send its own troops and planes to Pakistan to protect her.
Why do we need anybodys protection anyway. Last time i checked we were a nuclear power. The US never attacks any country that actually weapons of mass destruction. The North Korean example is infront of us. SO i say this agian we dont need anybodys help we can kick *** all on our very own. :bat:
Why do we need anybodys protection anyway. Last time i checked we were a nuclear power. The US never attacks any country that actually weapons of mass destruction. The North Korean example is infront of us. SO i say this agian we dont need anybodys help we can kick *** all on our very own. :bat:


I think Webby was talking about the common mis-perception people having, that everything China's posses is accessible to Pakistan. Also if Pakistan was at War with India, They would upon a New front or redeploy to forward positions atleast.
there are no free lunches in the real world....so whoever thought so otherwise was wrong...its a give and take demand and supply world....so does anybody think russia or israel will come and defend india?
so does anybody think russia or israel will come and defend india?
Never, not that India will ever need defending against any other adversary other than the US.

but Russia has demonstrated in the past that it will help keep others off our cause, in the conflict in '71 and when we signed the friendship treaty with them, that kept China out of the scene.

Apart from that they would give the required spares, etc, missiles.

Israel would just give us all the equipment we require immediately, missiles(defensive and offensive), etc.

In the case of 71, US came to the Help of Pakistan, Like the Soviets came for India on response. But I would think those kind of days are far far over now.
Like i said, they will help keep others off our cause. Use their diplomatic leverage. Those days seem over now, but Adux, i think they will be back as Russia finds herself again.

Apart from that i read some reports that Russia literally scavenged their own MiG 29's to send spares to us during either Kargil or the2002 standoff. You will see them in our times of need. They would never help directly though.

I expect the Chinese to do atleast that much for the Pakistani's too, But Nobody is going to do anything more than supplying materials(contractual obligations but nothing out of the way) or maybe calling for peace, Not Russia, Not US, Not China for either of the two nation. Things have changed so much

I expect the Chinese to do atleast that much for the Pakistani's too, But Nobody is going to do anything more than supplying materials(contractual obligations but nothing out of the way) or maybe calling for peace, Not Russia, Not US, Not China for either of the two nation. Things have changed so much

China will do just as much. Not necessarily out of contractual obligations. I expect them to supply Pakistan with spares and munitions otherwise as well in case of a war.
Regarding China,
I find OEE's comment that Chinese will fight the Indians to the last Pakistani's is interesting comment. So i expect no direct confrontations from the Chinese wrt to India.
I agree with his statement COMPLETELY. It cannot be more correct. There will be no direct confrontation between India and China.

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