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WTF are they selling to kids :angry:
@The Sandman @Hell hound @Moonlight @Divergent1 @Arsalan @Musafir117 @RealNapster @I.R.A

????? Couldn't see the images.
There should be some common sense really. I mean, how can even that shop keeper sell these? This is bad, lets just put this one on government too, government should ban it

Yeh is bachnay walay ko ni sharm aai ge ksis 2 class ka bachy ko yeh dyty hua? Where are our own moral values?

Thanks for sharing it here.
common sense and Pakistan? the two have not met sadly.
Same as my wife.

And i always end up broke after shopping.

Mac,Chanel,Mary Kay,Sheishido,Arden,VC... Never heard these names till got married.

Now I get scared whenever i hear em.

Lmao my future Husband will also be familiar with these names and more :P
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