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Picture of the Day

Majestic Hunza Nagar,

It looks like a painting.

Rubbish turned into art.

View attachment 64751
Turkish artist Nilay Gunduz, 24, creates art out from the rubbish we throw away. Gunduz, who lives in southeastern city of Gaziantepe, collects her materials from dumpsters and vacant properties and transforms them into art. Gunduz has created over 700 works of art using recycle materials, and is currently working on a portrait of the founder of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, made from 20 kilos of pistachio nut shells. (photo: Zeki Gunay/DHA)[/QUOTE
Rubbish turned into art.

Ooofff...That idiot actually thinks her art is cool..
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