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Civil Chopper Pilots never used NVG still they fly at night...Thatswhy i say that NVG is a added advantage.What if there are no stars and moon how will the Pilot use his NVG then?

These equipments like GPWS,ADF,Doppler Nav and Radio Altimeter are more useful than the NVG which doesnt tell you your height or way but just paints everything in green and displays it.

If a Pilot gets lost at night he cannot use his NVG to find a way but if he has ADF he can home onto AIR station(yeah all india radio stations) and find his way to the nearest city.Anyways thats another topic all together relating to Air Navigation which is not related to this topic.

I don't mean to say NV is tops and all other systems are useless. Yes, the pilot takes info
from a multitude of systems to make his way, but the NV is a capability present on each
and every modern helicopter flying today.

It would have been better if they had NV too, but still they did a great job without
I don't mean to say NV is tops and all other systems are useless. Yes, the pilot takes info
from a multitude of systems to make his way, but the NV is a capability present on each
and every modern helicopter flying today.

It would have been better if they had NV too, but still they did a great job without

Thats what i said.They are a added advantage and much more useful for attack helicopter pilots who fly low at night in formations.
Thats what i said.They are a added advantage and much more useful for attack helicopter pilots who fly low at night in formations.

The dangers and mission profiles to and of civilians and military men and machines are inherently different so there will naturally be different tactics and equipment employed in both scenarios.
The dangers and mission profiles to and of civilians and military men and machines are inherently different so there will naturally be different tactics and equipment employed in both scenarios.

and Military use is the primary reason why technologies are invented.Most of the hi-tech technology in use today was used by the military first and then put into civilian use.

Bottom line being which company will give enough cash for it...only great nations can afford research and development of that scale.
and Military use is the primary reason why technologies are invented.Most of the hi-tech technology in use today was used by the military first and then put into civilian use.

HUDs on modern civilian airliners jumping out as an obvious example.
HUDs on modern civilian airliners jumping out as an obvious example.

HUDs,RADAR,Swept Back Wings,SSR...the list goes on and on.

I remember my first lecture on Air Navigation by a class Alpha Instructor of the IAF(retd) who had taught Iraqi Pilots Air Navigation and his first line was.."Folks,let me tell you that most of the technology that you use or will be using was first used by the military and then only we let you guys get a hand on it"

Well those were the memorable training days and on the same day my second class was of Meteorology and this time the instructor was wearing a Rhino squadron cap and i asked 'Sir are you from the Rhino squadron'..he smiled and nodded his head.Tried to impress him with all the knowledge i have gathered on PDF..spoke for about 3-4 minutes and he listens very carefully smiles and says "You are telling me that"...and i am like "how dare i do that lol"

Anyways,my point being hats off to these people who served in the IAF when technology was not that good.When i am in their position i sometimes feel how challenging it is...technology makes life so easy.Nowadays aircrafts are such that just as they are about to stall the stick pusher comes in and applies 40lbs of force on the control column and everything is good.
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