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PK maybe abandon FC31 and develop JF20 single-shot stealth fighter with Chengdu

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As per seniors block 3 won't have structural and air frame changes .. so this might be a possibility for block 4 and on ..as for engine I think ws15 would be good option until a home grown solution pops up.
J-31 has been rejected by Air Force way back. News is true we are going for J-20 but it would take few years before that comes. Meanwhile other options are under consideration
As per my knowledge of Chinese, they won't do an joint venture of hi-tech armaments with anybody especially anything proven successful & inducted in their Military. Chinese will only sell it.

If anything fails & they discontinue or not inducted in their Military they will try to dump it on others head to recover the research cost. So expect anything failed to be offered for sure.

Relationship between China and Pakistan are much deeper than you are wanting them to see. Pakistan is already producing top of the line naval (submarines), air (A2A missiles, radars, aircraft, helicopters) and land defence equipment (like offence and defence missiles, tanks, radars and more) . If China can share its military satellite data with Pakistan, everything else should be easier to share than that.
Hmm this is very smart thinking jf 17 thunder already is very less observed on radar due to very small rcs with stealth tech it can be on par with western stealth rcs... But i hope pakistan and china engineers don't leak out anymore information...these were supposed to be secret... We are supposed to wait till india announces 5th gen stealth aircraft then we can reveal ours till then work on it must go in low profile in secret.
Over-optimistic view of things.

And no, this is not smart thinking.
First may be they develop JF-17.6 jointly with China and after the success they will go for totally home production of JF-20 under project Azm.


I believe "home-owned" is a bigger need than "home-grown". On contract and for specific services, Pakistan may be hiring different resources from countries it trusts.

If you want to understand where and how "home-grown" model goes wring, look towards Tejas. No pun intended.
If anything fails & they discontinue or not inducted in their Military they will try to dump it on others head to recover the research cost. So expect anything failed to be offered for sure.
If so, any ideas about HQ-16, HQ-9, PL-10, PL-12, YJ-12, YJ-62, YJ-83, J-10C, Y-8, Type 054A, Type 056, Type 039A, and so on.
Single strike JF17 plus won't cut it

The next fighter Jet has to be a Large Fight Jet , with Stealth

JF17 Model , is fantastic 4th generation and JF17 III a great 4.5th generation craft , however
for our next step , we need to aim at 5th Generation with characteristics of a heavy craft
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google transtor (too much too lazy:))
Pakistani Ministry of Planning and Development officials confirmed that the project will expand China-Pakistan cooperation on JF-17 fighters. This is likely to indicate that Pakistan has chosen chengdu as a partner in the AZM project. The new generation of stealth fighters will be the legendary JF-17 stealth version, not Shenyang FC-31 "鹘鹰" .

The network accidentally exposed the model of three single-head stealth fighters, one of which was named JF-17.6, one could not see the sideboard number of the cockpit, and the last one was JF-20. From the appearance, the JF-17.6 and the unnamed models belong to the direct stealth improvement of the JF-17 fighter, retaining the basic aerodynamic layout of the JF-17, such as the DSI without the boundary layer air inlet, Gothic The pointed arch has a large side strip, but the side of the front fuselage adds a hidden ridgeline, and the rear fuselage is changed from a single vertical tail to a cambered double tail. JF-17.6 uses a belly-mounted semi-buried bomb and a stealth conformal weapon pod on the weapon mount. The unnamed model has a new built-in bomb bay on the belly, which is obviously more perfect in stealth design. However, it will adversely affect the flight of the aircraft due to the occupation of the internal oil space.

The JF-20's body shape has been completely redesigned, not only the nose radome is sharper, the cockpit cover is more integrated into the front fuselage, the transition between the lower surface of the fuselage and the wing is smoother, and JF-17 is also eliminated. The pointed arch is large. Like the unrecognized model, the JF-20 has a large bomb bay on the belly. This machine is obviously the best high-end solution in stealth performance of the three schemes. Of course, this means that the development cost is the highest.

The reason why the Pakistan Air Force did not focus on the spot-based FC-31, and finally chose to fly to develop a single-engine stealth fighter based on JF-17. The main reason is the high procurement and maintenance cost of the dual-engine fighter. Take air power in a certain area as an example. In 2009, the cost per hour of F-16A/B flight was $4,900, and the cost of flying F-CK-1A/B fighters per hour was as high as $7,700. It can be seen. The Pakistani Air Force with limited military spending has a long history of operating single-engine fighters, and its active main fighters Mirage III/5, J-7, JF-17, and F-16 are all single-engine, so they continue to be used in the AZM project. The single shot design is also understandable.
Firstly one has to ask how reliable the source is. The Chinese are not known to "accidentally reveal" three design of stealth fighters so there maybe issues with the authenticity of this website.
Secondly where is the engine going to come from. If we are at design phase why not collaborate with the Turks who are at a similar phase and produce a hybrid with the Turkish sourced engine. I remain concerned about the pace of Chinese engine manufacturing and its ability to produce an engine. However 10 years is a long time and I am sure our Chinese friends will have made huge strides by that time.

Interesting, so they are working on two variants which is JF-17.6 which might be a new stealthy version of the JF-17 while JF-20 seems a new design while keeping in the goodies that come from the design structure of the JF-17.
Might be interesting, not to forget, we might not restrict ourselves to these two only but also a participant in the Turk stealth fighter project.
Having multiple stealth platforms in the inventory is really what's gonna help as it will be harder for the enemy to pre plan a light plan based on the weaknesses of a single platform.
There will not be twenty different projects. There will only be one. The question remains which. If J10c comes along the it means WS10 has matured which in turn means!Chinese endeavours are bearing fruits.

Hmm this is very smart thinking jf 17 thunder already is very less observed on radar due to very small rcs with stealth tech it can be on par with western stealth rcs... But i hope pakistan and china engineers don't leak out anymore information...these were supposed to be secret... We are supposed to wait till india announces 5th gen stealth aircraft then we can reveal ours till then work on it must go in low profile in secret.
The RCS shoots up when you hang weapons on. So Either there is a concealed bay which is impossible on such a small plane or we go the F15 Silent eagle way which might not be a bad idea. However Somehow I dont th8nk it will work and we have to have a dual engined version.
Can you tell me which countries are developing lightweight stealth fighters?
And how can the lightweight fighter take enough missiles and bombs inside?
You must know that F-35 is close to a heavy-weight fighter aircraft.
I got ur point u mean medium and heavy platform are useful
Can you tell me which countries are developing lightweight stealth fighters?
And how can the lightweight fighter take enough missiles and bombs inside?
You must know that F-35 is close to a heavy-weight fighter aircraft.
Agreed.Add to that there is no engine that can be auitable for a medium weight single engined strike AC.
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