Serbia is in Balkans, Greece is like islands they've always been there.
Sure Turks have some of that blood (mixes) but we have blood from asia Turkic people, that's why we feel Azebeijan, Turkmenistan and other Turkic countries are the same people like us.
India and Pakistan, haven't they both lived together like forever in the same area as one nation?
Do inform me, from what I know you were like 1 country, then came the british and made you into separate countries.
Ottoman empire is different, greece, balkans and others were part of an empire, they had leaders from their own people they didn't really mix with Turks in Anatolia today.
It was more like a partnership and not 1 country.
Think of it like NATO but all member countries have same army, same law but different countries. We never changed their language or religion by force, that is why you have so many christians and other languages in former ottoman lands today.
It was more like a union, like the EU where Merkel is the Sultan.