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Digging $ ?

... i think they just found WMD in another resouces-rich muslim state, like they did in Iraq. Now siging a resolution in UN SC to ban everything so that State could kneel down otherwise they'll invade n distroy it in name of WoT.

hahahah Sir kuch to chor dijiye . hamaray liye bhi :cheesy:

F-86 main bhi app , Mirage , F-16's bhi apkay ...

Please ab atleast a Lambo and the Chick must be mine , i wana check her TTW ratio....

I am sure he also flew F104, F6, T33, T37, Mushaks

A Palestinian takes drastic measures to protect himself against tear gas fired by Israeli soldiers at the weekly protest against the West Bank barrier in the village of Bilin. (AP Photo/Nasser Ishtayeh)

The Umayyad Mosque, Damascus. One of the oldest mosques in the world.


An old man weaving Silk in Syria.

A festival in Syria, where Musicians and Dancers highlighted the exchange of culture, goods and ideas generated from the Silk Route.

The Roman Amphitheatre of Bosra near Darra, 100 Km south of Damascus.

Temple of Baal in Palmyra (Syria) which dates back from the first century AD. It is considered the most important religious building in the MiddleEast of that time.

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The Ruins of Palmyra (200 Km from Damascus)

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Ruins of Palmyra.

A little girl in the ancient city of Apamea, 55 km to the northwest of Hama (Syria)
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