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Pious Erdogan government wants to revive Cannabis production

We used Opium plant when it was not used as drugs for many things. Animals like it, we used in foods. In the 50´s our village had a lot of opium vegetation. It grow on it self, when it was used as drugs our goverment have forbidden in 50´s. it is still forbidden what i now, but some places in Turkey it is cultivated. Like hashas or cannabis it have good things for medical.
Of course for money but does the Quran not explicitly say drugs are forbidden? Looks like the Islamists gave up on tech development (with the secularist aborting Turkey) and will do what the Afghani’s are doing. Doubt this will safe Turkey though. We are loosing our morality, ironically under an Islam government.

Cannabis is not an addictive drug. It has temporary displacement effects in the brain but it is completely natural and has a lot of mental and health benefits if consumed in moderation.

Big pharma was the one that turned cannabis into 'drugs' and sadly we all aped the US big pharma in our regulations.

Many independent researchers have shown that cannabis is actually a solution for many forms of cures including some cancers which drug companies don't want people to use and heal. Turks will do humanity a lot more benefit if they legalize cannabis.

I hope India follows the suit.
lol , i am sure prices would come down if it was legal. After all it is only a very common plant that is very easy to grow and everyone can grow in their own home.
yeh it would surely come down!
Of course for money but does the Quran not explicitly say drugs are forbidden? Looks like the Islamists gave up on tech development (with the secularist aborting Turkey) and will do what the Afghani’s are doing. Doubt this will safe Turkey though. We are loosing our morality, ironically under an Islam government.
sorry but this idea is stupid:)
People who overtly support cannabis are pot heads. I know these people. They are not good for society.
I don't know @Sinan but you are making too many conclusion based on very little information. That is not good for society.

There are many drugs that are used regularly for medicinal purposes, including codeine and morphine. I don't know much about cannabis, but some studies indicate that they can be useful for a variety of health conditions, from pain and nausea to PTSD.

I can support that without supporting recreational use.
You must be a Cannabis User otherwise you wouldn’t talk like this. I’m not against medical use (none smoking) but you have other intentions...
Why don't you just understand that, these are cultivated under the direct control of the state and ordinary citizen can't access the production, it's like that they are on sale.

Even if i had been drug user, i wouldn't have access on those produced stuff....it's all regulated by the state.

I think in the West governments have given up on on persecuting cannabis users also for recreation use. This persecution of users did nothing to eliminate the users and labeled many ordinary citizens as criminals.

Today more and more countries realize that this is pointless and and that the goverment should not stick their noses into people private lives.

Personally i think this region can use some Cannabis to relax instead of getting involved in stupid wars. I dont think it is a coincidence that in the 60th , the peace movement in the US came along with the use of cannabis . Seems Cannabis makes people want to make love and not war.

Map of countries in US where cannabis is legal :

Usage of any type of drugs is illegal in Turkey and it's gonna stay that way.

I don't know @Sinan but you are making too many conclusion based on very little information. That is not good for society.

There are many drugs that are used regularly for medicinal purposes, including codeine and morphine. I don't know much about cannabis, but some studies indicate that they can be useful for a variety of health conditions, from pain and nausea to PTSD.

I can support that without supporting recreational use.
I'm not supporting anything, i just gave info about the current situation.

We can discuss what the reason behind sudden cannabis plantation renewal but tying this to drug related issues are plain stupid. Nobody is going to smoke that stuff.
I'm not supporting anything, i just gave info about the current situation.

We can discuss what the reason behind sudden cannabis plantation renewal but tying this to drug related issues are plain stupid. Nobody is going to smoke that stuff.
My post was in response to Taskforce, not you.
Usage of any type of drugs is illegal in Turkey and it's gonna stay that way.

This was this situation too in Israel. But in a few months we are going to try to move to a new model of limited decriminalization.

Which means : first time you are caught you get a fine ( something like 250$) , second time double fine . And only on the third , you will have to do some study course or risk a criminal record.

Still , many people are not happy with that , and argue that the police should not hassle ordinary people . Their are often demonstrations here demanding total legalization.

See here :

Israelis Rally for Weed in Tel Aviv

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In Turkey we also have such people who want to use pot and that the government shouldn’t intervene. These are enemies of the people and want to destroy the fabric of society for personal pleasure.
In Turkey we also have such people who want to use pot and that the government shouldn’t intervene. These are enemies of the people and want to destroy the fabric of society for personal pleasure.

I am not for allowing drugs but I just want to point out the idiotic logic of ppl and the idotic laws:

as long as alcohol is legal there is no logic discussion about drugs.. even some drugs wich are considered as evil are not as worse as alcohol... I think ppl suffer from brain damage because of alcohol.. or some alcoholics think they are better than someone who smokes weed that is just pure arrogance or they are just parrots of the industry..

I never saw a weedyhead hurting his wife, children or mom.. the compleate discussion is fail in all parts you can imagine..! alcohol has no benefit its just destruction everywhere just a legal drug industry (except alcohol for desinfection).. on the other side you can make paper, clothes, thermal insulation, omega 3 oil, drugs, protein, snaks, from hemp plants.. banning the non leathal version of hemp is irrational..

better we begin with our own production of the nonleathal hemp.. and if we do so then we should boost our industry with it like creating paper or making clothes with it.. I do not know if it also could be used to create biogas..??

These are enemies of the people and want to destroy the fabric of society for personal pleasure

if use this as your logic then alcohol is some of the worst.. than you could also say it destroyes the fundaments of the society the family..

just give death panalty for all drugs >50g
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