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Picture of the Day



Thanks for coming out for Kashmir.
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A cow kissing Pakistani flag.


You've got a beautiful talent MaShaAllah. Pakitan needs your photography to capture its beauty and share with the world. If you've got a collection of your work, a portfolio website etc, please share details.

Thanks a lot for your appreciation. Comments like yours really boost the morale of photographers. Right now, I am in the process of making a website.I will upload details as soon as I have finished.Thank you.
Those v hard working yet simple generation (left) were muslims with Insight. Why cant we not be 1-muslims 2-with insight. Otherwise leftover are just androids and even worse.
At least some definition will be better than the lopsided confused nation we are now.

Thanks a lot for your appreciation. Comments like yours really boost the morale of photographers. Right now, I am in the process of making a website.I will upload details as soon as I have finished.Thank you.

Masha Allah. May Allah bless you success and if you are doing it for yourself, may you be successful and if you are doing it for yourself and the Nation, then may you both be successful.
Photo credit: Awais Yaqub

Mohabbat Khan Mosque, Peshawar


We need to protect our Architectural Heritage...

All our major cities are ancient... It is painful sight that so much precious heritage has been negelected and is in very poor shape for so long...

Anyway, many thanks for sharing!!!
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