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Pir Pagara sees ‘revolution’ coming



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Feb 23, 2009
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Pir Pagara sees ‘revolution’ coming

Updated at: 1704 PST, Saturday, March 07, 2009

KARACHI: Chief of Pakistan Muslim League (Functional) Pir Pagara Saturday said a ‘revolution’ is on its way to the country.

Talking to newsmen here at Kingri House, he said just like Chaudhry brothers the political future of Sharif brothers is also bleak.

“If people would say wrong things and commit wrong deeds, it automatically paves way for a marshal law,” Pir Pagara predicted.

He observed that the lawyers’ work is to fight cases and not to hold long marches.
Pagaro is in the habit of making alot of 'predictions' these days. Maybe he could become a new federal minister for fortune-telling. Anyway, if the boots do walk into the presidency again who would it be led by? I dont think Kayani would be interested (he seems as though he's not really into petty politics). So if its not him, who else could it be?

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